Sally moved swiftly from tree to tree, keeping her eyes pealed for the man in the black hat, it would not be good for him to get to the clearing now, she had to intercept him and steer him in the right direction. She had only dealt with two men at the same time, once before. It turned out alright, but it was difficult to manage. She was nearing the woods end near the country club now and could hear someone shouting a name. Sheriff? well now, this puts a very nice twist on things. a Sheriff's wife, that would be rather nice. It would give her the status and respect she longed for. she moved cautiously forward and could finally make out the lights of the country club through the leaves. She saw movement a little ways from the edge of the woods. she strained her eyes to watch what was happening.
Suddenly she heard a snap, it was behind her, it was not loud, probably not audible to the average human ear, but she was not an average human....
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