An outlet for players whose creativity extends beyond the board. Post your original works here!
The posting of song lyrics is not the purpose of this board and as such please refrain from doing so. Exceptions can be made to this rule if you are the copyrighted owner of the lyrics and the lyrics are not found offensive by the majority of the population. This board is a place to post your original works of poetry and prose and also a place for discussion of poetry and related areas.
We have received word from Fencer that other's poetry can be posted to this board. These are the two conditions: 1) When someone posts a known copyrighted poem, he must add the author's name as well 2) If the author is not known, the poem can be posted without problems
Zoznam diskusných klubov
Nie je vám dovolené písať správy do tohto klubu. Minimálna úroveň členstva vyžadovaná na písanie v tomto klube je Brain jazdec.
...this 'thing', scribbled impulsively this morning in the wee hours and posted hastily on an inappropriate DB, nevertheless served as the catalyst (through Fencer's good grace) which precipitated our new creative outlet here. Which means perhaps it was worth something after all. lol
I heartily encourage the posting of original works, whether from the rank novice, the polished professional or the non-serious amateur. Who knows what posterity will say! Let's have fun.
by yours truly
Stranded in this Universe
Could be better, but how worse?
Why did mother give me nurse?
Such a curse, such a curse
Stranded on this desert Earth
Wretched, foul, untimely birth!
Where’s the laughter, where’s the mirth?
Worthless sham, for what it’s worth
Stranded in this withered Land
Damn the rainbow, damn the Hand
That first helped this bleak soul to stand
First undone and then un-manned
Stranded on this strangled Shore
Neptune gloats, then shrieks for more
How I abhor, o how abhor
This sunken world with no back-door
Stranded in this barren Home
Read the transcript, scan the tome!
Wherein the shameless gods do roam
And spit their drool like febrile foam
Stranded in this hell of Hells
Curse the split-tongued wedding-bells!
Curse the rivers, curse the dells
And bless the caverns, bless the wells
Stranded in this darkling Space
Where to find a human face
In this ill-begotten Race?
Full of mischief, void of grace
Stranded on this wasted Waste
Made in haste, yes made in haste!
How I pine for just a taste
Of something sacred, someone chaste
Stranded in this tortured Mind
Hoping, ‘gainst all hope, to find
Just one cloud that’s silver-lined
Just one touch not cruel but kind
Stranded in this woeful Fate
Unquenched hunger is my Mate
Sick of smiles that come too late
Sick of ‘kindness’ laced with hate
Stranded in this lifeless Life
I raise the blade, I clutch the knife
For all’s against me, all is strife
And Pain’s my sister, Death my wife
Stranded on this gulf Alone
It chills the marrow in the bone
How can God in truth atone
For every slight and every groan?
P.S. I'm not ALWAYS this dark! (gulp)
P.P.S. Oh yes, discerning critics welcome too! (but I beg of you, have mercy....) :o)
I say to thee,
You are so full of misery--
Can't you be happy?
I challenge thee
To write poetry
That is happiness.
This is a happy poem
It is the foam
Upon the crested waves
Before they cave
Unfurling themselves upon the sand
In their assault upon the land
It is the taste on your lips
After a lovers first kiss,
A phonecall from your bro or sis
that could easily have been missed
It is the baby girl and boy
Endowed with life and with joy
Who does not yet know
What growing up will bestow
This happy poem celebrates
The joy of love and life
Without regard for pain or strife
Therefore, it rates
As optimism Discharges pessimism And praises all that's good and right
By day, whatever it may turn to by night.
(skryť) Ak chcete niekoho pozdraviť v jeho rodnom jazyku, skúste využiť náš Hráčov slovník kliknutím na odkaz "viac o jazykoch" pod malými vlajkami. (pauloaguia) (zobraziť všetky tipy)