have you ever played card game GIN ? and did you try to score using Hollywood scoring tables ? Here is how it works: there are 3 games played and the same time ... each player has three columns, first one for the first game, second for the second, and so on, lol. For our purpose we substitute card's hand or deal with Poker Dice roll. The idea is the same for both types of games. Results for the first game (here, our roll) is posted into the first column, just like in regular Dice Poker game. Second roll is posted into the first and the second column and of course, the player decides where to score in these coulmns (he may choose to score in different spots, for example, in the first coulmn he ma score 66655 as a 3 of a kind while in the second column he may choose to score Full House). Third roll is recorded in the first, second and third coulmn. From now on, every roll is recorded into 3 coulmns ... Whoever wins 2 out of 3 games is the winner of the whole match. Very interesting variant of recording scores and winnings. Regards, Andy.
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