"If the player has more possibilities to capture opponent's pieces, he/she can select any of them. However, when a queen (in variants with long jumps) can make a jump, the player cannot select a pawn to jump with."
So how does that apply with a parachutist?
I have a game in which if I make the move I want, I will have an option to jump it with either my queen, or my parachutist.
To keep control of the game, I need to be able to jump it with my parachutist, not the queen.
So according to the rules, I should be able to jump with the parachutist - UNLESS the system counts the parachutist as a pawn.
(skryť) Hrajte hru v reálnom čase! Pri odosielaní ťahu si spoločne so súperom nastavte možnosť “Potiahnuť a ostať tu” a priebežne obnovujte stránku klávesou F5! (TeamBundy) (zobraziť všetky tipy)