Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.
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I have tomatoes...both Grosse Lisse and Cherry...have Cues, Capsicum, Zucchini,10mil silver beet plants LOL...beans..both Green and Butter, potatoes, and am putting in sweet potatoes over the next week. My soil is a very sandy loam and anything will grow....we have just taken 1/2 of my 1/4 acre and are turning it into a tropical rainforesty type thing....I have before pics, and will also get pics when it gets a bit more established....we have already planted about 200 plants (including moses edging and mondo grass)...have about 50-60 more cuttings to plant when they establish a bit more....but will give pics when i am able to.
Foxy sorry about the down load timing of the pics but didnt have time to doctor them as geo cities is a bugger of a sight to upload anything to these days....not like the olde worlde days LOLOL
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