"Object of the game is to mate the opponents king. Stalemate is a draw. Also, when a player has no rook, bishop, or knight anymore, the other player must mate him within a certain number of moves, depending on how many `big' pieces the player has, otherwise the game is declared a draw. The precise numbers are omitted here (also, my sources on this seem to contradict - is there a native player of this game who can provide full information on this topic?). "
The rules at Chessvariants are not certain about this subject. Would you have any other source of reliable information?
(dölj) Om du väntar på din tur, klicka då på "ändra" intill "Uppdatera" på huvudsidan. Sätt "Tidsintervall för att uppdatera startsidan och spelsidorna" till 30 sekunder för att snabbare få upp partierna där det är din tur att dra på skärmen. (Servant) (Visa alla tips)