Zmenené užívateľom Mousetrap (12. septembra 2006, 21:23:43)
Mousetrap: I am just playing about with this to get used to it. I added a view of front garden but the front belongs to downstairs. Took that link off here as I added a pic of myself at a request of someone and I,m sure you do not wish to see my ugly mouse mug as it is not pretty lol so the link is now as below
(skryť) Hrajte hru v reálnom čase! Pri odosielaní ťahu si spoločne so súperom nastavte možnosť “Potiahnuť a ostať tu” a priebežne obnovujte stránku klávesou F5! (TeamBundy) (zobraziť všetky tipy)