Thanks, I understood the meaning as "sh*t" (oh my God, please don't ban me for bad language! ;-)) or something like that. -- I'm not really sure whether an "automatic player" will affect the game so much, I'd say the most of us will for several future moves still bid less than 10 - and probably in the round, in which OldDear will fall into the pond, there will be even more 10s :-), bud I'd prefer to have such corpses removed immediately.
(skryť) Ak čakáte, až budete na ťahu, môžete kliknúť na “zmenit” pri riadku “refresh” na hlavnej stránke, nastaviť túto hodnotu na 30 sekúnd a stav vašich hier sa bude obnovovať rýchlejšie. (Servant) (zobraziť všetky tipy)