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If you already have a printer why bother? Just buy a cheap scanner. It is my experience that home users only ever use a scanner about 1% of all PC usage time. So why spend big money on one if your not gonna get the use (like a DTP, or Web Designer would?).
To answer your question though, yes they are good for many reasons. They save space, one unit only.
You get a Printer, Scanner, Photocopier, Fax (providing you have the software) and the quality and price these days is great.
Well I do have a scanner, but it won't work on my XP computer, it does work on my ME one, but it only scans once on it, then it won't work until I have closed it all down and booted up again.
It has a USB connection, it doesn't say whether it is a USB2 fast connection or not.
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