The place to review or just chat about all Music & Videos.
Music Discussion Board
Feel free to talk about ANY Music you are interested in.
Embedding files from YouTube is welcome on this board.
Also any Hyper Links you wish to use.
This is a public board. All members, regardless of membership level (this includes pawns) are welcome to post here.
YOUTUBE has changed the way it codes it's Video Embed's. To make it work now you must right-click on the Video itself, and select 'Copy Embed HTML'. The Embed link under the Video does NOT work at present on BrainKing.
Please note - ANY material posted here deemed offensive or plagiarized will be removed immediately. The posting user(s) will be banned. This is not negotiable. Plagiarism is posting any original writings of another person without proper reference. Such material will be removed to avoid copyright infringements.
Förteckning över diskussionsforum
Du har inte tillstånd att skriva på denna sida. Lägsta nivå på medlemskap för att kunna skriva i detta forum är Brain Springare.
MASTERMIND: that was uncalled for Al, you have no need to put me down on here. I don't have the record, so I don't know. Since you do, why don't you tell us...
As a moderator of the board, I'm sure you understand I have to ask you to please refrain from any flaming. Enough now, ok?
Not trying to butt in or get involved in this, but what does having a brain crammed with useless trivia have to do with being able to love and appreciate music?
nivabef: Nothing. Baddessi is more than qualified to moderate this board. Having any knowledge of music isn't necessary to moderate, but having the ability to solve problems and understand how to handle people is. Baddessi has PHD in this area. She's even had to mod me a few times and we're good friends! That's another good characteristic of a competent moderator. She doesn't show favoritism. She's fair to all. ;)
Barb you do an excellent job and we're all lucky to have you on the mod team!!!
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