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A game by any other name....

I Love Ludo Hall of Fame...How many passes have you had in one game?

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Mód: Každý môže písať
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4. júla 2006, 17:56:19
Mathematical question: How much edge have the player who is going to roll when both players have their last pieces front of the home?

5. júla 2006, 02:30:41
Subjekt: Re:
Zmenené užívateľom mctrivia (5. júla 2006, 02:38:26)
Salkkuman: The player that is going to roll will have a 16.67% chance to win in that roll. The next player to roll has a 13.89% chance to win on his roll. However once the player that is going to roll, rolls and loses they switch places on there stitistical probability to win. Over all the first person to roll in this situation has a 9.09% beter odds of wining then the secound player to roll.

5. júla 2006, 02:39:43
Sylfest Strutle 
Subjekt: Re:
Assuming both players are positioned such that they will always have 1/6 chance for an immediate win:
p=1/6 + (1-p)5/6 --> p = 6/11, about 54.5%.

5. júla 2006, 02:41:08
Subjekt: Re:
whopper: Yep exactly what I said 4.5*2=9% however you actually gave the formula so a much beter answer.

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