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 Feature requests

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14. júna 2004, 07:44:22
Subjekt: Prize tournements
The prize tournements donated by members are one of the great features of BK.But we need rules for it. Okay,if the promised prize will not handed over,you can say it is a matter of the donor.
But the donor uses the Bk server for his promises,that`s why it is a matter also of BK!
I suggest the following: If a prize tournement is offered by the tournement creator,he has to give the prize within 10 days to Fencer, otherwise the tournement will be deleted as not seriously.With this measure can be ensured that the winner gets indeed the promised prize,if the tournement is finished perhaps 6 or 12 months later.

14. júna 2004, 07:46:02
Subjekt: Re: Prize tournements
I agree.

14. júna 2004, 10:56:35
Subjekt: Re: Prize tournements
I assumed that the membership donation was made to Fencer when the tournament was created or at least started. Silly me.

19. júna 2004, 09:14:48
Subjekt: Re: Prize tournements
Are the rules changing for prize tourneys then? I have one starting next week.

19. júna 2004, 10:30:02
Subjekt: Re: Prize tournements
The only basic Rule of Prize Tournaments that Fencer has ever stated that i know of, is that it is totaly down to the tournament organiser to provide the prize at the end of it.
Fencer accepts no responsibility for any other prizes other than tournaments he organises himself.
So in the end, it is down to trust.

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