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Who says i spend too much time here ? lol I just spent 4 hours going through and try alot of add-ons for Firefox, all 2,468 of them There are some really neat ones to add along with the one that Mr, Shumway gave us earlier for resizing these message area boxes.
MadMonkey: The coolest new feature on firefox is when u accidentally crash or have to reboot and u go to open firefox it says do you want to restore all windows you had open? I had 5 windows open before i had to do an emerg reboot and it opened them all back up.. way kool! I love firefox!!
Rose: I know, i have had the same when i crashed. There are loads of Tab add-ons, double click to reload, all Tabs different colors, and the one i like is a permanent Tab add-on, which obviously does what it says, you can set as many Tabs as you like to be permanent. So i have 3 Brainking ones there all the time now. Another great one is a Searchbar Autosizer box for Google, its only about 1cm wide now and grows the more you type in there & shrinks the URL box at the same time lol, way cool
(dölj) Trött på att behöva göra 2 eller 3 musklick för att till en viss sida? Betalande medlemmar kan lägga in sidan på sin Sambandsmeny. (pauloaguia) (Visa alla tips)