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This band appeared at Woodstock, and 2 weeks later here at the Texas Pop Festival. As you all know, I was there. Here is their story in 3 segments - a BBC special. The Incredible String Band:
TexasToest: WOW,you struck gold!!! I love finding that kind of stuff.At first,I thought it was a parody,kinda Spinal Tap'ish,(maybe Billy's involvement made me wonder) for the first minute or so.Learning of bands such as them helps connect the dots of influence,I hear some Jethro Tull amongst many others.
Jim Dandy: You're most kind, Jim the Dandiest. But, you've outdone me in sheer numbers. I also thought it wasanother silly fake documentary, and was delighted to find it not so. Their style really has changed, and I too hear other influences in there, especially their own culture which I think in the 60s they tried to mask. It takes us a while in life to come to accept what actually formed us.
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