Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.
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i worked in Hamilton about/more than 40 years ago LOLOL....worked at the Hamilton Hotel which was THE BEST back then and I actually met Vera Lynn and her husband? when they stayed there...
BerniceC:Hamilton hotel has gone, and our weather is great for growing at the moment, half way thru botteling our beetroot. Getting the garden ready for the winter vegies
skipinnz: I should be able to start getting my garden ready for vegies etc late March/early in the tropics really spoils for growing vegies, so we plant our lettuce/summer vegies and also small amount of winter vegies all at the same time...I have had sweet potatoes in since last July....havent got a darn thing off them....just been far too hot
The grand old Hotel has gone? OMgoodness...really? did they build another in its place?...havent been to Hamilton in over 25-30 years :)
BerniceC:They didn't build a new hotel, but the place certainly has changed. You might miss out on some vegetable growing in the tropics but you can grow lots more fruit, now thats go to be a plus.
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