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Ämne: Re: W-O-W.....What a story...............................
☼ajtgirl☼: I'm an avid library patron and get most (if not all) of the books I read from there (DVD's also) And if they don't have it, they'll borrow it for me from another county in the area & they're open seven days a week, what more could I ask?
someone recommended to me not long ago, can't remember the author or title, but it is definately newer, I believe it's about abuse of some sort or another, the author is definately a woman, and it has an odd sort of title....Ring a bell with anyone? I'm stumped...
Also, just so you know, Stephen King and comedic author Dave Barry are very good friends, Dave talks about King all throughout his non-fiction books and they are in a band together (I'm racking my brain trying to remember the name of the group, it'll come to me and I'll get back)
ajtgirl: Yes, yes, yes...blew me away...I've always told my elder son he should read "The Stand" someday when he found the time (he doesn't have much) & when he bought it home from the library last month, to my surprize it was different! The first edition published in 1978 was edited by Stephen King due to the publishers insistence that it was too long, so it was cut some 500 pages (he had the choice to do it himself or let the publisher do it, so he did, thank goodness)...The "complete and uncut edition" was done in 1991 & even tho I'm only a quarter of the way into it, it's different, really different, much more indepth, the way King intended it to be from the get-go, I guess.....I'm in my glory right now, if I could not go to work I'd read it from start to finish.....I also LOVE Stephen King, a very, very talented writer
Hi - believe it or not, my first time stopping by, even tho I'm an avid reader. For those of you who read the original Stephen King novel "The Stand" way back when...Have any of you read the "uncut" version done in the 1990's? I'm in the midst of it now and loving the story all over again
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