It took some trial and error to get this formatted correctly, but here is the play-by-play if you're really interested :-)N. Nakov alanback
1. 12-14, 1-2 8-3, 8-3, 6-1*, 6-1
2. bar-2, 12-17 8-5, 6-5
3. 12-18, 14-18 24-21, 21-15
4. 12-18, 12-14 24-20, 20-14*
5. bar-4, 19-20 15-11, 14-13
6. 17-21, 19-20 5-4*, 5-4, 13-12, 12-11
7. pass 11-6, 13-10
8. pass 13-9, 11-10
9. bar-2, 18-21 9-4, 13-11
10. 17-22, 19-22 13-11, 4-3
11. 2-8, 8-12 13-12*, 12-6
12. bar-2, 2-5 11-5*, 10-5
13. pass 11-10, 10-9, 6-5, 10-9
14. pass 9-3, 9-4
15. bar-2, 17-18 3-off, 1-off
16. 17-18, 18-19, 6-off, 5-off
19-20, 18-19
17. 20-23, 19-21 4-off, 3-1
18. 21-22, 22-23, 6-off, 6-1
18-19, 19-20
19. 2-6, 6-7 5-off, 3-off
20. 7-13, 13-19, 5-1, 3-off
2-8, 8-14
21. 18-24, 14-15 4-off, 4-3
22. 15-21, 2-3* pass
23. 21-23, 23-24 pass
24. 3-8, 8-13, pass
13-18, 18-23
25. 19-23, 23-off pass
26. 19-off, 20-24 pass
27. 19-23, 22-off bar-19, 19-14
28. 20-off, 23-off 14-9, 9-8
29. 20-off, 22-off 8-4, 4-off, 1-off, 1-off