I have very few sources available to me on changgi, and none authoritative: can you confirm the stalemate rule for changgi that I have seen described as occuring when one side has given up the right to win by using his king to check the opposing king across an open file? That is, if he actually succeeds and wins, it is no win because he had resorted to using the king in this way.
I infer that you play both xiangqi and changgi: do you think that the slightly weaker cannon of changgi but its greater pawn strength from the opening move and the lack of movements restricted by a river make it a bit more enjoyable than xiangqi? I confess that the elongated knight move of the changgi elephant is still a bit difficult for me to deploy effectively.
By the way, would you know why the commonly available changgi pieces are octagonal and the nicer, wooden ones are round -- ease of carving, aesthetics?
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