Mousetrap: Yes, you can come join the Madhouse with the rest of us
Aside from that, it looks like you are in the only active ones........ I have just been chatting with Marshmud and really can not understand why there are so many active players, that have signed up for teams in fellowships that are no longer active (though haven't been deleted yet, or they would have the same problem as you have with Spider 4x4) .....seems crazy to me
MadMonkey (14. Mayıs 2012, 11:54:21) tarafından düzenlendi I will ask again for Lines of Action (been over a year since that) or of course Scrambled Eggs, Parachute or Cheshire versions which have all been longer than that.
They may not be the most played games here, but they have had Teams entered...5 was the least Teams entered, with 10 for Scrambled Eggs
Artful Dodger: Yes, unless it has changed. You can not create a Fellowship Tournament un less you have created a Team for that game. You do not have to have any players signed up, BUT the Team must be there yes, i think it would take a bit, but could lead to interesting Tournaments. Istead of just gettiong a point for winning a game (and 2 for winning 2) you could score 5 points in each game. Would make the Totals amazing. Maybe it needs thinging about. I will add it to the never ending list of Feature Requests Would be nice to have a Triple Gammon of some sort, but would need code changes (unless the option is there already), and i think that would have to go on the BrainKing 3.0 list of Feature Requests
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"GERRY": Firefox is great and i use it myself along with a lot of extensions, BUT there is a browser out now that is 42 times faster than IE 7.0 & 3.5 times faster than Firefox at rendering JavaScript.
Are you looking for a GREAT Fellowship to join ? Fancy representing us in a any of our many Teams, in Tournaments or in a challenge against another Fellowship ? Maybe have a break & join in with some Scrabble, Cribbage or Canasta as well at BugCafe ? Climb to the top of the Stairs or splash about in a Pond ? Do you want to be part of a friendly crowd who love playing games and having a chat ? Maybe you just bored with the Fellowship you are in, and looking for more ?
If you answered yes to any of the above, come along and ask to join:
For someone like me who runs lots of Tournaments, i get lots of messages telling me who has won what, so every day i put these messages in a folder, then every couple of weeks go through them all and post them on the Madhouse DB to Congratulate them all as one, rather than lots & lots of posts every day.
Jim Dandy: I did put a Feature request in ALONG time ago, either have a way to turn those messages off OR filter them straight to Trash (or separate Folder if you wish)
Konu: Would you like to be
Are you looking for a GREAT Fellowship to join ? Fancy representing us in a any of our many Teams, in Tournaments or in a challenge against another Fellowship ? Maybe have a break & join in with some Scrabble or Canasta as well at BugCafe ? Climb to the top of the Stairs or splash about in a Pond ? Do you want to be part of a friendly crowd who love playing games and having a chat ? Maybe you just bored with the Fellowship you are in, and looking for more ? How about winning a PRIZE MEMBERSHIP in one of our FREE monthly Tournaments, starting in May
If you answered yes to any of the above, come along and ask to join:
Well, thanks to Eriisa, we seem to have ChatZilla working and BrainKing has its own Channel (Live Discussion Board / Chatroom)
Those of you that have used any form of IRC (Interent Relay Chat) before should have no problem finding it on the dalnet server.
Everyone in the Fellowship is welcome to log in to it, and i will post it on the Fellowship board in case there are others that use IRC and wish to join us.
So, please just download ChatZilla, follow the Instructions and hopefully you will find Myself & Eriisa there
Those using any other form of mIRC, i am sure will know how to get there , just type /join #brainking from the dalnet server.
There is no real reason to create a live discuccion forum as such, but it has been talked about many times on BrainKing. This is just a nice way to do it in the form of a Firefox Extension and just for BrainKing users The room is there all the time, and hopefully an Operator (Eriisa & myself at present) will be there to help answer any questions. So if you just fancy a chat with friends or there is a problem with the site and you want somewhere to go, you now have somewhere to go.
Come and join us either through ChatZilla OR any IRC provider
Nirvana: You are like myself and other bosses, we like to keep an eye on whats happening on BrainKing and let Fellowship members know.
Bosses can see challenges created from within there Fellowship(by themselves or Captains) on their Fellowship challenge list, but unless you are a Captain of a certain Team you can not see any other challenges in the Waiting room.
That has been mentioned by myself and others now, but Fencer says 'No' , so only Captains can see them.
rod03801: They show up on you Main Fellowship page. All other Waiting ones (that other fellowships created) did show as a red umber yesterday, beside Waiting games along with normal Waiting games. That red number seems to have vanished now
Fencer: Well i would say the Boss has a better idea what his Teams and Players are up to in the Fellowship, and should be able to see ALL open invitations.
When selecting one, just get a quick page or box, asking for which Fellowship it is being accepted as opponent (simple tick box), then carrying on as normal
Fencer: Well i CAN create them to challenge another Fellowship and except ones sent to the Madhouse as well as the Captain can There is no difference, and it is handy if the Captain is not about etc...
3. When creating a 'Open Invitation, it shows you a list of players for that Team you can select from, BUT if you click on the Fellowship link in the box, it does not take you to that Team within the Fellowship. (not major though, best sort thing now lol)
1. Bosses as well as Captains should be able to see what challenges are available, to except them and able to create them from 'The list of teams where you can create a public challenge' list, like they can in direct Fellowship ones.
2. Once a Challenge is created, there is no way to delete it. There is no Delete challenge option like in direct Fellowship Challenges created.
Fencer: OK, On Rank level, they are equal, just one a Fellowship & one a Team but they have the same powers as you can NOT be a Captain without being a Manager
So in other words a Fellowship Manager is .....hmmmm ???? OH, a Team Captain(If they are made one of course), nothing more
No point being a Fellowship Manger unless you are going to be a Team Captain, unless i am missing something
Until a way is made available for Team players to be able to set themselves available or not at certain times (a drop beside there names they can set maybe or something in there profile beside the appropriate Team) the last thing we need is other being able to set Challenges
Big Boss: Every Fellowship option should be possible, though this is not yet possible in one. Even as a BB i can not enter Teams in Tournaments unless i am Captain of it. It is a pain, for whatever reason, having to keep swapping Captains, just to make a Team change.
Little Boss: Every Fellowship option APART from the ones already stated, replacing the BB or deleting the Fellowship.
Now as for Manager / Captain as in essence you can not be one without being the other, they should become one, so just use one. I think Manager should be used, as Teams in life have player-managers (i often manage Teams here that i do not play in). So get rid of Captains, and replace them with managers. Well, which ever is chosen they should have all power relating to Teams, Team Tournaments & Challenge Matches, Removing players from Teams, picking Teams and setting challenge matches.
(Of course ALL these option should Automatically be available for Big / Little Bosses)
And while i am here , a couple of things that urgently need looking into.
1. The ability to have substitutes. If a Team player has not yet made a move in a Team Tournament game or Challenge match, they can be replaced. Another one started this week, just for me to find out a player is no longer going to stay at BrainKing, so the Team has lost all those games, and renders the Tournament a loss already. This has happened many times now and is getting disheartening for Bosses, Captains & the Players left in the match.
2. The ability to put challenge Matches in a Team Challenge waiting room, so Bosses & Captains from all Fellowships can look through and except or get Teams for them.
3. That Team BKR's should be based on Team results, not players overall BKR added and meaned. Players BKR's can be shown in Teams and used for ranking purposes for the draw. At the top of the Team in the Fellowship the Team BKR should be shown.
They are mine (and a few other i know of) Main issues that need addressing
Fencer: Sorry, i was just compiling a message for you
Tested, and everything seems fine now
Only things i can pick up on are ability to:
1. Invite members to the Fellowship. In fact, if someone applies can they accept them as in the normal way or is that only for Big Boss still ? (should be both as Little Bosses can remove members)
2. Even if the Little Boss is not a Moderator on the DB, they should be able to edit / delete posts on board. Maybe Little Bosses should be automatically added to boards like Big Bosses, makes sense
rod03801: Looks like Kili will be coming back though as he has set vacation days till October Trouble is the Team Tournaments will have started by then
Are you looking for a Fellowship to join ? Fancy representing us in a Team, in Tournaments or against other Fellowships ? Maybe have a break & join in with some Scrabble as well ? Climb to the top of the Stairs or splash about in a Pond ? Do you want to be part of a friendly crowd who love playing games and having a chat ? Maybe you just bored with the Fellowship you are in, and looking for more ?
If you answered yes to any of the above, come along and ask to join:
Have you used Firefox ??? Its FREE, easy to use (install), VERY secure, VERY fast, thousands of Add-on & Skins, tabbed browsing, hotkeys and its YOURS, to make it do, what YOU want it to do !!!
Not what Microsoft says it is going let you do
So, if you answered YES to any of the above, come and join :
This Fellowship is here for uses on brainking to discuss anything at all about Firefox and other Mozilla products. It will be kept up to date with all the latest happenings in the world of Firefox, the latest releases, new extensions & themes and any other information about it.
Also, for the member here, we can talk about any problems you may have, advice can be given or found out (via MozillaZine), advice on altering your about: config (Configuration Console) and hopefully creating your own Extension in the future (i am working on one now).
Oh, and as we are on brainking, we will have the odd few Tournaments
Are you looking for a Fellowship to join ? Fancy representing us in a Team, in Tournaments or against other Fellowships ? Maybe have a break & join in with some Scrabble as well ? Climb to the top of the Stairs or splash about in a Pond ? Do you want to be part of a friendly crowd who love playing games and having a chat ? Maybe you just bored with the Fellowship you are in, and looking for more ?
If you answered yes to any of the above, come along and ask to join:
I think that each Fellowship should have a Mini Boss. This has been asked for a few times, to have a second in charge that could do all except delete the Fellowship. At least with something like that a Fellowship would still run and members would have things to do
emmett: Maybe, once the Big Boss of a Fellowship has become inactive a message could be sent to all Fellowship members (little bit of code for Fencer lol) asking for someone to take over, then if no joy after another month or two delete the Fellowship.
It does seem strange though that there are quite a few members there still with no Stairs or Ponds and only one Tournament that was started ages ago and is in the last game of the final.
If you take the inactive Pawns out of Noodleland, it would be one of the smallest Fellowships LOL.
It would be a shame for it to be deleted though as it has been here for a long time
MadMonkey (16. Ocak 2007, 14:39:13) tarafından düzenlendi
BIG BAD WOLF: Thankyou, we are , there are 2 other Felowships in all 22 as well i think.
Its great to take part in all of them, AND i must thank the Madhouse members for there support. Alot of them are playing games they have not played before
Good for them, that should be what the sites about, having fun.
Are you looking for a Fellowship to join ? Fancy representing us in a Team, in Tournaments or against other Fellowships ? Maybe have a break & join in with some Scrabble as well ? Climb to the top of the Stairs or splash about in a Pond ? Do you want to be part of a friendly crowd who love playing games and having a chat ? Maybe you just bored with the Fellowship you are in, and looking for more ?
If you answered yes to any of the above, come along and ask to join:
(sakla) Do you keep losing on timeouts? Paying members can activate Automatic Vacation to automatically set vacation days when they would timeout. (pauloaguia) (Bütün ipuçlarını göster)