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11. september 2006, 23:34:29
Ämne: Captured pieces
Here is the deal with captured pieces. The one reason is that it adds an element of skill to the game. You mus t use the notes feature to decide for yourself. the spy is the piece that identifies the pieces so if you capture the piece before it is ID' then you have to Guess what that piece was and notes would be almost pointless. Note taking is very easy. Here is an example of my notes. CAptured pieces: 1,2,3,2,1,sap,SPy,SPy,5,4,1,

11. september 2006, 23:54:45
Ämne: Re: Captured pieces
Nothingness: But there's no reason not to show a record of pieces that have been captured, especially the known ones. Use a question mark for unknown pieces if you must, but put up a list. Computers are great at keeping track of stuff for us. Let's make the game better by letting it do this menial task for us. You can still use notes for things like losing a capture attempt to a higher piece and other details that the better players record but that novices do not.

12. september 2006, 21:51:11 
Ämne: Re: Captured pieces
Thad: I agree with Thad - the game how it is now is beter played with people who have time to keep track of things in the notes - where for someone like me who likes to play fast, it takes too much time messing with 1 games.

Also like Thad said, if the captured pieces is unkown, then mark it with a ? - only if it was revealed with a spy first should the actuall captured pieces be shown (or beter yet, show what the pieces was captured with - so if it was captured with a 2, then a ?-2 - that way you know it was either a 1, 2, spy, or sapper) - but I would be happy with just a ?

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