Mno, pro ty, co jim vadi, ze by nekdo mel ve statistice (at uz +1 nebo jmeno), ze mu vlezli do profilu, by si treba taky mohli zakazat tohle sdelovat (skryvaci mod by mohl byd dobrym resenim, i kdyz tohle by asi melo byt extra, protoze nekdo ho nepouziva, ale nechtel by prispivat do statistiky). Zas na druhou stranu pokud y se tohle zavedlo, tak by taky byly statistiky ponekud nesmyslne
(sakla) If you want to play a game with an opponent of a similar level, you can define a required BKR range for a new game invitation. Then nobody with a BKR outside this range will be able to see/accept it. (Katechka) (Bütün ipuçlarını göster)