Discuss about checkers game or find new opponents. No insulting, baiting or flaming other players. Off topic posts are subject to deletion and if it persists the poster faces sanctions. This board is for checkers.
The English (EDA) introduced a 4 fold repetition rule in the early 1990's along with clarification of "making progress". But even 3 fold repetition is OK - with perfect play you NEVER need repeat a position - so you have a couple of chances to get it right - or do you want forever :)
(skryť) Ak chcete hrať hru s hráčom podobnej úrovne, môžete zadefinovať požadovaný rozsah BKR pri vytváraní novej výzvy na hru. Hráč, ktorého BKR pre danú hru leží mimo tento rozsah, nebude schopný vidieť/prijať vašu výzvu. (Katechka) (zobraziť všetky tipy)