Subjekt: Re: How much of an advantage can using a computer give someone in Backgammon? Just knowing the common rolls and what to expect isn't enough. Sometimes playing for a long shot is so much more worth it than playing safe. Which way will a computer decide? I'm sure you've made a move that you know was not as good as a different move, but if your opponent doesn't get the roll to make you sorry for taking the chance you will win the game. So, do you go for it, or not? And this obviously has to take into account if it's a single, a betting game, or a match, and if a match the current score.
(skryť) Hrajte hru v reálnom čase! Pri odosielaní ťahu si spoločne so súperom nastavte možnosť “Potiahnuť a ostať tu” a priebežne obnovujte stránku klávesou F5! (TeamBundy) (zobraziť všetky tipy)