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12. oktober 2006, 02:08:43
Ämne: Searching for a novel.....
someone recommended to me not long ago, can't remember the author or title, but it is definately newer, I believe it's about abuse of some sort or another, the author is definately a woman, and it has an odd sort of title....Ring a bell with anyone? I'm stumped...

12. oktober 2006, 02:18:43
Ämne: Re: Searching for a novel.....
Ändrat av ajtgirl (12. oktober 2006, 02:19:15)

The Glass Castle by Jeannetee Walls perhaps
It's in our library here at the Books Fellowship

Check above to the requesty lists
If this is the book you want I have it here at home and can send it to you

Did you read the Dark Tower Series? by SK

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