Subjekt: Re: The Suppression of Uncomfortable Ideas Is a Dangerous Thing Indeed
gekrompen hoofd: you know what.. you are the only one who has a problem with what was posted from the beginning on This board.. I refuse to let you sour the attitude here.. if you wish to continue ranting about rights and freedom of speech. Do it in a notebook.. I am tired of that topic.. and I wish for it NOT to be on here.. You have given me no alternative other than to ban you from this board.. just as you are creating on most other boards.. that means all ids as well..
(skryť) Ak chcete hrať hru s hráčom podobnej úrovne, môžete zadefinovať požadovaný rozsah BKR pri vytváraní novej výzvy na hru. Hráč, ktorého BKR pre danú hru leží mimo tento rozsah, nebude schopný vidieť/prijať vašu výzvu. (Katechka) (zobraziť všetky tipy)