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30. augusti 2017, 12:45:33
Lyme Disease Won’t Touch You If You Follow These Tips!

The most ideal approach to prevent Lyme disease is to stay away from regions where deer ticks thrive, particularly lush, rugged, wooded regions with long grass. You can reduce the danger of getting affected from Lyme sickness with some basic safety measures.

Check out some amazing tips and Lyme won’t be able to touch you at all.

Cover Your Body Properly – While hiking, camping or visiting in lush or wooded regions, you must wear shoes or boots, long trousers/jeans tucked into your socks, a full sleeved shirt, a cap and gloves. Make an attempt to stay on trails and try not to stroll through low shrubs and long grass. If you have brought your dog with you, then keep it on a chain.

Utilise Bug Repellent – Apply bug repellent with a high volume of DEET chemical on your skin. If you’re camping or hiking with kids, then apply this repellent on their skin also, just make sure you avoid the eyes and mouth. Remember that these chemical repellents can be lethal, so follow all the directions on the product carefully. You can also apply items with permethrin on your garments or purchase pre-treated clothing before visiting forests or wooded areas.

Give Your Best Effort To Make Your Yard Tick-Proof – Clean all the areas where ticks might thrive, also keep the woodpiles at a place where direct sunlight is available.

Check Yourself, Your Kids, And Pets For Ticks – You need to stay quite careful after visiting or spending a few days in wooded areas. Unless you search carefully, you may not discover Deer ticks as they’re often not bigger than the head of a pin. It's important to take a bath when you come back to your home after camping or hiking. Ticks frequently stay on your skin for a considerable length of time before sticking themselves. Showering and utilising a towel may remove the unattached ticks.

Try Not To Think That You're Safe – Nobody is immune from this disease, and you can get affected from Lyme disease more than once.

Expel A Tick As Quickly As Possible With Help Of Tweezers – Delicately get the tick from its head or mouth area. Try not to press, squeeze or smash the tick, instead pull properly and carefully. After you've extracted the whole tick, dump it and apply antiseptic cream on the bitten area.

Perform Daily Checks To Find Ticks

Here are a few areas where you need to look for Lyme disease causing ticks, if any.

- In and around the ears
- Under the arms
- Around the waist & abdomen
- Between the legs
- Back of the knees
- Inside the belly button
- In and around all head and body hair

Don’t forget to check your clothes and pets for ticks since they may bring ticks into the house.
26. augusti 2017, 07:54:31
Scared Of Lyme Disease? Follows These Tips To Stay Safe!

Today, Lyme disease is one of the fastest growing diseases in Australia. A few decades back, Lyme disease was only prevalent in the Northern Hemisphere, especially in the USA. However, now Lyme disease cases have been reported quite frequently in Australia and other parts of the Southern Hemisphere as well.

The Lyme disease bacteria can be transmitted to human by a bite of an infected tick. If a person gets infected, then he/she would develop various symptoms such as a bull’s eye rash, fever, arthritis, and etc. If proper treatment isn’t provided at the right time, then the patient could develop an altered level of consciousness.

Remember, it not necessary that all tick bites must result in Lyme disease, but it's always better to get proper checkups to make sure you don’t have it.

Check out these few suggestions that will help keep you tick-free.

Make Your Yard A Tick-Proof Area – Do you know that moisture is the reason for attracting ticks? So, make sure that you move loads of grass and wood to sunny areas, so that they dry out immediately. Don’t forget to consider getting your property professionally cleaned with insecticides. If you have the yard, garden, backyard, or patio treated & cleaned at least twice a year, then you could reduce the chance of ticks significantly.

Wear Clothes With Light Colours/Shades – When you plan to visit places that are seen as high-risk areas of getting a tick bite, then simply by wearing light-coloured clothing you can increase the chances of spotting ticks easily. Don’t forget to wear sleeves shirts, full length pants, and tuck your pants into your socks. Try not to wear sandals, and go for fully protected shoes, so that fewer patches of skin are exposed.

Put Spray On Your Clothing – If you’re making plans to visit or stay in a high-risk area and want to stay safe from Lyme disease, then you can effectively repel ticks by spraying the clothes clothing and outdoor equipment with a repellent that has a chemical known as permethrin in it.

Try Scented Oil – Are you planning to visit a grassy, wooded, or bushy area, you can use a product with oil of lemon eucalyptus on your skin. These types of products not only repel ticks, but leave behind a nice & fresh smell as well.

Check Your Pets – You need to take proper care of the pets (especially dogs) in your family, if you wish to keep ticks away from your family. To reduce the risk of infection from your pets, you need to check them thoroughly before they come inside. This will not only lessen the risk of infection for you and your family, but it’s also quite beneficial for the pets as well. Consult a veterinarian if you wish to use flea and tick collars on your pets.
24. augusti 2017, 08:12:33
How To Know If A Person Has Adrenal Fatigue?

Getting tired after a day’s work is something we all have to face everyday. It’s a simple part of life that difficult to run away from. But, do you realise that this tiredness might not be as normal as you think, and it might be something that requires your immediate attention?

Adrenal fatigue is a type tiredness that affects a many Australians in various ways, and you could be suffering from it right now without even realising it.

Check out these ways to figure out if you are struggling with normal tiredness or if it’s adrenal fatigue.

Having Trouble In Getting Out Of Bed – One of the leading causes of adrenal fatigue is insufficient sleep. The adrenal glands simply collapse and fail to perform properly with lack of quality and adequate sleep. A person dealing with the adrenal fatigue problem often wakes up in the morning feeling extremely tired no matter how much sleep they have had.

Extreme Level Of Fatigue – Extremely high levels of fatigue, tiredness or laziness everyday shouldn’t be neglected ever. Yes, it’s true that with ageing we all see a notable drop in our energy levels, but still there’s a clear difference between usual tiredness and something more. Make sure you visit your doctor, if you fail to achieve any relief from your exhaustion and tiredness, even after getting proper rest and sleep you get or eating a healthy diet.

Problem In Managing Stress – It’s a fact that a lot of individuals are incapable of managing stress effectively. Sometimes many individuals seem to suddenly lose the capability of managing stress, even if they were once quite capable of handling it. When you start feeling a sudden change in your capability to handle stress, immediately visit an expert doctor and let them know about your incapability of managing stress.

Excessive Craving For Salty/Sweet Foods – You need to keep a track of your food cravings. If you’ve a craving for salty/sweet food items quite often or have developed a new craving for salty foods that wasn’t there before, then there’s a strong possibility your body is telling you that the adrenal glands aren’t performing properly. The sodium levels in your body drop when the adrenal glands are depleted, this results in causing the craving for a substitute like salty/sweet foods.

Too Much Energy In The Evenings/Nights – An individual suffering from adrenal fatigue may feel as if he has excessive energy in the evenings/nights. Levels of Cortisol are at the peak in the morning, and then they drop during the daytime, before reaching a high level again in the evening.

A few other adrenal fatigue symptoms you need to keep an eye on:

- dizziness
- low libido
- joint pains
- dark circles under the eyes

Do you think that all these things look similar to your present health condition? If yes, then make sure you get proper adrenal fatigue treatment by visiting an expert doctor.
21. augusti 2017, 08:57:15
Chronic Fatigue Is Real And Needs Your Attention Now!

At some point in our lives, we all get too tired. People suffering from arthritis have experienced attacks of depression in their lives. All of us get tired at one time or another. Many of us with arthritis have experienced bouts of depression in our lives. However, when it comes to CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), then the situation changes completely. This isn’t just another case of fatigue.

It is completely normal for people to experience the daily ups and downs in their lives. However, the situation changes completely when it’s the case of a CFS sufferer. When CFS starts its effects on a person, then the sufferer develops quite a noticeable fatigue and tiredness that either makes a quick appearance without any explanation, and either the fatigue often strikes and disappears after sometime or it seems to be unending.

Individuals who are affected from CFS, which is quite a debilitating illness, are just too exhausted to do their daily jobs on a regular basis. By just getting a few nights of restful sleep, people with CFS cannot escape from the feelings of profound tiredness and weakness. CFS simply takes away a person's hope and energy after a few months or in some cases even after years.

Remember, too much tiredness or weakness isn’t the only symptom of CFS. A sufferer may also have to face different types of secondary symptoms such as headaches, sore throat, joint pain, tender muscles, short-term memory loss, and in some cases even difficulty in thinking.

A few recent studies performed at various medical universities in Australia have found that approximately millions of people in Australia suffer from CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). The worst thing that was found in these researches was that about 60% of these sufferers’ were women. CFS also directly connects with individuals who suffer from arthritis and other joint problems like Fibromyalgia, Bursitis and Gout.

In many individuals, the problem of Chronic Fatigue can start after they’ve suffered a bad attack of common cold, bronchitis, arthritis pain, or in some cases even an intestinal bug. While in some situations, people can develop CFS after getting affected from infectious mononucleosis.

You’ll be surprised to know that many people connect their CFS problem with a time when they were going through too much stress in their lives. However, there are many cases where patients fail to establish a connection between their Chronic Fatigue problem to any specific event or sickness in their lives.

Diagnosis of CFS

Another fact about CFS is that the treatment for chronic fatigue is somewhat connected with its effective diagnosis. Why? That’s because it is quite difficult to effectively diagnose CFS because of the similarity of symptoms that are associated with other diseases.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome requires treatment by expert doctors only. Experience doctors will not only identify this illness, but they’ll also provide the right treatment for CFS.
9. augusti 2017, 12:51:06
Is It Possible To Treat Chronic Fatigue With Diet Changes?

People suffering from CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) that carries additional weight might have the capacity to increase the recovery speed by cutting down those extra kilos.

In the developed world, we have seen a huge increase in the number of obese people and these levels were never touched in the history of mankind. It is additionally acknowledged by experts all over the world that the modern lifestyles are usually the reason behind our stress problem.

Do you think that these severe rises in weight and stress are connected with a high occurrence of ‘modern’ or ‘new’ diseases?

Cases of cancer, diabetes, heart problems and others diseases, incorporating fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome have increased along with our unhealthy lifestyles.

When a person is affected by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, additional or excess weight may make his or her condition to remain longer and results in you getting affected more compared to patients who have normal weight.

You’ll be surprised to know that it is possible to cure Chronic Fatigue problem by having a healthy, balanced and controlled diet.

* The food items that are consumed by you should be natural and unprocessed at every meal without any compromise. Make sure that the food you eat is rich in all the essential minerals and vitamins.

* Make sure you eat at least 5 or more portions of fresh fruits and lightly boiled vegetables every day, you can also try to steam cook them, with an excellent balance of much required protein and carbohydrates.

* Don’t forget to eat whole grains and other high fibre foods as these help to avoid constipation that is known for causing fatigue.

* Include red meat in your diet as it has the essential nutrients that aren’t available in fruits or veggies. Chicken, eggs, and fish should also be included in your meals.

* Stay away from refined sugar. Remember, fresh fruits have natural sugars that are enough for your body.

* Have multi-minerals and multi-vitamins supplements daily.

* Try to avoid caffeine as much as possible.

* Drink lots of water as it will help to flush out toxins

* Avoid high fat dairy products and only utilise low fat alternatives.

* Never touch alcohol or any type of liquor. It’s the worst thing for your body as it severely affects your liver, kidneys, stomach, and even causes cancers.

If you follow the above mentioned steps properly without any lapse, then with time the toxin levels in your body will fall eventually. Then the immune system starts recovering, and stress on digestive system is reduced, you can also take a weight loss program, but only at a healthy rate.

In short, an ideal treatment for chronic fatigue is to eat healthily and stay away from foods that are high in sugar and fats.
25. juli 2017, 13:36:31
How To Deal With Chronic Fatigue – Follow This Diet Plan

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is an illness that affects millions of people around the world, including Australia. Many Australians aren’t even aware what’s deteriorating their health. Chronic fatigue can be treated by right medicines prescribed by expert doctor, and you can also ask the doctor for a diet plan that can help in overall treatment of this illness.

Here are some tips that you can include in your chronic fatigue syndrome diet plan.

Try Your Best To Remain Hydrated – While having enough water won't give you vitality, it is needed by your body the carry the important molecules, atoms and various types of particles to different parts of the body. This incorporates the expulsion of waste items and the start of numerous metabolic procedures. It’s a fact that staying dehydrated will make you more tired.

Maintain A Proper Food And Symptom Journal – By simply writing down the food items you consume every day, you can easily discover the ones that reduce your symptoms and the ones that make them worse. By writing down how your felt every day can also give the doctor significant data/info about your current condition. Many Chronic fatigue syndrome patients have already tried this, and they found that their symptoms are connected with irritable bowel syndrome, which is a condition that affects around 40% to 85% CFS patients.

Try Not To Remove It All – It is critical to hold your desires under tight restraints and not to exaggerate your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome diet. It might be enticing to remove all nourishment and food items you think are behind your exhaustion symptoms, yet you shouldn't do it at all. Consult your physician about the foods items you must expel from your diet as it will give you a better idea about the diet you should follow to fight CFS without straining your body and removing vital supplements.

Try Some New Things And Do Experiment With Your Diet – It is a smart thing to try new food items and figure out the ones that improve your energy level and the ones that prove ineffective. A few mixtures of fats, proteins, and sugars may prove beneficial for a few and not for others, which make it important that this procedure should be done individually for every patient. There’s no standard diet plan for chronic fatigue, so you need to work with your doctor to determine the best diet for you.

Eat Small, But Frequent Meals – This technique is quite beneficial for patients of Chronic fatigue syndrome, especially individuals who feel that they are too tired to eat anything, and usually skip meals. Remember, not eating or less eating can result in weight loss and increase symptoms of CFS, making the situation even worse. On the other hand, eating smaller meals more often in a day will help to maintain your energy levels.
21. juli 2017, 10:03:10
The Easiest Natural Treatments For Chronic Fatigue

Thousands of people across Australia are affected by chronic fatigue syndrome, and the problem seems to be increasing gradually. Many people are aware how chronic fatigue occurs. However, most of us aren’t aware with treatment options available.

Let’s take a look at some tips and you will clearly have the power to manage the debilitating and long-lasting symptoms of chronic fatigue:

Don’t Compromise When It’s About Having A Balanced Diet

There’s no hidden secret that we start to feel sluggish and lethargic after eating food high in sugar and fat. Consequently, prolonged consumption of food high in sugar and fat could gradually lead to development of chronic fatigue syndrome and other major illnesses.

Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, if you wish to stay healthy and energetic. Do not skip breakfast to make sure that you have a steady energy supply throughout the day. Rather than eating three full meals, you can choose to have multiple small yet frequent meals eating.

Stay Happy And Give No Room To Stress & Anxiety

Various studies conducted at the universities in Australia, Europe, and the USA found that there is a close relation association among stress and occurrence of chronic fatigue later in an individual’s life. Along these lines, in the event that you would prefer not to experience the ill effects of ceaseless weakness later on, you have to cut your anxiety levels down.

One of the ideal approaches to beat stress & anxiety is to find the root cause of it. Personal, martial or family issues could worry you, so you have to figure out how to cure or resolve your issues with your partners, family members, or colleagues.

Exercise On A Daily Basis

Lazy people and individuals with motionless type of lifestyle frequently create chronic illnesses. Remember, your body, especially your heart, needs consistent physical exercises to make them perform and maintain health at their best. In addition, physical workout could help expand your vitality levels naturally, since it helps in effective circulation of blood in the body.

Physical workout does not just help in diminishing stress, but it likewise helps in discharging endorphins, a body-friendly chemical, which for the most part decreases stress, enhances joy and reduces pain.

Natural Remedies For Chronic Fatigue

Apart from getting medical treatment for chronic fatigue, you can also choose to get a few natural remedies that can help you to fight this illness. Don’t hesitate to try new things that could enable you to relax and make your body stronger and full of energy. Get some full body or back rub massages to enable you to relax and enhance blood circulation.

Acupuncture, meditation, and aroma therapy can help you to fight chronic fatigue syndrome. Consult your doctor for proper treatment.
19. juli 2017, 08:05:21
Understand Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy With These 4 FAQs

Have you heard about Bio-identical Hormone Therapy and wish to learn more about it? Check out these frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Bio-identical Hormone Therapy that will help you to understand the treatment better.

FAQ #1 – What Are Bio-Identical Hormones?

These are some hormones that are similar or identical in structure to the hormones produced by women in their bodies. These are not available in this structure naturally, but rather are created, or synthesized, from a plant chemical, which is harvested from soy and yams.

Bio-identical estrogens are created by using estriol, estrone, and beta-estradiol. Estradiol is the type of estrogen that reduces during menopause. Bio-identical progesterone is basically progesterone. In reality, it is altered in the lab to ensure better absorption in the body.

FAQ #2 – What Are The Pre And Post Phases Of The Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy?

Pre-Test Stage Of Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy – In this stage, to check your hormone levels blood, urine or saliva tests are conducted. To create a structure, or to note the pattern, estrogen levels on day 12 and progesterone levels on day 21 are checked. Estrogen levels on day 12 and progesterone levels on day 21 are noted for a benchmark.

The ideal time to get blood is in the afternoon or at least 6 hours later, after using hormone creams early in the morning. If it is not possible to check the hormones in the afternoon, they are taken on the next morning before patient takes her morning dose, generally around 12 hours after the last dose. In males for testosterone shots, levels are generally taken just before the shot, in a container.

Post-Test Stage Of Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy – Check-ups are conducted by blood or urine. A few specialists can also perform saliva test each day till the hormonal level go to the standard, yet are not solid as hormonal level changes each day in a woman’s body. It is recommended to get hormonal test between 20 to 30 years, to know the standard for future check-ups.

FAQ #3 – Who Should Get Bio-Identical Hormone?

This treatment is meant for females who have crossed the age of 40. It’s performed as an anti-ageing and loss of weight treatment, or for menopausal women etc. Bio-identical hormone treatment is additionally used for men with andropause, or for diminished libido. It can re-establish energy and decrease the signs of low testosterone.

FAQ #4 – For How Long Bio-Identical Hormone Results Remain In Effect?

Bio-identical hormone therapy is normally performed for life. A few patients might have the capacity to accustom themselves of hormone therapy with devotion to their treatment plan, which incorporates hormone treatment, but fitness and supplement plan as well.
6. juli 2017, 12:55:55
How Adrenal Fatigue & Menopause Are Connected

Are you going through menopause period? Do you wish to gather more information on how menopause and adrenal fatigue are connected with each other? You’ll be surprised to know that adrenal fatigue is one of major symptoms of menopause.

However, it can make you feel depleted for unknown reasons. If not managed effectively, the fatigue can become worse and affect your everyday life. First of all, you need to understand adrenal fatigue during menopause in order to get the right treatment.

Adrenal Fatigue During Menopause

A complex and debilitating disorder, this fatigue illness is known for reducing stamina and causing extreme exhaustion. In many cases, these symptoms fail to fade away even after the patient gets proper rest, and mental or physical activity can make the situation even worse.

How Adrenal Fatigue Develops During Menopause?

The reasons for adrenal exhaustion amid menopause can be separated into two parts – mental and physical. In any case, it's broadly acknowledged that physical causes are behind the occurrence of exhaustion in most females.

Mental Causes

The inability of adrenal glands in our bodies to deal with anxiety and other types of common stress ultimately results in causing adrenal fatigue. The adrenal organs sort out our body's reactions to stress by producing hormones that manage processes such as immune function, heart rate, production and storage of energy, muscle tone and different systems that empower the body to adapt to stress.

Emotional instability and imbalanced functions of the body might occur, if there’s an inability to meet the demands of daily stress. This eventually leads to the occurrence of adrenal fatigue during menopause. By and large, these phases are temporary and go away when stress periods end.

Physical Causes

Some hormones, for example, estrogen have a positive impact since they control the level of cortisol, which is the hormone in charge of tiredness. When there’s a drop in estrogen level, cortisol becomes uncontrolled and consequently leads to adrenal exhaustion. This is the reason keeping up hormonal balance is so imperative in the battle against adrenal exhaustion that occurs during menopause.

How To Manage Fatigue During Menopause?

There are various approaches to manage and cope weakness during menopause, including:

Physical Workout – Maintaining the fitness of your body can help to keep hormones in balance, including those that are behind the occurrence of exhaustion.

Healthy Diet – It’s another excellent approach to ensure that hormone levels are in balance. You need to make sure that your diet consists of fresh & organic fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, vitamins and other nutrients required by your body to function properly. Healthy diet is quite crucial for adrenal fatigue patients.

Relaxing – You need to get at least 1 or 2 hours every day for relaxation. All you have to do is lie on your sofa or bed and stay away from any electronic gadget or activity that can hamper your peace.

Alternative treatment – Aromatherapy, acupuncture, full body massage etc. are some alternative treatments that you can take to feel fresh.

Talk to an expert doctor to get proper treatment for your adrenal fatigue during menopause problem.
27. juni 2017, 13:16:59
Adrenal Fatigue Is Behind Your Anxiety

People who follow ultra-modern lifestyle, or even a modern way of living are often accused of neglecting their health and body. Adrenal glands are one such part of our body that we often chose to ignore. Due to excess stress on adrenal glands, cortisol levels in our body get elevated and other systems in the body become weak.

Have a look at these 5 signs of adrenal fatigue.

You Have Started To Feel Overwhelmed By Life

Most people choose to put self-care at the bottom of our priority list, and then it goes past the point of no return! It’s true that it can be simpler to say ‘yes’ than ‘no’ by and large – yet the key to your prosperity dwells in self-care habits. You need to stay away from tasks that don’t result in positive outcomes for your body, and include some self-care into your schedule.

You Find It Difficult To Sleep

Normally, we need to get at least 8 to 10 hours of continuous sleep every night. However, there are many people especially millennials (people reaching young adulthood in the early 21st century) choose to do more work (or stay awake unnecessarily) instead of sleeping or getting rest. People have developed a habit of rushing things and this throws them off balance and makes it difficult to fall/stay asleep. This also leads to anxiety and adrenal fatigue.

You Feel Exhausted After Exercising

The main aim of Workout is to make you full of energy, and it shouldn't make you feel depleted and exhausted subsequently. Physical anxiety is a well-known stressor for the adrenal organs – too much workout can do the opposite of what you need, as it pressurise your body.

Your Hormones Start Feeling Weird

When adrenal fatigue enters 2nd stage, your thyroid gland will be affected. This may end up creating troubling symptoms of a hypothyroid (fatigue, excess weight, dry hair and skin, poor flow of blood). When your adrenal glands fail to stay awake of stress levels, hormone manufacturer will be diverted for cortisol generation, which can result in a hormone imbalance.

You Feel Extremely Anxious Or Depressed

Anxiety kicks in, when you’re going through too much in your life. You might be running on an adrenaline rush, if there’s a lot of pressure of deadlines and a busy schedule. Adrenal hormones are known to be involved in swinging moods, cognitive function, temperament, and mental states in extremely complex ways.

Stress or pressure is directly connected with anxiety and depression. When we become less ‘tolerant’ towards our body and mental condition than we normally are, then we become easily frustrated! Stress caused by adrenal fatigue ultimately results in anxiety and depression. Apart from medical treatment, you need to make lifestyle changes to make sure that you stay fit and healthy.
26. juni 2017, 14:28:24
How To Manage Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Proper management of your CFS (Chronic fatigue Syndrome) is quite essential. You can’t afford to neglect the management part as it plays an important role in the treatment process.

Here are a few steps that you can take to manage the symptoms of CFS:

* Modify your schedule to extract benefits when you have more vitality and feel less worn out. Keep a journal for a week or so. You can record the time when you feel energised and when you feel worn out. If you see a pattern in the energy levels throughout the day, attempt to plan your work, or different activities according to that pattern.

* Do everything in your hand to take responsibility of your weakness level. Do whatever it takes to avoid excessive activity when you have more vitality. If you do any activity excessively, you may become overtired. Also, it might take a few days for you to recuperate.

* Make sure that you improve your sleeping schedule. Sleep issues may add to your weariness and different symptoms.

* Try to sleep when you are tired. Get up at the same time consistently, whether you feel rested or not.

* If you’ve been lying on the bed for around 15 to 20 minutes and can’t fall asleep, then get up and do some work until you feel sleepy again.

* Stay away from liquor or any other form of alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco. Alcohol can ruin your sleep when you consume it inside 4 hours of sleeping time. Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that remains in your body for around 12 hours. So try to stay away from it a few hours before you try to sleep.

* Keep the room where you sleep at a reasonable temperature. Remove all sound and light gadgets that may cause disturbance.

* Ensure your sleeping pad gives great support. Utilize a neck support pad to shield your head and neck from moving excessively while you’re sleeping.

* Take short naps during the day on if you have to. Keep them short (20 minutes to an hour). Avoid sleeping after 4 PM.

* Do light, gentle physical workout routinely. Stretching your body parts is an amazing activity. Light exercise, for example, jogging, swimming, or cycling can prove to be highly beneficial in improving your overall health. Make sure you don’t perform anything in excess, which means that you must do exercise, but don’t do so much that you become overtired.

* Eat a balanced diet, which is filled with all types of nutrients required by your body. Incorporate a lot of fruits, vegetables, grains, oats, poultry, fish, lean meats, and low-fat dairy items.

You need to stay a lot patient, while trying to manage Chronic Fatigue problem. You must keep in mind the daily management will help to control CFS symptoms. Visit an expert chronic fatigue syndrome specialist who can help you to manage the illness properly.
21. juni 2017, 14:39:33
How Heart Gets Affected By Lyme Disease?

Different studies conducted by experts have found that Lyme disease is actually a complex of contaminations that are transferred into a human body by deer ticks and a few other insects. It can lead to flu like symptoms, muscle and joint pain. In fewer than 10% of Lyme cases, cardiac and neurological symptoms might occur. This happens generally when treatment is not provided or postponed for more than 1 month or more after the tick bite.

Borrelia is bacteria involved in Lyme disease, and it attacks the heart muscle and leads to a problem called as carditis, or infection in the heart tissues. If proper treatment is not provided on time, then it can cause a blockage in the heart. This happens when the electrical signal of the heart is disrupted. This might occur in different levels of seriousness, assigned as first, second, and third level of heart block.

Atrioventricular block, which is the third degree heart block is the most extreme one and may need the pacemaker implantation, which manages the pulse and re-establishes the basic work of the heart.

Abnormal heart rhythms might happen when the conduction of the heart’s electrical signal isn’t working properly. A standout among them is atrial fibrillation, in which the heart beats quickly and leads to palpitations, trouble in breathing, and dizziness.

Medication is used to treat atrial fibrillation, which regulates the heartbeat and allows the heart pump more effectively. When the heart is pumping too fast, blood can pool in the heart, this is why blood-thinning medication is generally required. Clots created in the heart can go to the lungs, resulting in a pulmonary embolus, or to the brain, leading to a stroke.

If a person is suffering from heart disease already, a method known as cardiovascular catheterization might be required to open the clogged arteries of the heart. This helps to improve the blood flow to the heart. A surgical procedure known as coronary artery bypass graft is done when multiple arteries of a patient’s heart become clogged and need to be opened by performing ‘open-heart’ surgery. When heart valves get damage because of Lyme disease or any other heart disease, valve replacements might also be done by the doctor.

Heart problems caused by Lyme disease are uncommon, and can be avoided by simply providing treatment for Lyme disease as early as possible.

If treatment is provided immediately, not all cardiovascular problems results in congestive heart failure. If heart complexities do happen, then even medications and healthy diet can prove to be highly effective in helping people to live a long and quality life.

In case, any Lyme disease patient starts experiencing dizziness, palpitations, swelling in hands & feet, fainting, and shortness of breath, then they should immediately visit a Lyme disease specialist or any nearest doctor who can offer reliable treatment.
16. juni 2017, 09:08:28
What Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Feels Like – Story Of A Patient

Many people often ask “What Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Feels Like?” Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) actually affects more Australians than you think. It has become quite common these days in Australia, but many people aren’t even aware what’s troubling them.

Here’s a story of Adam – a patient with chronic fatigue syndrome. He will tell What Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Feels Like?

“Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is undetectable. Many individuals with Chronic Fatigue have no obvious symptoms. Just the dark circles under our eyes indicate the steady agony individuals with Chronic Syndrome bear, going through muscle pain, brain fog and fatigue. Chronic CFS decreases your spirit. It slowly kills your dreams, your cheerful nature, your joy, and your unconstrained happiness.”

“Individuals with Chronic Fatigue are exhausted for every single minute every day. CFS is like something you have never felt before. In the beginning, it feels similar to flu, a headache, and how you feel after intense exercise. The weariness can develop every day until it becomes continuous.”

“There’s a chance that if you push too hard, overlook the symptoms or the warning sign — CFS weakness will wreak havoc on your body. It has a craving for need to rests on the bed for the whole day. It’s like being a toddler again, powerless and sad and absolutely crushed by a tiredness you can't understand, forget about explaining.”

“Individuals who have never suffered from Chronic Fatigue are not aware of its upsetting nature. They are not conscious of its unpredictable assault, the sting of its sharp teeth. They ask why you appeared to be fine one moment, and now all of a sudden can’t even move from the bed or couch? Why you go blank and can’t think properly? They fail to understand what's it like being excessively drained, making it impossible to close your eyes, and excessively drained, making it impossible to concentrate on them either. It’s about how you don't know who you are, forget about what you need now.”

Adam says “Chronic Fatigue affects me from the minute I wake to the minute I go to the bed again, damaged every night. It also affects me when I rest, as my body doesn’t get recharged overnight and my fatigue even affects my sleep. At different times each day, Chronic Fatigue forces me to lie on my bed for 60 minutes or 2-3 hours, and feel the intense pressure on my body.”

“For me CFS exhaustion implies I need to plan each day ahead of time. The danger of a weakness ‘crash’ implies if I am going out anyplace, I have to stay aware how will arrive at that place, how long I will be out, where I can get rest, temperature, availability of food, noise levels, how I will return home.”

“However, I refuse to accept defeat from Chronic fatigue Syndrome. I’m getting treatment from Dr Peter Dobie, and I have made many lifestyle changes. My body has started showing positive results, and I promise you – I’ll be back again, but this time fresher, rejuvenated and full of energy.”
29. maj 2017, 13:25:06
Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Real? How Common Is It?

Have you heard about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and think that you might be suffering from it? If you want to know you’re suffering from it or not, then answer these questions.

* Do you have extreme chronic fatigue and exhaustion for six months or more?
* Is your memory or focus not as good as it used to be?
* Do you have a sore throat, tender lymph nodes, muscle pain, headaches, or loss of sleep?

If the answer of the above mentioned questions is yes, then there’s a strong possibility that you’re suffering from Chronic fatigue Syndrome.

What Is Chronic Fatigue?

Chronic exhaustion disorder is a crippling health issue described as genuine weakness that won’t go away even after getting proper rest and sleep, or by changing mindset. Some health practitioners often use three different names for chronic exhaustion:

* Myalgic encephalomyelitis
* Post-viral fatigue syndrome
* Chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome

Since symptoms of CFS are so unclear and nonspecific, it's tough for patients to clarify their agony. They are regularly misunderstood or judged by companions as lazy. Patients are then compelled to live in agony and with the disgrace of being considered as a person who is abnormally anxious about their health. Due to modern lifestyle, CFS has become quite common these days.

What Are The Reasons Behind The Occurrence Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

After more than 30 years of research, the real reason behind the occurrence of chronic fatigue syndrome is yet unknown. Actually, it's not only one trigger or cause, but it's a blend of various infectious mediums, mental and physiological, and numerous reasons.

* Low blood sugar
* Environmental and genetic factors
* Dysfunction of immune system
* Anaemia or iron deficiency
* Nutritional deficiencies
* The roles of the endocrine, immune, and nervous systems

Who Is Affected By Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

* Individuals of all ages, gender, and ethnicity
* Mostly people above 30 years of age, but there are many cases where Teenagers and children are also affected by CFS.

How Common Is CFS?

Around 5 in every 1,000 Australians are diagnosed to have CFS. These individuals used to be healthy and active before CFS affected them, and now they’re mentally and physically exhausted.

How To Prevent Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

* Reduce stress. Find time to relax.
* Go for Workout & Exercise routinely. Begin slowly and build your body. Activities, for example, swimming, brisk walk, biking, and aerobics, and other relaxation activities are useful.
* Get enough rest & sleep. Go to bed in the same time every night and cut down napping time during the day.
* Pace your lifestyle and keep your movement on an even level. Try not to exhaust yourself.
* Keep up a healthy way of life to fight Chronic Fatigue. Eat a balanced diet, drink lot of liquids, cut down intake of caffeine, quit smoking, get sufficient rest, and exercise on a regular basis. Develop a hobby that offers mental and physical relaxation.
27. maj 2017, 14:47:00
Do You Feel Lethargic All The Time? It Might Be Chronic Fatigue

Nowadays, there is huge concern about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). In reality, there are a criteria patients must meet to be determined to have CFS. Getting the diagnosis might be troublesome for a few patients as the rules for diagnosing are specific. The exhaustion should be present for no less than 6 months and the related symptoms should have developed after the body was affected by fatigue. Patients will be able to receive better treatment, if they understood what CFS is and what its symptoms are.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – What It Is All About?

The fundamental meaning of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome will not make it patients to feel good. The syndrome is still unexplained to a level and is causes fatigue, weakness, laziness, lethargy, muscle and joint pain, sleeping issues, and sometimes fever and swollen lymph nodes. There is no known reason for the weakness that affects a patient without any link to over-exertion, which won’t go away even after getting proper rest.

Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The list of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome symptoms is really long. This is why only a few major symptoms can be discussed. There are many symptoms that patients are aware of and there are different signs that just specialists can notice. In any case, when the symptoms trouble a patient for a long time for no clear reason and don’t subside with time, then Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is diagnosed quite often.

Some of the major CFS symptoms are:

Pain In Muscle & Joints
Constant Fatigue
Intermittent Fatigue
Loss of Memory
Difficulty In Concentration
Swollen Lymph Nodes

In most of the cases, Chronic fatigue syndrome starts during the time period when people are suffering from a particular illness, under a huge amount of stress, or for no clear reason at all. Numerous people have noticed that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome emerges after a person gets affected by flu, a cold, hepatitis, bronchitis, and other similar ailments.

Tragically, CFS remains for a long period, and in some cases it comes and goes again affecting the health of the patient. Different sicknesses start to clear up after a couple days or weeks, but CFS sticks around with no apparent reason.

Are You Suffering From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Do you lethargic all the time? Do you face trouble even in performing the easiest tasks? If you think that you’ve developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or have some above mentioned symptoms for a considerable length of time, then you need to make an appointment with an experienced doctor.

It is a smart idea to keep a diary or record of your symptoms, you should know when they started, and if any new symptoms have shown up. This will assist your doctor to make the best possible diagnosis and to provide relief from your health problems sooner.
26. maj 2017, 14:08:28
Some Benefits Of Bio-Identical Hormones Therapy

In some women, the levels of estrogen and progesterone drop notably due to menopause. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is given to these women as a treatment. You may have heard the names of hormones estrogen and progesterone in your science class. The levels of essential hormones are increased by introducing Bio-Identical hormones in the body.

When the menopause approaches, the levels of estrogen and progesterone drop. To reduce certain menopausal symptoms, some females may get benefits by boosting their hormone levels artificially. The release of eggs is stimulated by the estrogen hormone. When supply of woman's eggs ends, levels of estrogen start to decrease.

How To Identify A Drop In Levels Of Estrogen?

Estrogen plays a crucial role in maintaining good bone density, skin temperature and regulates vagina’s moisture. If there’s a drop in levels of estrogen, then it may result in:

Dryness in vagina
Irregular periods
Lower fertility rate
Urinary Issues
Night sweats
Sleep problems
Hair thinning
Breasts become smaller
Fat accumulation in the abdomen
Hot flashes
Difficulty in concentration and memory loss

These repulsive symptoms generally fade away in 2 to 5 years, except for vaginal dryness.

In some cases, the symptoms may even occur before the menopause starts (perimenopause). In such situations, supply of eggs in a female hasn’t completed instead they have just decreased notably, which can start a drop in hormone levels. This is the reason why, the woman will have regular periods and menopausal symptoms as well.

HRT estrogen is extracted from plants or horse urine. However, menopause treatment by using bio-identical hormones has more benefits over conventional hormone replacement therapy.

What Are The Benefits Of Bio-Identical Hormones Therapy?

Bio-Identical hormones therapy has been approved by expert doctors all over the world to achieve relief from menopausal symptoms, and osteoporosis treatment or prevention. The following are some advantages connected with bio-identical hormones therapy:

Muscles functions are improved by Bio-Identical hormones – Various researches have revealed that bio-identical hormones improved muscle function in females, even the muscle fiber.

Risk of heart failure and heart attack are reduced Bio-Identical hormones therapy– Scientist have found that women who get bio-Identical hormones not long after the menopause have a drastically lesser danger of heart failure.

Bio-identical hormones therapy brings down mortality in younger postmenopausal females – A study conducted in America stated that bio-identical hormones without a doubt reduced mortality rate in females were affect ted by menopause early.

Bio-identical hormones provide protection against brain aneurysms – another study found that bio-identical hormones decrease the danger of the development and rupture of brain aneurysms in females.

Bio-Identical hormones therapy should only be performed by an experienced and qualified doctor. It’s important to know every small detail about this therapy, before you decide to undergo it. Consult a renowned and expert doctor to know more about this therapy.
18. maj 2017, 11:45:17
Have You Heard About These Lyme Disease Symptoms?

Lyme disease is an ailment that is brought on by microscopic organisms (bacteria) transferred into human bodies by a few infected ticks. In case, you think that you've been bitten by a tick and develop any early indications of Lyme disease, you need to visit a specialist doctor.

Remember, Lyme disease can be treated however it can bring about major health issues if you fail to get proper treatment on time. Many individuals with Lyme sickness don't know that they’re suffering from it until their symptoms are developed. You need to stay aware with the signs and symptoms of Lyme to get treatment on time.

Early Symptoms Of Lyme Disease

Maybe the most popular and understood symptom of Lyme illness is a rash that resembles a bull's-eye. This rash is also known as erythema migrans in scientific world. It happens in around 75% to 85% of individuals bitten by an infected tick.

The skin specifically around the tick bite becomes red and a bit raised and resembles an ordinary bug bite. The rash regularly spreads in a circular design, and it is lighter in the inside and darker on the external ring. Although, it’s possible not everybody who gets Lyme infection gets this type of rash.

Major Symptoms or indications of early stage of Lyme illness include:

· Fever

· Fatigue

· Headache

· Muscle aches

· Joint pain

Lyme symptoms can begin at any time after the bite, but usually the symptoms appear 3 to 30 days after the bite. Confusion about the symptoms might appear due to the incubation period. Many people don’t remember getting bitten by a tick. They mistakenly assume they have flu and you may not connect the tick bite and their symptoms.

Advanced Symptoms Of Lyme Disease

A few people with Lyme often encounter some other, more advanced symptoms of the sickness. Symptoms like severe joint pain, particularly in the knees, and a stiff neck may happen in the later stages or a few months after your tick bite. Serious cases of headaches and migraines and extreme pain in your body may keep you awake at night. Changes in your heart rate or rhythm, dizziness, weak immune system, digestive problems are also advanced symptoms of Lyme disease.

It could lead to more serious problems, if you fail to treat your Lyme disease for several months. Without treatment, your nervous system might also get affected. Lyme disease is also known to cause a neurological complication known as Bell’s palsy in which there’s loss of muscle function in your face.

In some cases, individuals with Bell’s palsy appear as though they have suffered a stroke since they lose the ability to move the muscles on one side of their face. Development issues, particularly in the arms and legs, can likewise happen. Problems in movement can also occur, especially in the arms and legs. In late-stage Lyme disease, inflammation in eyes and liver, and heart problems are usually rare, but can occur.
28. april 2017, 14:30:28
Exercise For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Should You Do It Or Not?

When a person is suffering from CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), he/she is often advised by people to do some exercise to improve health and feel better.

Studies have specified the benefits of workout for dealing with symptoms, particularly in CFS, so your health specialist may ask you to be more active too.

However, in some cases, when a patient does exercise, he/she may end up developing a symptom flare that goes on for a considerable time. So, how to figure out whether exercise benefits or harms a CFS patient?

Is Workout Helpful Or Harmful For A CFS Patient?

All in all, we realise that exercise offers multiple benefits to a human body. It improves health of our hearts, controls sugar levels, and removes extra fat, and so on. But, health specialists are also aware that exercise may pose some major problems for patients suffering from chronic fatigue.

There's no simple response to whether workout will help or hurt a CFS patient. Some health experts may say that bot are correct, and it depends upon the approach you choose for your workout. You have a few things to consider before hopping into it.

Do whatever it takes not to become tied up with the typical idea of workout. It's uncommon for an individual with chronic fatigue who can go to the gym and do heavy exercise. Many people consider exercise in terms of intentional movement with a target of improving their fitness level.

One thing that is quite predictable for CFS patients is that workout must be mild and should remain inside the physical prowess of the patient. Figuring out what those things mean for you may not be as simple as it sounds, but rather it's the initial move towards improving your workout level. It's additionally essential to build the length and power of your workout gradually.

To begin with, take a look at your level of fitness. What composes mild exercise is different for every one of us. Somebody who's fit as a fiddle and hasn't been sick for long might have the capacity to endure 30 minutes of running on a treadmill. However, someone suffering from a severe case of chronic fatigue syndrome might be unable to endure more than a few mild stretches while lying in bed.

Then, you should be reasonable about your endurance to workout. If you’re suffering from CFS then “no pain, no gain” is just not meant for you! Follow the signals given out by your body that it's a right to time to stop. Likewise, analyse how you feel a short time later.

Did you notice an increase in symptoms in a day or two after workout? If yes, then you may need to cut down the level of your exercise routine. Usually it's best to begin with little effort and work up to the level that is suitable for your body.
24. april 2017, 13:26:14
5 Overlooked Symptoms Of Adrenal Fatigue

The problem of adrenal fatigue has become quite widespread among people of different age groups, and many doctors are beginning to realise this fact.

Other than the common symptoms of adrenal exhaustion and inability to deal with stress, here are some more symptoms that are often neglected by some health practitioners. These symptoms will also help you to get a better idea about adrenal exhaustion. Have a look.

1. Chronic Cough, Asthma Or Bronchitis

Any individual having lung issues, particularly asthma and bronchitis need to be checked for poor adrenal functioning. The lungs can't react suitably to stress, allergens and other similar problems due to absence of cortisol. Asthma is regularly viewed as an illness related with emotions since stress can cause an assault. Cure the adrenals so the body can react appropriately to stress and asthma will vanish.

2. Allergies

Most allergies include an inflammatory procedure. As the adrenal performance diminishes, allergies become worse. For the most part, if the adrenal organs were working appropriately, the body would not react to the allergen. In case of asthma also, this anti-inflammatory impact is crucial. Allergies are reduced, when the adrenal organs recover eventually.

3. Sleeping Disorders & Disturbances

Cortisol generation takes a bend from high levels around 7AM, dropping during the day until the most minimal levels are left around 10PM. In early phases of adrenal exhaustion the body repays with high level of cortisol in the evening. For this situation the individual thinks that it’s hard to unwind from stress & depression and experiences difficulty going to sleep.

High level of cortisol in the evening brings about diminished level of sleep, which is neither relaxing nor helpful. This can prompt to depression and decreased energy levels the following day. In later phases of adrenal exhaustion, the body may generate adrenaline (also known as ‘fight or flight’ hormone) that tries to make up for low cortisol level. This also ends up in causing insomnia or other nocturnal diseases.

4. Recurring Infections

Severe as well as recurring infections especially respiratory are often seen as an indication of adrenal issues. It is more likely adrenal fatigue is involved, if the infection appears more extremely, on frequent intervals and lasts for a really long time. If you’re also witnessing similar problems then consult an experienced doctor for adrenal fatigue treatment.

5. Dizziness

When an individual gets up from a sitting or lying position, the BP (Blood Pressure) generally rises around 10 points as veins in the lower body tighten to drive blood to the brain, heart and lungs. This is a consequence of the activity of epinephrine on the veins. In individuals with adrenal fatigue, the veins can't react to the epinephrine release due to the absence of cortisol, so blood accumulates in the abdomen area and pelvis, resulting in a drop of Blood Pressure.
20. april 2017, 12:06:10
10 Tips To Reduce Premature Skin Ageing

Human skin gets premature ageing due to excessive exposure to the sun. Different things that we do likewise can age our skin more rapidly than it normally would.

To help people prevent untimely skin maturing, here are top tips from expert dermatologist that can prove beneficial. Have a look.

Tip #1 – Protect Your Skin From The Sun Each Day

Regardless of whether spending a day at the beach or doing shopping, protection from harmful sunrays is crucial. Skin can be easily protected by looking for shade, concealing with dress, and utilising sunscreen lotion that is SPF 15 or higher. You need to apply sunscreen consistently to all skin that is not covered by garments.

Tip #2 – Use Self-Tanner Products Instead Of Getting A Tan

Each time you get a tan, you rashly age your skin. This remains true if you get a tan from the sun, a tanning bed, or other indoor tanning machine. All of these equipment discharge harmful Ultraviolet rays that speeds up the ageing process of your skin.

Tip #3 – Quit Smoking

The process of skin ageing is accelerated quite shockingly if a person smokes. It causes wrinkles and a dull complexion.

Tip #4 – Stay Away From Monotonous Facial Expressions

When a facial expression is made by us, we contract the muscles underneath. If you repeatedly contract muscles for a long time, these lines might end up becoming permanent. If you squint, then wearing sunglasses might help.

Tip #5 – Eat A Healthy Balanced Diet

Various studies conducted by expert scientists have clearly shown results that state that consuming fresh fruits & vegetables, lean meat and fish may help your body to prevent damage that can cause premature skin ageing. Studies also found that ageing process can be accelerated if a person consumes high amount of sugar and carbohydrates.

Tip #6 – Stop Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol is a poison that slowly kills you and it’s also known for being rough on your skin cells. First it dehydrates the skin and the eventually damages it completely. Rough and dehydrated skin will make you look a lot older than you really. This tip is strongly recommended by doctors and can prove to be a lot helpful in your anti-ageing treatment.

Tip #7 – Exercise Every Week

It’s true that moderate exercise can improve blood circulation and boost the immune system of your body. This eventually makes your skin look a lot fresh and younger.

Tip #8 – Apply A Moisturiser On Your Face And Hands Everyday

Moisturiser doesn’t allow water to leave the skin and helps to provide a younger look. It also helps to keep the skin remain soft.

Tip #9 – Clean The Skin Softly

Irritation might occur if excessive scrubbing is done on the skin. Remember, this irritation accelerates skin ageing process. So, go for gentle washing instead of hard scrubbing.

Tip #10 – Wash Your Face Whenever Possible

It’s recommended by anti-ageing doctor that you should Wash your face at least twice a day and after sweating heavily. Sweat, particularly when wearing a cap or helmet, irritates the skin, so wash your skin after sweating.
8. april 2017, 14:21:20
The Natural Cures For Adrenal Exhaustion

If you’re looking for adrenal fatigue treatment, then it’s quite obvious that you or a family member suffers from adrenal exhaustion. So, without wasting any time let’s take a look at some ‘cures’ for this illness.

1. Stay Away From Processed Grains And Excess Sugar

Remember, a diet of processed grains and excess sugar is highly unhealthy because both of these are quite hard on your adrenal glands. The blood sugar will increase if you eat excess starch/sugar and then insulin will have to act to fight the high level of glucose in the bloodstream. Then there’s a drop in the level of blood sugar and adrenal glands have to function harder to get the levels back to normal.

If a person is suffering from adrenal exhaustion, there’s a drop in the cortisol levels, making it tough to have normal blood sugar level in the body. Low blood sugar is common in people dealing with adrenal fatigue and in turn, low blood sugar has more pressure on your body.

2. Sleep Extra Hours

Even if you don’t feel sleepy, try to lie on your bed and sleep around 10 pm. The best way to do this is by switching off all your electronic devices (Smartphones, laptops, iPods etc.). Even if you don’t fall asleep immediately, your body will feel relaxed and stress levels will go down.

3. Eat Healthy Fats

Olive oil, coconut oil, olives and pure butter are good for adrenal glands. Most of these also work to reduce the belly fat, which is a clear indicator of adrenal exhaustion.

4. Breathe Properly

Deep, controlled breathing has amazingly beneficial outcomes on health of adrenal glands and common stress levels. It is the easiest and effective way to ensure that your adrenals function properly and you stay healthy.

5. Eat Proteins & Dark Green Vegetables

There is a good proof that eating the best possible diet everyday can help the adrenals significantly. It’s an easy, but often neglected way to keep your adrenals healthy and working properly.

6. Go For Green Tea

Natural green tea has really high amounts of nutritive phytochemicals that bolster the adrenal organs. Green tea is the best natural option for your overall health.

7. Try Your Best To Reduce Stress

We all know that it’s easier said than done, yet including only one session of exercise, relaxation, or martial arts every week can assist enormously to help excessively stressed adrenals.

8. Reduce The Use Of Stimulants

To make you adrenals healthy again, you need to limit use of stimulants, especially coffee.

9. Avoid Excessive Exercise

Weightlifting and excessive cardio have negative effects on the adrenal glands. If you are witnessing majority of adrenal fatigue symptoms, then it’s better to do more toned down form of exercise.

10. Manage DHEA Levels

When your adrenal organs are lopsided, your DHEA generation may get affected significantly. While the stress hormone cortisol will move freely inside your body, damaging all the efforts done to get your endocrine system start functioning again.
27. mars 2017, 07:15:20
7 Ways To Heal Your Adrenal Glands

Adrenal fatigue can result in numerous symptoms and side effects that can eventually cause different types of health issues. The fatigue might result in disturbing the patient’s life completely and can prove dangerous. No need to worry anymore, the good news is that there are various steps and treatment available nowadays that can get your adrenal glands back to their healthy state.

Here are a 7 such steps that you can take to reduce the adverse effects of fatigue and make your adrenals healthy again:

1. Cut Down Intake Of Stimulants

Nicotine, alcohol, drugs and caffeine are some major stimulants that can result in a stressful reaction in the human body. If a person utilises them regularly or occasionally, then his/her adrenals will wear out. The individuals who feel that they require their morning coffee need to remember that even though they might feel that the coffee is helping, it is really hampering their well-being by intensifying their adrenal weakness.

2. Do Exercise

Exercising every day can help to diminish the level of stress from your body. Finding even 20 or 30 minutes a day to work on your health by exercising has been found as one of the most reliable ways to cut down the stress levels and heal your adrenals.

3. Keep A Track Of What You Eat

You’ll be surprised to know that a recent study has found that eating processed foods can increase stress levels in your body. Many individuals don't think that stress & anxiety can result in stress. Processed foods items are full of chemicals that aren’t required by the body, for example, additives (preservatives), artificial colours, stabilizers and many more. These can affect the different systems and include waste products that should be eliminated.

4. You Can Use Adaptogenic Herbs

There are various adaptogenic herbs that are valuable for the adrenals. However, you need to consult a doctor before consuming these herbs. Adaptogenic herbs can be consumed as capsules, powders, teas, and tinctures, such as:

* Licorice
* Korean Ginseng
* Ashwagandha
* He Shou Wu herbs
* Holy basil
* Rhodalia

5. Find Time To Relax & Rejuvenate

You must take some time out of your busy life to relax and rejuvenate your mind and body. Take up a hobby, dread a book, and love your companion and so on. All these things will simply make you feel better and keep your adrenals healthy. This can help you in your fight against adrenal fatigue.

6. Take Proper Amounts Of Salt

Adrenal grands react favourably to salt. Get a high quality, natural salt, and utilise it generously.

7. Go For Natural Drinks For Adrenals

There are many healthy drinks that can work wonderfully for your adrenal glands. You can include them in your diet for healthy adrenals. Orange juice is especially one of the healthiest and ideal drink for the health of your glands.
22. mars 2017, 14:25:42
Top 30 Signs and Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

Fatigue, stress and lethargy are some of the most common health complaints that people are facing these days. Are you also one of them and struggling with fatigue problems along with other issues like allergies, feeling stressed, brain fog, insomnia, or difficulty in concentration, then there’s a strong possibility that your adrenal glands are not working efficiently.

This type of fatigue comprises of numerous nonspecific yet crippling indications. The beginning of this problem is usually slow and hideous. Patients are informed that they’re feeling stressed and need to figure out how to relax more. Of course, we all are aware that stress is a bad thing for the body, but how should we deal with it?

The reality is that stress and fatigue of your adrenal glands is not a strange thing at all. Everybody has inbuilt system to deal with this problem. To survive and lead a healthy life, it’s important for us to handle stress properly, and adrenal glands play an important role in it.

Let’s take a look at the top 30 signs and symptoms of adrenal fatigue syndrome:

1. Problems in remembering things

2. Feeling Lightheaded when rising from a horizontal position

3. Feel tired between 9pm to 10pm, but not going to bed

4. Start feeling better for a brief period right after having a meal

5. Feeling low in energy in the mornings and in the afternoon around 3pm to 5pm

6. Skin becomes thin and dry

7. Unexplained hair loss

8. Low Blood Glucose (Hypoglycemia)

9. Loss of libido, reduced sex-drive

10. Infections that won’t go away and last longer than usual

11. Excessive weight gain and unable to lose it, especially around the abdomen area

12. When under pressure start felling trembled

13. Palpitation

14. High frequency of getting the flu and other respiratory diseases

15. Allergies to various food items and inhalants

16. Alternating diarrhoea and constipation

17. Lightheadedness/Dizziness

18. Mild depression

19. Nervousness

20. Dyspepsia

21. Lack of energy and lethargy

22. Low body temperature

23. Reduced ability to handle stress

24. Increased effort to do even basic daily tasks

25. Difficulty in getting up from the bed in the morning

26. Better feeling when there is less or no stress, like on a holiday

27. High cravings for fatty, salty, and high protein food items like meat and cheese

28. Coffee or stimulants become a necessity to get going in the morning

29. Feeling pain in neck or upper back without any specific reason

30. Increase in the symptoms of Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in women. Periods are usually heavy and then stop suddenly, or are completely stopped on the 4th day, but the flow starts again on the 5th or 6th day.

Important Note: If you have developed most of these signs and symptoms, then there’s a strong possibility that you’re suffering from adrenal fatigue. To get adrenal fatigue treatment, you must visit a renowned doctor only.
17. mars 2017, 07:46:33
7 Facts That Will Help You To Fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Thousands of people are affected by chronic fatigue in Australia and majority of them aren’t aware of it? Why? This is because it’s really difficult to diagnose this illness, even for the doctors.

Weakness Isn't The Main Symptom Of CFS

Here we're not discussing a general feeling laziness. We're discussing a sort of weariness that deteriorates after physical exertion or mental pressure, and that isn't reduced with bed rest. What's more, there are numerous symptoms that come with this fatigue, including migraines, muscle pain, mental impairment, sore throats, large lymph nodes in the neck or armpits, not refreshing rest or a sleeping disorder, post-exertion restlessness, and trouble battling diseases.

It’s Difficult For Doctors To Diagnose CFS

There's no medical test to diagnose the illness. You’ll be surprised to know that the seriousness, number, and kind of symptoms vary from patient to patient. Also, many individuals get a diagnosis of chronic fatigue just after their healthcare specialists rule out other medical conditions such as kidney or liver problems, sleep disorders, thyroid issues, anaemia. This is the reason why diagnostic process takes more time.

The Reason For The Occurrence Of CFS Is Unknown

Researchers are as yet attempting to find out what causes Chronic Fatigue. At this moment, a few specialists believe that different triggers may be the reason behind it. Contamination, immune disorders, toxins, stress, infections and trauma have all been considered as conceivable reasons, but no single cause has been distinguished as the most crucial.

Some Individuals Are More Likely To Get CFS Than Others

CFS is four circumstances more common in females than in males. Despite the fact that the average age is 35, CFS can influence individuals of any age, but it's more common in grown-ups. This illness truly affects all kinds of people from different backgrounds. CFS can affect multiple members of the same family.

CFS patients experience depression and social isolation

Chronic fatigue and depression are somewhat related to each other. It's normal for individuals with CFS to restrict the amount of work they do, and the social activities they were doing till now. Some patients are even bedridden temporarily. So it's nothing unexpected that those individuals who are suffering from CFS usually feel depressed and isolated.

Social Stigma Comes With CFS

Just like many other so called invisible illnesses, social stigma also comes with chronic fatigue syndrome. Many individuals basically fail to understand the problem, so they may think that people suffering from it are ‘faking it’ or that the problem is not that bad as the individual makes it appear. This can eventually add to feelings of isolation.

Lifestyle Changes Can Help

Apart from effective medications from expert doctors, a few lifestyle changes can also contribute to cure chronic fatigue syndrome. One of the key changes you can make is to get at least 8 to 9 hours sleep every night. Getting a well-balanced diet and following a good exercise schedule can also help to reduce CFS symptoms.
28. februari 2017, 08:08:01
4 Approaches That Can Save Energy For People With Chronic Fatigue

Individuals who are suffering from CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) frequently face flares or difficulties that can be highly discouraging and agonising. Now and again, these flares are created by different over which we don’t have any control, for example, the high points and low points of a disease. Although, in some cases, flares are triggered by specific activities, exercises, or occasions that are changeable.

Let’s take a look at a few excellent approaches to avoid some of the most common reasons behind the occurrence of chronic tiredness and CFS flares.

Quit Standing in Lines/Queues

Various Researches have demonstrated that many individuals with CFS have issues standing/waiting in line or remaining in a place when they're doing basic household chores. If standing/waiting in line will make you more drained, move to non-peak hours when the lines are probably going to be shorter. Apart from that, you also need to keep moving as it will help to give a better blood circulation.

Stay Away from High Heat

In some patients, Heat can intensify the occurrence of CFS. According to many physicians, ‘hot water showers’ are a combination of two CFS triggers – heat and standing. The person already suffering from chronic fatigue starts feeling quite dizzy and tired while taking ‘hot showers’, and often need to rest to gather some energy. People with Chronic fatigue syndrome need to take cooler & shorter showers, and they also need to avoid hot tubs and saunas. Some doctors even suggest that patients should stay away from beaches when heat is extreme, or where protective clothes and use sunscreen lotions on the body.

Avoid Stress

Some doctors have stated that anyone with chronic fatigue is facing more stress than the normal individual in any situation. In CFS, individuals appear to discover that it helps them to maintain a distance from different stressors in their life. Discovering approaches to decrease stressors is imperative, yet that will be very individual approach for every individual.

Remove Certain Foods and Drinks From Your Diet

A few patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome observe that stimulants, for example, caffeine can bring in difficulties and reduce their energy levels. For a few people, caffeine is useful as it assists with blood circulation and it has a stimulant property.

However, for others it causes them to lose an excessive amount of urine. Some recent experiments have found that caffeine has a diuretic property, so individuals need to be careful while consuming it. Find out whether caffeine influences you badly, and if you discover that it does, then you need to stay away from it. Chronic fatigue syndrome patients additionally need to abstain from eating a lot of sugar.
21. februari 2017, 11:24:12
Feel Young With These 5 Anti-Ageing Treatment

The idea of anti-ageing includes a wide range of procedures, techniques and items. Ageing is a non-stop process and we can only slow down the speed of this process. There are many anti-ageing procedures that can make you look younger by 10 to 15 years.

Let’s discuss some of the most effective approaches that can really work against the ageing process.

Prevention Of Disease

One of the best approaches against ageing procedure has nothing to do with so called magical therapies or treatments. The best thing you can do to have a long, healthy life is to do all that you can to avoid infection and sickness.


Physical workout is another awesome anti-ageing weapon, and not just only on the grounds that it battles off sickness. Researches have clearly shown that it can really make the DNA young. Individuals who exercise on a regular basis have younger and healthier cells. This revelation is quite surprising and a tremendous inspiration to exercise on a low-vitality day. Apart from the anti-ageing benefits, physical workout carries with it a large number of different advantages that make your life a lot healthier and better.

Right Food/Balanced Diet

Anti-ageing relies upon your body getting the right materials to repair the damage and ensure that all the systems are working properly. Consuming a strong assortment of healthy nourishments provides all those materials (antioxidants) to your body. By avoiding the junk food and alcohol, your body has to work less in cleaning your body. This helps to keep cells, organs, and tissues in a healthy condition.

Skin Care

In today’s world, skin care products and treatments for anti-ageing have become a billion dollar industry. These products and treatments are claiming to bring back the soft and younger skin. It’s absolutely right to go for various options available to get that soft and glowing skin that can make you look a lot younger. However, sometimes, many anti-ageing skin care products claim to provide dubious, unproven and unrealistic results. You need to do a proper research before buying and applying an anti-ageing skin care product. This will help you to find a product that can really deliver results.

Proper Sleep

This can be termed as the best anti-ageing treatment. Getting the proper amount of rest and sleep has been connected to staying away from chronic illnesses and long life. Don’t you think that it’s a super easy way to fight ageing? Ensure that you make rest and sleep an important task in your schedule. Don’t deprive yourself of enough sleep by doing other things. Follow a proper sleeping pattern and you will surely start feeling much better and healthier.

Remember, any anti-ageing treatment is not about living for 150 years. It’s about living young and healthy as long as you live.
17. februari 2017, 12:35:23
Chelation Therapy Plays An Important Role In Treatment Of Your Heart Disease

Chelation treatment is mostly utilised as a part of alternate medicine. It depends on the procedure of chelation, in which prescribed chemicals are utilised to evacuate metals and different toxic substances from the body. Despite the fact that chelation was initially used to treat conditions like lead poisoning, chelation treatment is currently known as a therapy that offers protection against heart diseases and other ailments as well.

In chelation treatment, a chemical solution is delivered into the body through an intravenous (IV) process.

When it goes into the blood circulation, the chemical solution ties to specific molecules, for example, metals or minerals, and afterwards expels those molecules from the body. Many specialists who promote chelation treatment state the by decreasing the abundance of lethal metals or minerals from the human body can upgrade their health and immunity to fight various illnesses.

The most widely recognised types of chelation treatment utilises a synthetic amino acid known as EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid). EDTA works effectively to expel substances, like, lead, copper, iron, and calcium from the body.

You should know that Chelation therapy is a medical treatment that’s performed by medically trained specialists and you shouldn’t try it yourself. The chelating agents used in the therapy are approved by the health department, but only available with a proper prescription. These agents are used by doctors in situations like lead poisoning or overload of iron in the body.

Chelation Therapy & Its Uses

Chelation is known in the medical field as treatment that helps in atherosclerosis (which is the solidification of the arteries). As deposits of calcium are found in artery-clogging plaques, it's believed that utilising chelating agents can re-establish proper blood circulation in the arteries.

A few specialists who promote this treatment also suggest that EDTA can work like antioxidants and offer protection against the harming impacts of chronic inflammation. With that in mind, this therapy is likewise used to treat osteoarthritis and other conditions related to inflammation.

Apart from that, Chelation therapy is also utilised by health practitioners to treat health problems such as:

* High Blood Pressure

* High Cholesterol

* Angina

* Alzheimer’s disease

* Rheumatoid arthritis

* Peripheral artery disease

* Multiple sclerosis

This treatment is also linked with benefits like enhancing memory, cure diabetes-related issues, and help in recovery from stroke.

Safety Concerns & Side Effects Related To Chelation Therapy

* Side effects related to chelation therapy incorporate – nausea, loose stools, skin rash, low blood sugar, high blood pressure, vomiting, headache and diarrhoea.

* At times, chelation treatment may trigger genuine side effects, for example, damage to kidney and unusually low levels of calcium in blood.

* There's some concern that this treatment could expel calcium even from the strong bones and different tissues.

* People having with kidney disease, pregnant women, and children shouldn’t go for Chelation therapy. Consult a renowned doctor to know more about this treatment.
8. februari 2017, 11:14:47
8 Functions Of Adrenal Glands That You Probably Haven’t Heard Before

The majority of people have two adrenal organs. These glands are located on top of the kidneys and are in charge of numerous vital natural procedures within the human body. Let’s take a look at some of the major functions performed by the adrenal glands in our body.

1. Production Of Numerous Vital Hormones

There are diverse areas of these organs and each of these areas is in charge of creating numerous hormones. The inward part of this organ is known as the adrenal cortex, and the external area is known as the adrenal medulla. This difference is crucial because the external and internal areas of these organs are in charge of creating distinctive sorts of hormones.

2. Hormones Generated By The Adrenal Medulla

These incorporate epinephrine and norepinephrine. Medically, these are created by the adrenal organ in high content because of an apparent or genuine risk, commonly known as the fight or flight response.

3. Production Of Hormones By Adrenal Cortex

These incorporate aldosterone, cortisol, and the sex hormones, also incorporating Pregnenolone and DHEA.

4. Maintaining Blood Pressure

The cortisol and aldosterone hormones are especially in charge to control blood pressure in the body. Aldosterone is critical for this reason. Apart from maintaining blood pressure, the adrenal organ is additionally in charge of keeping up ‘blood volume’.

5. Management Of Essential Minerals

Just like the management of blood pressure and blood volume, the adrenal organs additionally manage the levels of vital minerals in the body, for example, potassium and sodium. These glands prevent minerals from becoming too high or too low in content as such fluctuations can affect your health.

6. Regulating A Normal pH Balance

The adrenal organs defend the human body against acidosis. The food items consumed by us, particularly high measures of protein are processed in the body. At the point, when protein is processed in the body, it can expand the acidity in the blood, but it is disposed off by the kidney. The adrenal organs play a crucial role in the whole process.

7. Helping The Organs To Communicate With Each Other

Hormones are created by one organ and affect other organ or organs in the human body. The adrenal organs collaborate and communicate with numerous organs in the human body, such as the kidneys, pituitary glands, thyroid glands and hypothalamus. The adrenal organs produce hormones that influence the working of numerous organs (mentioned above) and the heart.

8. Protection Against Stress

The adrenal organs are our body's support system against all types of stress, such as physical and psychological. To fight stress, the adrenal organs create cortisol that has anti-inflammatory properties and intensely gives the body the bolster that it requires to manage the outcomes of the intense stress.

However, sometimes chronic stress can take a toll on these glands and might result in adrenal fatigue. In adrenal fatigue, the glands become too tired due to regular functioning and their performance level drops. For adrenal fatigue treatment, you need to visit a specialist doctor.
28. januari 2017, 06:58:05
7 Health Conditions That Are Closely Related To Adrenal Fatigue

A lot of reasons are present behind the occurrence of adrenal weakness, which includes stress and chronic disease. However, there are some specific conditions that are firmly connected with growing exhaustion of the adrenal glands. In cases you have developed or getting treatment for any of these conditions, the chances of adrenal weakness increase. There’s a high possibility that in order to get treatment for the illnesses mentioned below, a patient may need to get a proper evaluation for adrenal weakness.

Let’s take a look at some medical conditions related to the occurrence of adrenal glands’ weakness:

1. Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia

This illness can be described by extreme cases of fatigue, exhaustion, ineffective sleeping patterns, rise in joint pain and various other symptoms. A research is going on in the US, which is trying to find a connection between glucocorticoid receptor abnormalities (steroid receptors present in the body) and enhanced risk of getting affected from adrenal exhaustion. In case you’re suffering from fibromyalgia, then ask your doctor to check whether you’re also suffering from adrenal weakness or not.

2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Some people who are suffering from adrenal exhaustion can develop not only Interstitial Cystitis, but Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) as well. There are various symptoms of this condition such as constipation, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and problem in wen eating a few ‘trigger foods.’ One major indication of IBS is that the symptoms frequently disappear at night or while sleeping and reoccur at the daytime.

3. Interstitial Cystitis

It is an inflammatory problem that occurs in the bladder and can bring extremely painful urination. The symptoms of this condition are quite similar as that of a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) with the exception of there is no presence of bacterial disease. There are various approaches for the treatment of this condition. One approach can be changing the nutrition plan of the patient, which includes a gluten free diet and elimination diet.

4. Hypothyroidism

This is maybe a standout amongst the most widely recognised conditions influencing females in their 30s and 40s. Keep in mind that hypothyroidism is usually brought on by Hashimoto's thyroiditis that’s an immune system problem. There’s a strong connection between thyroid illness and adrenal organ dysfunction.

5. Celiac Disease

It’s a typical condition influencing roughly 1 in 100 individuals. People with extreme types of this illness build up an inflammatory problem to any item that has gluten, which includes cleaners, detergents, artificial food flavours etc.

6. Some Other Autoimmune Illnesses

Some immune system illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) can be connected with adrenal exhaustion. In case you have taken prescribed steroids to cure this problem, then it further upgrades the risk of getting adrenal fatigue.

7. Depression

This is an exceptionally common condition connected with adrenal fatigue. A few ways to treat depression includes distinguishing and treating deficiencies of vitamins and nutrients. Adrenal fatigue treatment can work wonderfully in treating depression problem in the patient automatically.
25. januari 2017, 07:41:45
Am I Suffering From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Are you feeling tired throughout the day? Have you started to get worried due to this excessive tiredness you feel all day long? Are you worried to think that you might be suffering from some illness, especially chronic fatigue?

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and figuring out whether you’re experiencing it is not an easy task, and it relies on upon different elements. To start with, you need to know that there's a contrast between the symptoms of chronic fatigue (being drained constantly) and the ailment known as chronic fatigue syndrome.

Chronic Fatigue Symptoms

It's crucial to understand that the vast majority of people who feel drained all the time don't have CFS. Weakness is one of the top problems specialists hear as it can be a component of such a large number of illnesses. Additionally, tiredness mostly occurs due to different aspects of lifestyle instead of an illness.

CFS can develop in a person due to various lifestyle factors such as:

* High stress and depression
* Obesity
* Poor diet
* Trouble in sleeping or too little sleep

Many people nowadays live with at least one of these above mentioned components, so it's great to assess them while figuring out the source or cause of your extreme tiredness. Many of us would most likely get benefits from consuming healthier, making efforts to get a better quality sleep, and decreasing or managing the stress levels.

Try not to give the name a chance to trick you: CFS is significantly more than just being fatigued. The exhaustion is significant and deteriorates after even gentle effort, and it's frequently joined by influenza like symptoms, brain fog (cognitive dysfunction) and any mixture of more than 30 other conceivable symptoms. Many individuals depict it as catching a terrible flu and failing to get any better.

Identifying Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Are you suffering from unexplained tireless exhaustion that is not created by continuous effort, is not getting better even after sleep or rest, and has caused a notable deduction in your activities? If the answer is no, then at that point you don't have CFS.

If the answer is yes, then do you also have at least four of the symptoms mentioned below for about 6 months or more?

* Extreme, long fatigue and illness right after physical or mental work (post-exertion discomfort)
* Pain and aches in the muscles
* Weakened memory or focus
* Sore throat quite frequently
* Unrefreshing Sleep
* Joint pain without any redness and swelling
* Headache that you never had before and it has a changed pattern
* Swelling lymph nodes in your neck and close to your bosom.

Do you have the majority of the above mentioned symptoms? Then you need to visit an expert doctor to get treatment for chronic fatigue. Your doctor will perform tests and then start a proper treatment method for your illness.
18. januari 2017, 11:53:42
How To Treat Depression And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

In many cases, people (sometimes even doctors) often confuse between depression and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). However, there are clear differences between the two, which sets them apart.

In both problems, the person will feel quite exhausted, no matter how good sleep they had the night before. It is quite possible that the individual may have developed both depression and CFS, or mistake one condition for the other. It's crucial to find out the major differences amongst CFS and depression in order to get proper treatment.

Symptoms in People Suffering from Depression:

* Continuous feelings of anxiety, sadness, or emptiness

* They will feel hopeless, helpless, or worthless about everything

* They will lose interest in hobbies

* They will either eat too much or too little

* Problem in concentrating or making decisions

* Difficulty in sleeping

* Cramps, headaches, abdomen pains, and other types of pain.

Symptoms in People Suffering from CFS:

* The patient feels quite exhausted even after proper rest

* There is no logical/explainable reason for the fatigue

* Headaches, sore throat muscle pain, joint pain, and swollen lymph nodes.

Treatment For Chronic Fatigue And Depression

Some treatment strategies to cure depression incorporate medicines and counselling. Counselling with doctors can incorporate cognitive behavioural treatment, interpersonal treatment and problem resolving treatment. Counselling with expert doctor/psychiatrist helps you perceive any basic issues and examine them to come up with solutions and offer methods to the patient to deal with similar circumstances that may emerge in the future. You can likewise work through your present emotions as a method for effectively dealing with them in a healthy manner.

Always take medicines that are prescribed by expert doctors. Medicines for depression incorporate selective:

* Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)

* Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs),

* Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs),

* Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs).

Remember, you should never ever consume any medicine without consulting your doctor. Consuming medicines without consulting your doctor may prove extremely harmful for your health. If the prescribed medicines are unsuccessful, your specialist doctor may change the type or dosage for better results.

Let’s take a look at a few tips that can help in your treatment for chronic fatigue:

* Move Ahead – It’s good to be aware about your limits and try not to push yourself over the limit you can handle, even if you’re performing well. Sometimes it’s good to move ahead before your body break-down.

* Learn and understand things that you can do and cannot do. Make this your limit and work around it. This will eventually make you more productive.

* Take care of your body and listen to it when it indicates your limits and capabilities.

* To ensure effective treatment for chronic fatigue, you should have a manageable routine.

* Control stress and rest whenever it’s possible.

* Be reasonable, and try to avoid quick fixes/shortcuts.

* Have a healthy diet, which includes, green vegetables, lean meat and fresh fruits. Avoid Alcohol and quit smoking.
10. januari 2017, 07:39:39
Story Of A Lyme Disease Patient Living In Australia

Lyme disease cases are on a rise in Australia, but many people are still unaware or have little knowledge about this illness. Let’s read a story of a Lyme disease patient, who also faced a situation where doctors were unable to identify that he was suffering from Lyme disease.

Matthew’s Lyme Disease Story:

I live in Australia and Lyme infection just changed my life. It removed whole nutrition benefits from my eating routine. It created agony and weariness so persevering that I limited my life to the basic needs (like working all day and doing essential house chores), and later ignored those relying upon how terrible I felt.

Suffering from Lyme is like been affected by flu – throughout the day, consistently. It devastated my body, making such high amounts of inflammation that my body was always feeling hurt, burned, numb, and tingled throughout the day. My body temperature was also dropped due to this illness.

Lyme took on my psyche, as well. On the awful days, I failed to recall that where streets I regularly you to travel went. Some funny (scary) things I did were:

* Left my car running with the keys inside and went to the supermarket.
* At an airport, I took my travel bag from sensors where only people were allowed.
* Find difficult to do even small calculations to help my kid with homework.
* Left the tap open after washing my hands, and this happened most of the times.

Step by step, this illness transformed me into a person I never anticipated that would be me in my life. And then, at a point in life I realised that I’m suffering from chronic illness and this was the lifestyle I adapted.

Many years passed and I didn't even know the name of ‘chronic illness’ I was suffering from. Now I think that the tingling and numbness feeling was the dawn of this problem. Numerous tests failed to indicate anything. One doctor thought that I was suffering from diabetes, despite the fact that my sugar levels were well inside the normal range. I simply chose to disagree with the doctor, and I knew I was right.

I became sicker gradually throughout the following three years. I looked for treatments for the occurrences of mysterious rash, extreme fatigue, food allergies, the killing pain in joints, and the never-ending low level fever.

I underwent expensive tests recommended by doctors, which come either normal or negative. Sometimes, I felt so wrecked emotionally, physically and financially that I decided to give up everything and run away. Then, the things become even worse as I suffered from extreme pain, fatigue and gastrointestinal problems.

Then, my life took another U-turn, when I visited an experienced doctor in Sydney. He did some test, analysed my medical history and told me that I’m suffering from Lyme disease. He started my Lyme disease treatment and I had positive results within a week. I felt more lively and healthy within a month. My body started reacting to the Lyme disease treatment offered by that expert doctor and soon I was fully fit.

Now, I have joined college in Australia back again (I left because my performance was severely hurt by Lyme) to get my degree. My life is back on the right track again. I shared my story because I don’t want anyone else to go through the same what I did. Remember, only visit expert doctors, if you think that you’re suffering from a chronic illness.
26. december 2016, 09:23:28
7 Myths About Lyme Disease You Might Not Have Heard Before!

Let’s take a look at some common myths about Lyme disease.

Myth #1 – All Ticks Can Cause Lyme Disease

No, the only ticks that can cause Lyme disease are known as deer ticks or black-legged ticks. Just around 30% and 60% of those ticks might be carrying the bacteria, called that causes Lyme disease. This bacterium is known as Borrelia burgdorferi.

Myth #2 – If Someone Is Bitten By Infected Tick, He Or She Will Be Infected By Lyme Disease

Remember, a tick bite doesn’t occur quickly in a few seconds like a bee or mosquito sting. When the tick reaches the body of a person, it gets stuck on the skin and start sucking blood from the host’s body for a period of time. In case the tick is infected, then for as long as it’s attached to the body, it will suck and transmit the bacteria.

Myth#3 – The Most Ideal Approaches To Expel Ticks Are To Suffocate Or Burn Them

Experts state that burning a tick with fire, or attempting to choke out it with nail polish, petroleum jelly or gasoline, or other similar techniques won't be as helpful as delicately pulling the tick far from the skin quite carefully so as to make sure that the tick's mouth area isn’t detached to its remaining body or remains stuck to the person’s body.

Myth#4 – Bullseye Rash Is The Best Way To Diagnose Lyme Disease

Remember, it’s possible that not everybody who has been bitten by an infected tick gets a bullseye rash, yet they may have become infected from the illness, and will develop the other common symptoms of this disease.

Myth#5 – Testing A Tick Can Tell If You Have Lyme Disease Or Not

Even if an expert gets the tick tested and it’s found to be harbouring the Lyme bacteria, it’s not necessary that the tick has transmitted the bacteria to any person it may have bitten. So, testing a tick won't be an exact sign of whether somebody it has bitten is affected by this illness or not.

Myth #6 – You Won’t Get Infected Again with Lyme disease, If You Have Been Infected by It Before.

Studies have clearly suggested that there’s no limit to the number of times a person can get affected by Lyme disease. So, you need to be careful even you if have suffered from this illness a few years back.

Myth #7 – Lyme Disease can't be cured

You should know that the early stages of this illness when caught within the first 1 or 3 moths are the getting infected by the tick bite, are really treatable with proper medications authorised by an expert doctor.

If the illness is detected early the bacteria can be killed easily by medications and the person will be cured. For later stages of Lyme disease, you need to visit an expert doctor in Sydney, Australia. Cases of Lyme disease in Australia are becoming more common. Visit an experienced doctor today, if you think that you have developed symptoms of Lyme disease.
22. december 2016, 06:52:59
11 Lifestyle Changes To Fight Chronic Fatigue

While addressing your fatigue problem, trying different things with lifestyle changes is one way of looking for relief. There is a wide range of procedure you can attempt to decrease exhaustion and return to feel like yourself once more. Have a look at some of them:

1. Bolster Your Adrenals – Staying away from stimulants can decrease fatigue that’s chronic in nature. You can consult your doctor about adrenal triggers and approaches to enhance your adrenal wellbeing.

2. Have Tests For Bacteria – After the cause is developed, your doctor can work with you to make an antibacterial treatment plan, which is meant to clean your System.

3. Modify Your Eating Routine/Diet – As said, eating regimen can play an integral part in curing the fatigue that’s chronic in nature. It's best that you stay away from refined, processed, high-sugary food items, products that contain artificial sweeteners, and food items high in fat and calories. Rather, choose a wholesome eating regimen of whole grains, lean meats, and a lot of fruits and vegetables. Likewise, maintain a distance from food items you’re allergic or can't tolerate.

4. Exercise/Work Out – It can elevate vitality and shed pounds naturally. The individuals who are overweight or fat may feel more exhausted than those with a solid & healthy weight. Remember, that over-practicing can prompt to weakness too – everything is great with some restraint.

5. Control Sleeping Time – Although you might be drained and sleep for the whole day, you ought to restrict your sleep to the night hours only. Make an attempt to push through your tiredness and go ahead with your daily routine.

6. Visit The Nature – Many researches have indicated the positive effect of fresh outdoor air and daylight on exhaustion levels. In case you're always cooped up indoors, you can feel more drained. Accordingly, move outdoors towards nature to decrease tiredness.

7. Choose Psychotherapy – If you truly can't figure out the main cause of your exhaustion, you may need to visit a therapist to get your psychological well-being assessed. You could be experiencing stress, depression or other mental wellness issue that requires proper treatment.

8. Go For Sleep Quality – As mentioned, fatigue levels can be dropped by proper sleep. If you speculate you might have a sleep issue, go for a sleep test to find out the reason for your sleeping issues. It might likewise be linked to a mental health issue.

9. Be More Social – If you live isolated or don't go out to mingle, then you may feel exhausted. Connecting with others and having a good social life can help your vitality levels.

10. Remain Busy/Occupied – If you're exhausted or don't have much to do, you may develop chronic fatigue. Manage your days to keep yourself possessed, so you don't stay idle and get drained.

11. Decrease Stress – Once more, stress has an integral role in causing chronic fatigue syndrome, so finding healthy approaches to battle stress can improve CFS level.
19. december 2016, 13:27:57
Outdoor and Indoor Causes Of Allergies

Nowadays, more and more people are getting affected by nasal allergies, regardless of their age. Allergies/Sensitivities can be prevented with proper care. If you wish to know how to stay away from allergy attacks, then you should first know where they originate from.

Let’s discuss what is allergy and how you can prevent it. Usually, there are two sorts of reasons for allergies: indoor and outdoor causes.

Outdoor Causes Of Allergies

These would bring in seasonal allergies because of the climate and other common variables. Some would incorporate icy climate, snow, or even extraordinary instances of summer heat. Other than the climate, other open air causes would incorporate pollen, dust, ragweed, and mould.

Indoor Causes Of Allergies

These can be located inside a house or any type of building. To start with, there are pets, particularly the ones that are hairy. Many individuals are allergic to cats & dogs as these pets leave some amount of fur around the house. At the point when individuals with nasal conditions breathe in stray pet hair, then their allergy is activated.

Apart from pets, one may even be allergic to dirt, filth, grime and debris. Actually, the vast majority of individuals are adversely affected by dust mites also. Dust mites can thrive under the furniture, in the kitchen, the floor coverings, and different other spots.

Signs & Symptoms Of Allergies

There are numerous other causes (both outdoor and indoor) that cause allergies, but the ones specified above are probably the most well-known. In spite of the fact that there are diverse reasons for allergies, the side effects are all the same. The most well-known indications are runny noses, nasal blockage, congestion, bad throats, and unending sneezing. In worse cases, one may encounter headaches, itchy eyes, and exhaustion.

Allergy treatment & Prevention

The best cure for allergies, as mentioned above, is prevention. As the problem is usually airborne, allergic conditions are quite difficult to cure permanently. This is the reason why, it is essential to keep allergens away from setting off any allergic attacks.

The initial phase in prevention is to discover the allergen. For instance, if you feel that you’re allergic to your pet, then it is advisable to keep your pet clean so that long hair won't tumble off and transform into hairballs. In case allergy is caused by dust or dust mites, then it will be better to just clean the house properly on a regular basis.

You’ll be surprised to know that some recent studies have found that Lyme disease (caused by tick bite) might result in food allergies. These new insights are changing the way we use to see allergies and how the allergy treatment was performed. It’s all about getting more info and apply steps to stay away from allergies.
7. december 2016, 13:52:52
Is There A Genetic Connection With Lyme Disease?

Recently, a few researchers have discovered a genetic/hereditary factor that enhances the odds of individuals experiencing extreme joint pain or chronic arthritis.

The bacterium that thrives in the body of ticks causes Lyme disease.

Now, there a debate and discussion going on amongst doctors to establish the fact that whether Lyme is genetic or not. As of late, they have discovered a genetic/hereditary variable that increases the odds of individuals experiencing chronic arthritis. This can change the illness from a practically unnoticeable disease to a problem that may remain for a long time.

This type of joint pain/arthritis affects only one person out of ten amongst whom the illness is untreated. Every one of them has an acquired factor, a segment on the surface of the white platelets. This chronic joint pain generally consists of similar antibiotics that cure joint pain in its early stage. However, these medications are ineffectual in the later stages.

Amazingly, Scientists don't have information, whether patient's heart and different problem have connections to genetic elements.

But, they strongly believe that in the long run, the genetic angle may open up new roads for Lyme disease treatment. For example, individuals who experience the ill effects of this illness may likewise get a thorough antibiotic treatment. This finding was one of the many researches done on an undeniably distressing d illness.

These discoveries likewise add to one of the most stubborn issues that specialists confront with the Lymes disease, which is the failure to determine accurately that who suffers from the Lymes disease in Australia and who does not. The study is one among the many studies done on the increasingly annoying diseases.

Fundamental Factors Of Lymes Disease:

As you now realise that, the primary driver of Lyme disease in Australia is a bacterium that escalates through small ticks. Many individuals who are bitten by the ticks build up a bull’s eye rash. A week or a few days later, there are high possibilities that they experience the ill effects of influenza or flu like symptoms, which might also incorporate fever, swollen lymph organs, headache and uneasiness. In some cases, for a large portion of them, the side effects are gentle and in other cases, there is no symptom by any means. Despite the fact that many people recoup completely, for others, the symptoms develop years later.

As of late, researchers and specialists have reported these discoveries at various seminars on Lymes disease in Australia. Analysts are completing more studies on the nature and occurrence of the illness. Until that time, it is critical for individuals who experience the ill effects of Lymes disease to get an early treatment and go for preventive measures.

The bottom line here is that the prevention and early detection are the best way to treat Lyme disease in Australia.
29. november 2016, 08:14:03
Feeling Tired All The Time? Use These 5 Ways To Get Surplus Energy

We always forget to give credit to our immune system for all the work done by it. Although it isn't completely perfect or ready to secure us against all infections and harmful bacteria, it normally can eliminate germs and maintain our health. A few people have weaker immune system compared to others, but sometimes individuals make their immune system weaker unintentionally. Their body gets affected because of poor lifestyle and eating habits, and ultimately their immune system becomes weak.

Here are 5 natural and easy ways to boost your immune system.

Follow A Proper Sleeping Routine

There’s no doubt that sleep is indeed one of the best ways our body regenerates itself. You disrupt your sleeping pattern on a high level, if you’ve developed a habit of staying awake late at night playing games or surfing social media websites. Remember, you’ll become prone to illnesses due to lack of sleep as it leads to tiredness and weakened immune system.

Follow A Healthier Lifestyle

You may have heard this a lot of times before, and it’s simple and true. However, it can be troublesome for many individuals. Considering how the individual was raised, he or she may imagine that specific nourishments are good for their health when they really are most certainly not. Processed foods, junk foods, refined sugars, artificial flavours, and Trans fats wreak inflict on the body and can severely affect body functions.

By having to a better dieting plan, you can get the best possible nutrients that can keep your body in an excellent condition. Apart from eating healthy food, try a sports activity or exercise consistently, keep your blood pressure checked, abstain from smoking and drinking alcohol, and keep up a decent weight. Eat these nourishments to improve your health – Mushrooms, Avocados, Oregano Oil, Broccoli, Nuts and Seeds, low fat meat and milk.

Take Part In Cleanse

If something in your body isn't working properly, then the remaining system and organs can't work in the right way. Numerous health conditions put strain on the body, so taking part in cleansing or detoxing can benefit your whole body.

Love You Adrenals

Adrenal glands are located on top of your kidneys and control hormonal functions in the body. New age stressors can push your adrenal glands into overdrive and make them exhausted. This exertion might result in adrenal fatigue. Your immune system will also fail to function effectively if your adrenal glands go down. By lowering stress and eating foods rich in antioxidants, you can keep your adrenal glands healthy.

Soak In Sun

Soaking under the sun is not only relaxing, but it also provides your body with the all-important vitamin D. Then, this vitamin D supercharges your immune system. However, don’t get excess sun exposure as it might result in skin damage, sun burns and even skin cancer if proper care is not taken.
22. november 2016, 13:57:41
Search For The Energy To Live Your Life To The Fullest!

Nowadays, everyone seems to have too much pressure on their time and energy, and it looks as if we are being pulled in various directions, which eventually decreases our energy levels.

With modern lifestyle, it has become quite essential for us to maintain our health and lifestyle. The healthy we stay, better performance is delivered. Let’s discuss a few points on our health and how to maintain our energy levels.

There are two places from good energy come from:

Our Minds

If you don’t know it yet, then keep in your mind that energy can be driven in by your thoughts. To check the reality of this statement, you should try doing a task in which you have an interest or a task which you don’t want to do. Passion and interest can push us to perform tasks even when we are tired.

Not having a choice is also convenient sometimes. If you work in an office or own a business and a particular task needs to be completed on time, then you can find all the energy within yourself to complete the project. When left with no or little option, humans have a habit of mustering energy to complete the task on time.

However, these types of situations are good only in a limited number of cases because if you develop a habit of completing your work in such scenarios always, then the stress level will eventually take its toll. This might also influence your adrenal glands will stop producing the adrenaline you need to operate and function properly. You’ll suffer from adrenal fatigue and won’t be able to perform according to your capabilities.

Our Cells

We all know that the cells are our main suppliers of energy. Each cell in our body has engines which create a chemical known as ATP (Adenosine Tri Phosphate) and this is your major source of energy. The amount of ATP your body generates relies upon various factors.

The nature of the fuel you put into your body. That is an eating regimen loaded with processed foods and heaps of sugars will give a bad fuel source. You require quality fats, proteins and carbs which will give a decent cross section of nutrients and fats which can be promptly used as fuel.

Fats, for example, Trans fats found in the majority of processed food items are not beneficial for your cells, even normal vegetable oils should be used in small amounts.

Water helps to maintain your cells by keeping them pumped up and healthy, and this truly appears on your skin. Cells in good condition additionally permit the waste to be discharged effectively.

Great health doesn't occur accidentally or unintentionally, you need to build your life to guarantee health and vitality, it is not hard, but rather it requires a strong mind to put health ahead of certain food items, obviously you can have a treat every once in a while.
16. november 2016, 13:01:14
How To Keep Your Home Safe From The Negative Impacts Of Mould?

Do you know about illness caused by mould? If yes, then you must be worried and wondering often whether your home safe from the mould or not? If your house is severely infected with mould, then it’s surely going to affect the health of people living in it, especially children and elders.

Mould makes anyone sick whoever is exposed to it as it targets the immune system of the body. Many people think that by just painting or bleacji9ng the area where mould has developed will solve the problem. No it won’t, only within a few days the mould will grow back and again and with even worse effects.

In order to understand the basics and how the mould works, you should understand the fact that excess moisture and dampness leads to the growth of mould. There is a high chance of mould growth, wherever there’s dampness. Therefore, one the best ways to get rid of mould from your house is by finding the exact cause of excess mould and remove it completely.

Discover the source of the dampness with a specific target to correct the condition and keep the mould under control. Do you have an extremely moist region in your home? The most ideal approach to dispose of excess dampness in your house is to buy a dehumidifier. This tool will decrease the level of moisture incredibly in any region of your home, hence diminishing mould development.

In case you discover a region of your home that is damp and wet also, then you should totally dry the wet area. Try to evacuate any wet thing off the floor and walls. When you dispose of any object that is either wet or infected with mould, you will need to clean and then disinfect that particular place. Get a good disinfectant or anti-microbial cleaning solution that can eliminate the mould permanently.

If you take the task of cleaning and drying the mould infected area, then you’ll be doing an excellent job by removing the problem for better. With a high quality dehumidifier activated in the main area of your home, you’re preventing re-contamination. With the help of many products available in the market, you can get rid of the mould yourself. This way, you ensure that you and your family members stay far away from mould illness treatment.

Don`t forget to wear protective clothing and a mask, if you do decide to eliminate the mould on your own. The mould will protect you from harmful mould spores and infections. If you have no idea about how to clean the mould, then you should call for professional help.

If you think that you or your family members are falling ill due to mould, then it’s highly recommended that you should visit an expert doctor who’s known for curing illnesses caused by mould.
8. november 2016, 12:04:59
How Damaging Is Mould Illness For Your Health

Places that are not well ventilated, and have damp and humid conditions are ideal for mould to thrive. Such conditions have been quite common and sometimes even worse this summer in Australia because of La Niña, which is a weather phenomenon that results in excessive rain. Many cities on the eastern coast have recorded one of their wettest summers for over 10 years.

Many experts’ stresses on the significance of not giving mould a chance to grow and become widespread in your home.

Mould is lethal and can bring about ailment, experts say. "It will fuel existing sicknesses, for example, allergies or asthma and reduces the recovery speed of wounds. It harms the physical structure of your home or property and infects/taints anything it contacts.

There’s no doubt that mould is present everywhere in some amount and we breathe in its spores continuously, but it can start to play havoc on our health when the concentration builds.

The impacts of moulds and excess moisture on the respiratory wellbeing of kids are similar to the impact of passive smoking and incorporate different negative impacts also, for example, chronic bronchitis and asthma. High exposure to mould is connected with catching more colds, headaches, fever, diseases of the respiratory system, and irritation in the eyes and skin. It might even result in death, but only in severe cases in which treatment is provided on time.

Are You Suffering From Any Allergy?

It has been estimated that more than 40% people have some sort of sensitivity to breathing in mould spores, which are microscopic ‘seeds’ produced by mould colonies and spread into air in millions every day. However, recent researches have shown that mould affects the health on a much larger scale than just starting runny noses, respiratory irritation, asthma attacks and allergic reactions.

Mould illness is quite common in almost every part of the world. A recent study conducted in Australia also established a connection between mouldy, damp homes and depression. On the other hand, a research in the UK found that newborn babies and kids living in mould infested homes have a higher chance of developing respiratory illnesses, for example, pneumonia and bronchitis.

Take a look at some tips for eliminating and preventing mould.

• Removing Mould from hard surfaces, fabrics and upholstery – Take a half teaspoon of clove oil (you can get from pharmacies and markets) blended with one litre of water, and then spray this mixture on the mould.
• Removing Mould from Leather – Take half teaspoon of clove oil blended with 250ml baby oil. Drop 2 drops on the leather surface where mould has grown and wipe it with a cloth.
• Removing Mould from Cupboards – Hang 5 to 10 chalk sticks tied with a thread in the cupboard, and then let it absorb dampness. You can replace them with new pieces when they become damp, and don’t forget to throw the damp pieces.
• Removing Mould from Books – Put some chalks right behind the area where books are kept. The chalks will absorb the dampness eventually.
21. oktober 2016, 14:56:53
Dealing With Troublesome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Know Your Enemy

Envision that you are dragging throughout the day, consistently, regardless of how much rest and relaxation you get. There are various reasons an individual may feel in such a manner. One class of illnesses known for bringing about consistent exhaustion and tiredness is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). This condition affects millions of people around the globe, which includes thousands of people in Australia. Studies have shown that chronic fatigue syndrome is more common in women than men.

One vital difference amongst CFS and typical tired feelings is the group of symptoms found in the patient that just won't go away. Regardless of how well an individual rests, eats, exercises or something else, the symptoms won’t leave. The weakness should fundamentally affect satisfaction and quality of life for 6 months and more. The symptoms will be present in these ways:

* Muscular pain

* Huge weakened memory and concentration

* Sleep which doesn’t makes you feel fresh

* Post-exertion uneasiness and stress which remains for a day

* Joint pain without any redness or swelling

* New type of headaches

* Lymph nodes in neck or armpit

* Frequent or recurring sore throat

What makes the whole situation more scary is the fact that how unknown is CFS among many doctors. Many physicians see chronic fatigue syndrome as a puzzle. No one has good information about why it developed or what is the basis of its side effects. The list of symptoms was so huge that some health practitioners thought that CFS was largely a psychiatric problem.

Nobody is totally certain what causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Here are some hypotheses/theories behind its occurrence:

Diseases/Infections – Some experts think that Chlamydia is the reason behind CFS or at least have some kind of connection. The problem can be started by the Epstein-barr infection also.

Low Blood pressure – A recent research discovered that neurally interceded hypotension, which occurs due to inadequate communication between the heart and mind, resulting in blood pressure issues might be identified with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Keep in mind that the experts aren’t saying that neurally interceded hypotension is the reason behind chronic fatigue syndrome, but it is the reason behind the symptoms of CFS. For reasons unknown, the reflex is activated, creating an unexpected drop in blood pressure. If it is sufficiently activated, people will develop symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Lack Of Nutrition – Some people may not get the correct supplements and nutrients in their diet without realising it. A study published recently discovered "lack of vitamin C, zinc, sodium, magnesium, different B vitamins, L-tryptophan, L-carnitine, and essential fatty acids may lead to chronic fatigue syndrome also.

There is no all inclusive treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Or maybe, doctors must work on treating every single symptom and avert illnesses and dietary issues to enhance the general life quality of the people. Some health experts recommend that a collective approach that includes specialists and patients is one key to overseeing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Patients will get benefits when they can work in a joint effort with a group of specialists and other health care experts, who may incorporate rehabilitation experts, psychological health experts, and physical or exercise trainers. By working as a team, they can make an individualised treatment program that best addresses the issues of the people suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

At the point when a person can't take part in everyday work due to lack of energy and concentration, it can inflict significant damage on his or her confidence. The person may need to face financial challenges because of absence from office and regular visits to the doctor. This is the reason it's critical for every patient to see a good doctor to adapt to the stress initiating parts of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Expert specialists can help people with CFS to deal with this mysterious and discouraging condition. With proper treatment, those with CFS can start to construct their emotional with productive activities that will eventually make their lives a lot better.

Let’s have a look at some of the factors that may increase the risk of CFS:

Age– CFS can happen to a person of any age, however it mostly affects individuals in their 40s and 50s.

Gender – It has been noted that females get affected from CFS more often than men. However, women have a higher percentage in reporting this problem to the doctors.

Lifestyle – Individuals who are overweight and have limited physical activity will probably develop CFS.

Depression, social isolation, lifestyle restrictions and extended work absences are some of the possible complications of chronic fatigue syndrome.
12. oktober 2016, 13:17:21
Why Do I Always Feel Tired?

It appears that numerous individuals in the Australia are always tired, stressed, drained out of energy and worried.

Do you think that you are Burnt Out? Here are some questions that you need to answer sincerely.

* Do you find it really difficult to get up in the morning? Even after sleeping the whole night, you still feel tired?

* Always feel sleepy? Feel fatigued and drained out throughout the day?

* Have you become addicted to caffeine lately? Craving for salty and sugary food items has increased?

What are your answers? If ‘yes’ is the answer of even 1 of the above 3 questions, then there’s a strong chance that you’re suffering from ‘Burnout’ or adrenal fatigue.

It's an exceptionally basic issue which regularly goes unnoticed. It influences, notably a greater number of women than men. The number of individuals enduring has soared since the recession hit almost every country in the world, including Australia. Financial worries and instabilities have increased stress.

What Is Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue is something related to stress levels and it’s something which occurs when the adrenal glands in our body get exhausted. The adrenal glands discharge a hormone named cortisol, against all types of stress levels. Cortisol is a natural anti-inflammatory that reduces levels of stress and inflammation whenever required.

The adrenal glands are about the size of walnuts and are placed right above the kidneys. They have critical operations inside the body, and discharge more than 50 types of hormones, which your body needs to work properly. Apart from cortisol, some other hormones discharged by the adrenal glands are progesterone, estrogen, epinephrine and testosterone.

Symptoms & Adverse Effects

This illness can truly destroy the life you live, in compelling cases it can become worse to the point that the sufferer will be able to stay awake and move around only for a few hours every day. It alters the metabolism of your fat, protein and carbohydrate intake, also effects fluid and electrolyte balance. Apart from this, it also impacts your cardiovascular health and libido.

The primary symptoms of adrenal fatigue are:

* The patient will feel uncommonly drained out and extremely tired all the time

* The patient will feel lethargic and have no energy

* The patient will find it extremely difficult to wake up in the mornings regardless of what time he/she went to bed at the night

* The patient will struggle to find energy during the day

* Despite being up for several hours in the morning, only after 10am he/she will wake up properly

* The patient will feel ‘wake u’ around 6 in the evening

* Stress and diseases hits the patients hard and they struggle to get rid of it

* The craving for caffeine, sweet and salty things increases

* Expanded PMS or menopausal indications

* A bit of depression

* You feel powerless a considerable measure of the time, weak and drained while climbing up the stairs

* Decreased libido

* Enhanced allergies

* Feeling of light headedness and dizziness

If you think that you’re also dealing with most of these symptoms, then you might be suffering from adrenal fatigue. To get adrenal fatigue treatment, you need to visit an expert doctor.
29. september 2016, 15:13:07
Adrenal Fatigue & Weight Gain – 10 Tips To Fight Excess Weight Gain

Weight gain is something which quickly comes in the mind while considering things we would prefer not to see with our health. However, adrenal fatigue doesn’t click as quickly while discussing weight loss. Let’s discuss the connection between adrenal fatigue and weight gain.

As we all know that the adrenal glands are situated over the kidneys in our body and they create the stress & anxiety related hormone known as cortisol. This hormone, Cortisol ensures that our body has enough energy & vitality (glucose) between dinners. We even have a new supply of cortisol produced by the glands around 8 a.m. every morning.

At the point when everything is running easily, the infusion of the morning cortisol awakens us and its continuous decay during the day helps us wind down and get prepared for rest. Our body feels adjusted, we consume food when we have to, and the adrenals bolster our vitality levels between each meal.

Nowadays, we can't neglect that fact that stress enters this process and brings new issues into adrenal capacity. Stress generates variations in cortisol, for example, abnormal levels when it ought to be low around evening time. Ever had the inclination that you're so pumped up to the point that you find it difficult to sleep even at 1 a.m. in the morning? That inclination is being supported by cortisol to an extent.

At the point when the body gets drained due to stress and adrenal fatigue, it aches for food items which are sugary and fatty, which are high in calories and play a major role in excessive weight gain.

Let’s take a look at some amazing tips that will help you to manage adrenal fatigue and weight gain. These will assist you to maintain adrenal health, healthy weight, stress level, and blood sugar for both short and long terms.

* Ensure that you follow a consistent sleep and wake plan, which will give smooth cortisol discharge.

* Eat food items at regular intervals and keep the amount to a recommended level.

* Try not to hold up until you're excessively hungry.

* At the point when your body and brain is full of stress, don't switch to coffee or tobacco products.

* Rather, shut your eyes and envision something for around 5 minutes that calms your nerves.

* Or, get a glass of cold water with mint or cucumber.

* Try some music that calms your mind.

* Do exercise on a regular basis as it will help your body to reduce stress levels.

* Don’t stress too much on your increased weight as it will enhance stress levels. With a proper plan the weight will come to a normal level.

* Check your stress level and lifestyle habits, when your weight increases.

Final Thoughts: For effective adrenal fatigue treatment, you can apply the above mentioned tips. For the best and reliable adrenal fatigue treatment, visit an expert doctor.
26. september 2016, 11:25:25
Amazing Ways To Overcome Chronic Fatigue

Since you know the basic reasons for fatigue, let’s begin a discussion about the ways in which we could fight chronic fatigue. Here are top tips that will help you to overcome and manage your chronic fatigue syndrome. Have a look.

Strictly Consume Only A Healthy & Balanced Diet

Food items and nourishments that are high in sugar and fat makes you feel drowsy and low in energy. Subsequently, consumption of food that is high in sugar and fat for a long period of time could result in the advancement of chronic fatigue and different other infections.

If you wish to keep your body healthy and energetic, you have to expand the consumption of fruits & green vegetables. Don’t skip breakfast, if you want to guarantee that you have an enduring supply of vitality as the day progressed. Rather than eating 3 full meals, go for small amount of food in quick intervals.

Change Your Thinking To Live A Stress Free Life

Experts have found that there is a close association amongst stress and growth of chronic fatigue in the patients. Subsequently, if you prefer not to experience the ill effects of chronic fatigue later on in your life, you have to cut your stress & anxiety levels down.

One of the best approaches to beat stress & anxiety is to find the cause behind it. Family, marriage or relationship issues could increase the stress levels, so you have to figure out how to improve your issues with your family and companions.

For some individuals, work is their real stressor. Appropriate management of time, capacity to manage projects properly, and figuring out how to manage troublesome co-workers are some common approaches to deal with your stress from work. In the event you feel that you can no more manage stress, you can request the assistance of your family, companions, or a counsellor.

Exercise On A Regular Basis

Fat individuals with laidback ways of living life frequently develop health issues like chronic fatigue syndrome. Your body, especially your heart, requires customary physical exercises to make them perform at their best. In addition, exercise could build your vitality levels naturally, on the grounds that it helps in appropriate circulation. Regular exercise does not just help in reducing stress, but it also helps in discharging endorphins, which for the most part decreases stress, enhances joy and diminishes pain.

You Can Also Try Natural & Alternative Remedies

Don’t be hesitant to try new remedies that could help you unwind and make your body more vigorous and powerful. Get a good massage to help you unwind and enhance blood circulation.

You can also try acupuncture therapy, which is an ancient medicinal treatment widely used in China and Asia. Acupuncture therapy helps in enhancing the mental and physical strength.

Aromatherapy and meditation are great approaches to cut your stress & anxiety levels down. These techniques could give you peace and help you unwind & relax after a tough day.
20. september 2016, 11:03:51
How Vitamin Can Save Your Life!

We all have grown up hearing our parents that how important vitamins are for our health & body. Now & then, we all are also bombarded by companies with their vitamin ads, and it is basic thing to know that vitamins are valuable to the human body.

Shockingly, numerous individuals don't know precisely how vitamins are valuable, especially vitamin C. Knowing how vitamins can be useful, and other imperative data about vitamins can help anybody choose the right vitamins to take, and demonstrates their actual advantages.

Two Types of Vitamins

It is critical to comprehend that there are two kinds of vitamins – fat soluble and water- soluble. Fat- soluble vitamins are usually kept in the fatty tissues and in our liver by our body. The vitamins stay in the fat until they are required. At the point when the vitamins are needed, carriers assigned to this task take them to the source. The time frame for which fat-soluble vitamins stay in the body can be near about six months. Some of the fat-soluble vitamins are Vitamins A, D, E, and K.

The second sort of vitamin is water-soluble, which are entirely different as fat-soluble vitamins since they are kept in the body. Water-soluble vitamins are transferred through the bloodstream, and an amount which isn’t used by the body turns out during urination. Therefore, these vitamins should be supplied frequently in light of the fact that they don't stay in the body for a long period of time. Some water-soluble vitamins are vitamin C, B1, B2, B6, B12, biotin, niacin, and pantothenic acid.

What Vitamins Do?

A great many people comprehend that vitamins are useful, but they don't know precisely what every vitamin does. Let’s talk about vitamin C, for instance. Did you know that Vitamin C keeps body tissues healthy, for example, muscles and gums. Vitamin C can oppose contamination and recuperates wounds. Vitamin C offers loads of benefits just like other vitamins.

How To Get Vitamins

For most kids, consumption of healthy food can give them with every single vitamin required. In any case, a few grown-ups might be encouraged to take vitamins, keeping in mind the end goal to get their daily prescribed amounts. The most ideal approach to get vitamins is to have a balance diet.

However, for large intake, which is often not possible orally, you can go for Intravenous Vitamin C treatment. Before buying food items, you should always check back of the product to see the amount of minerals and vitamins it contains. There are many food items which contain large amounts of different vitamins.

Did you know that eggs contain vitamins A, B, D, and E and Orange Juice is rich in vitamin C? Food items, especially guava, papaya and citrus fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C. However, if you wish to get high amount of Vitamin C in your body, then Intravenous vitamin C treatment will be ideal for you.
17. september 2016, 07:58:26
Detoxify Your Body With Chelation Therapy

Chelation treatment is a well known therapy used to detox the human body from excessive amount of heavy metals that have gathered over a period of time. A few years back, the total impacts of heavy metal exposure were not identified as widely and deeply as it is today. Numerous studies and progressive researches indicate that exposure to metals has been identified as the reason for many diseases and negative body systems.

Negative Aspects Of Heavy Metal Exposure

In the right sums, a few metals are vital to our body, but overexposure to some metals can be as harmful as small exposures to unhealthy metals. Metals are not the same as other ecological poisons that human bodies are exposed to as they don’t split in the body and dispersed through common filtering systems.

These heavy metals stay in solid form and gradually collect after some time to make such a toxic excess that serious health issues start to occur. These poisons gather in the kidneys, brain liver, bones, nails and hair. These exposures have also been connected to different types of cancers, kidney issues, and autism.

How We Get Exposed To Heavy Metals

There are numerous metals in our surroundings that we are exposed to day by day, however the three most poisonous are lead, mercury and cadmium. Out of these three, cadmium occurs in tobacco smoke, food and water. It has additionally been discovered in processed materials, for example, fertilizers, metal coatings, and plastics, also in numerous other substances.

Mercury is usually known to be consumed by the individuals who eat loads of mushrooms and fish, relying upon the exposure level these items should have mercury contamination in their common habitat.

Mercury is also present in dental materials known as Amalgam, also fluorescent light bulbs, thermostats and glass thermometers contain mercury. Large amounts of lead are found in hair colour, leaded precious stones, and even in a few calcium supplements. Fuel is additionally a noteworthy benefactor of lead moved by toxic vapour into our environment that has created large amounts of the metal in the air.

How To Remove Heavy Metals From Your Body

The best way to stay away from toxic metal poisoning is to not be exposed to heavy metals. Of course, it sounds obvious, but there’s no place for us to simply hide away from the effects of these metals in this world. What should we focus on is how to remove these heavy metals from our body.

In this situation, chelation therapy is one such treatment that can help our body to drain out these toxic heavy metals easily. Detoxifying your body with the help of Chelation therapy can help us to get away from serious levels of metal poisoning.
30. augusti 2016, 13:02:47
How To Improve Blood Circulation With Help Of A Non-Surgical Therapy

For over 5 decades, chelation medical procedure has given an intense and danger free IV or oral treatment for the elimination of toxic heavy metals alongside other artery damaging synthetic/chemical compounds through the veins.

For the last 20 years, Disodium-Mg EDTA Chelation Therapy has dealt with more than thousand sufferers making utilisation for cardiovascular illness, arteriosclerosis, memory challenges, exhaustion heavy metal toxicity, blood flow problems, and lots more. Chelation therapy is also effective in reversing cardiovascular disease.

Upgrade Blood Flow Without Undergoing Surgery

Vascular problem, the thinning and solidifying of blood vessel veins as an after-effect of the development of neurotic calcium stores, is a major reason for the low blood stream. EDTA chelation treatment composes of an exceptionally powerful strategy for enhancing the fitness of the veins, taking out calcium, and improving firmness, which results in expanding blood circulation.

So, Chelation therapy gives a successful and safe treatment for patients who may some way or another discover they need drugs, or bypass surgical treatment.

Chelation Therapy Improves Your Body’s Overall Health

Chelation comprises of the IV administration of a simulated amino corrosive called as EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra-acidic corrosive). It advances into the circulatory framework through the IV course and ties to heavy metals like lead, iron and cadmium, which may result in free-radical destruction and calcium stays inside the veins and brings these damaging substances safely out of your whole body through urine.

Chelation has focal points for every last platelet inside the body, from your largest blood vessel veins to the tiniest capillary vessels, the dominant part of which are far too small for medicinal treatments or are quite deep inside the brain and in addition other crucial internal organs where they won't have the capacity to be safely removed by surgical treatment.

In most of the cases, the smallest platelets are the most notably infected. The benefits of chelation happen through the highest point of your head to the base of the feet, not just in blocked areas of some big blood vessel veins, which might be uncovered or bypassed by extra intrusive treatments.

Let’s have a look at different health problems that can be cured with the help of chelation therapy. EDTA Chelation Treatment has shown multiple benefits in various health issues, for example,

• Heavy Metal Removal

• Fatigue or tiredness

• Memory problems

• Hypertension

• Immune system issues

• Fibromyalgia

• Cardiovascular diseases, arrhythmia

• Abdominal area discomfort

• Insufficient Blood Flow - lower leg pain, loss of visibility and hearing power, creating cold feet and/or hands, breathing problems, bad digestive capacity; lessened vitality; slow recovery from bruises; problems related to impotency, erectile dysfunction.

This clearly reflects that how Chelation therapy can prove beneficial for you and your family’s health. Visit an experienced doctor today who’ also an expert in offering high quality chelation treatment.
26. augusti 2016, 13:24:04
6 Approaches To Beat Dementia

Dementia can be defined as ‘a common term for numerous cognitive problems usually portrayed by memory deterioration, and noticeable trouble in the areas of language, object recognition, unsettling influence of official capacity, which is the capacity to arrange, compose, and abstract.’

A portion of the symptoms of dementia are like depression, so now and again, it might be hard to separate the two. For instance, lack of concern and loss of enthusiasm for exercises and leisure activities, are regular in both the issues. We need to do a commendable job while treating patients with dementia. The rehabilitation centres for recovery from depression should work accordingly to deal with the problem.

Before detailing the approaches to prevent and cure dementia, it is important to know about the causes resulting in dementia. There are 4 major causes of dementia:

# Lyme disease

# Vitamin B12 deficiency

# Neurosyphilis

# Hypothyroidism

Specialists have collectively reasoned that consolidating solid habits and consuming a healthy diet can help in deterring or preventing Alzheimer's or dementia. Here, we investigate a few approaches to fight dementia:

1. Exercise On A Regular Basis

The Alzheimer's experts admit that exercise done on a regular basis can diminish the danger of building up Alzheimer's disease by up to 60%. For the individuals who have as of now developed signs of cognitive issues, regular exercise can extensively put the brakes on and reduce the rate of the damage. Exercise done on a regular basis is known to stimulate the capacity of the mind to keep up old connections and make new ones.

2. Solid Eating Routine

A decent eating regimen is dependably the best remedy for turning around the impacts of dementia. A Mediterranean eating regimen is often suggested for people suffering from dementia. Keeping up a consistent level of glucose, eating food items rich with omega-3 unsaturated fats and a lot of fruits, vegetables and meat hold the key to maintain dementia.

3. Long, Quality Rest

Dealing with sleeping issues is quite common in people suffering from to dementia, Alzheimer's disease and Lyme disease. It is a potential indication as well as a high-risk element. Researchers have uncovered that long and continuous sleeping hours can help in removing out toxins from the brain.

4. Management Of Stress

Chronic cases of stress can seriously affect some of the most important areas of the brain, further encouraging the rise of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, stretch management methods come as an extraordinary help in fighting dementia.

5. Increasing Social Interactions

Humans are ‘social animals’ and isolation can never benefit us in any way. Staying isolated results in damage of the brain, this leads to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Thus, increasing the level of social interactions is highly recommended for people suffering from dementia as well as Lyme disease. A high level of socialising is connected to enhance cognition and memory in individuals.

6. Mental Stimulation

Activities meant for brain play an amazing part in refreshing the brains of for people suffering from dementia and Lyme disease. Gaining some new useful knowledge, playing riddle recreations, puzzles, riddles, and strategy games stimulate the brain, keeping dementia under control.
24. augusti 2016, 11:30:02
Why You Need To Take Extra Care Of Children Suffering From Lyme Disease

Children who’re suffering from Lyme disease should be considered as special cases. This is because children often fail to generally clarify or explain what feels wrong, and as a result, they may simply end up becoming grumpy, irritable and bad-tempered.

Children have to suffer a lot due to Lyme disease, especially when their bodies hurt, when the illness disrupts their sleeping time, when they struggle to survive in school, when they don't have a mood for playing outdoor games. Due to these issues, children may feel lost, confused and betrayed by their parents at home and teachers in the school who often fail to identify that a kid is suffering from a problem and needs immediate help.

It’s quite common that parents fail to identify and understand what is considered as the normal baseline of a child. They often think that their kid is just dealing with the issues which are faced by any other kid. They simply fail to recognise the fact that their child is really having health issues.

Since the indications of Lyme disease can be non-specific, dubious and alterable, people may not understand that their kids are sick. They may associate them with making things up to pick up attention or to avoid school. Kids suffering from Lyme regularly experience difficulty in the school as the disease can add to behavioural issues and learning disabilities.

Kids are particularly helpless against tick-borne ailments since they are physically closer to the ground, where the ticks are usually found. They move on grass & leaves, play with pets and generally expand their exposure to ticks.

Renowned Lyme disease specialist Sydney incorporated a list of basic signs of infections in young patients. Have a look.

• Extreme fatigue which doesn’t go away by rest
• Headaches
• Insomnia
• Dizziness
• Fevers/chills
• Debilitated focus and concentration
• Abdominal pain, nausea
• Joint pain
• Failure to sustain attention
• Bad short-term memory
• Trouble in writing and reading
• Trouble in thinking
• Trouble in expressing thoughts
• Confusion
• Noise and light sensitivity
• Being overwhelmed by schoolwork
• Problem in making decisions
• Mood swings and outburst
• Uncharacteristic behaviour

One of the biggest problems with Lyme disease is that it’s difficult to diagnose, even for many doctors. So you need to visit the best Lyme disease doctor in Sydney who can identify the symptoms of Lyme disease easily.

Thousands of people, including children suffer from Lyme disease in Australia. Still, most of them can’t get proper care and treatment because doctors often fail to diagnose the disease. This sounds scary because how a patient is supposed to get treatment, if the doctor can’t even diagnose the disease. That’s the reason, why it’s recommended that you should take your child to the best Lyme disease specialist in Sydney, if you notice the above mentioned symptoms in your child.
20. augusti 2016, 10:45:20
A Program To Cure Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

People suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome feel very tired and exhausted most of the time. CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) wouldn’t go away even with proper rest. You need to visit an expert doctor to get effective treatment for CFS. Let’s discuss CFS and its treatment.

What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

CFS can be described as a condition in which extreme physical and mental weakness, headaches, sleeping issues, concentration and memory troubles, sore throats, dizziness and muscle pain occur and won’t go away with rest.

There Can Be Misjudgement While Understanding Fatigue

Fatigue or weakness is not something that can be termed as a broken arm or any other visible health problem and it can regularly be dismissed or misjudged by people (sometimes even by doctors) who aren’t familiar with this health issue. Because of the seriousness and long term impacts of these side effects, CFS can bring about issues in your capacity to mingle, go to work/school and earn a living which might result in depression and isolation.

How To Treat CFS With An Effective Program?

There are various treatments and approaches available to deal with CFS. There are also multiple programs offered by various doctors to cure the problem. These programs have sessions that last for more than 6 to 9 months customised and concentrated on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome treatment to permit the patients to make gains through an all encompassing methodology concentrating on:

# Helping you to have less 'awful days' by balancing out movement and pacing

# Accomplishing individual objectives that once appeared to be unthinkable

# Helping you to stay active without any signs by setting up an activity & exercise pattern

# Helping you to finish an 'ordinary day' or come back to work through evaluated increments in your exercise pattern (without any expansions in symptoms)

# Helping you to get more reviving and refreshing night rest

# Giving you the skill required to manage any future issues through planning and a treatment

# Helping you to relax with fatigue relaxation strategies

# Deal with muscle weaknesses through training without symptoms (if required)

# Enhance your capacity to manage day by day stresses with highly effective stress management strategies

# Dealing with any nutritional requirements

How Exercise Can Help You Without Making The Condition Worse?

The CFS treatment mentioned above is intended for individuals of all levels in a manner that their body will adjust physically without making them feel any worse. It will balance out their everyday activities as quite often when individuals with fatigue feel great they have a tendency to do more activities as they can so as to 'finish things' or 'make up for lost time'. On 'terrible days' they do next to no as they are not feeling good. An individual's action/exercise pattern could be just standing up or perhaps 30 minutes of walk, however these don’t increase your symptoms nor make the condition any worse.
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