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MagicDragon: No hun. if you are going for high speed then dont bother buying a modem as u wont need it unless u you want to make faxes. You need the network card in order to get the highspeed connected to your computer. So when you go to purchase your system tell them you need a network card included in the system (expect to pay about 15 bucks for them) But in order to get your highspeed connection you need this one card, purchased one time for your system. Its where you will plug your highspeed in to your system. Hope this helps!
Rose: Network Card? When I ordered the new comp, they never mentioned it to me let alone knowing about it. On this comp, everytime I look under for High Speed, I need a DSL modem for it unfortunately
(dölj) Trött på att placera ut båtar eller pjäser i Spionage i början på partier? Du kan gå till Spelredigeraren och spara en del av dina favoritpositioner för framtida användning. (pauloaguia) (Visa alla tips)