Zmenené užívateľom Czuch (27. decembra 2007, 15:43:47)
Bubbles Pbarb2: Rest is not worth andswering.
Whatever that means?
I am NOT saying that i dont like interviews... I am allowed my opinion, arent I?
I am only saying that in my opinion that doing too many interviews too fast is not a good idea!
Maybe it shouldnt be a "time" thing at all? I mean, maybe right now, since it is still kind of new, and there are a relatively large amount of personalities on here that havent been interviewed, maybe more is okay right now.
But if you say something like one interview every month, it wont be long before you will be interviewing people who arent "personalities" at all!
Maybe for someone who wants to have everyone on here interviewed before they are dead, it may be okay, but for the long term prospects of this site in general, I would caution that flexibility is the best course, and setting a goal of one a month or whatever is not wise.
maybe something like whenever someone gets a certain amount of requests before they are interviewed, or something like that? Like I said before, only 4 people requested me, thats not too many, and that was more than anyone else, just be careful and take it slow, thats my advice.
One more thinking out loud..... there is nothing from stopping anyone from making an interview fellowship, barb, and you can get questions together and invite everyone you want to know more about and ask them questions and post the answers, and you can do 20 people a week if you want, and are afraid you wont be around here long enough to get to know people properly , official brainking interviews are NOT the only way to get to know someone, really!
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