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Music Discussion Board
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YOUTUBE has changed the way it codes it's Video Embed's. To make it work now you must right-click on the Video itself, and select 'Copy Embed HTML'. The Embed link under the Video does NOT work at present on BrainKing.
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Radiant2007 :-): No! No music plays when I come onto this board unless I click on it. I thought you were saying music starts playing when you get here.
Tigger: Awwww, you did great!! Good to see you out there doing something with your music. God loves to hear His children sing.
rod03801: You're right, that's about his most famous song. I knew all the words, did you? I had an experience with Margaritas in Puerto Vallarta in 1984 that's pretty outrageous. I was really disappointed I left my earcuff with the Pakistani star and crescent somewhere at the fiesta or in the cab on the way back to the hotel. No telling what I left that I just don't remember. I do know I was commode hugging most of the night after we got back to the hotel. It was the night I scared my friend to death when I crawled under a bus to get our tickets I'd dropped. Somehow, I assumed the bus driver understood me when I said, "Just a second." And, that was before the Margaritas. I don't drink much anymore. Aren't you glad? Jim Dandy: Jimmy Buffet owns a chain of bars called Margaritaville Caribbean. We should all meet down there some time, and check it out. Then, we could all be in heaven.
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