Tady to je zase jak v zidovsky skole... :-) (Do novinek: Jak uz nekde jinde nekdo jinej plakal, kdyby v diskusich sly zobrazit opcionalne threads, to by bylo zuzo...)
OcniBulva (14:53): Nojo, no. :-)
Milioi (14:49): V takovym kvantu urcite tu a tam vypadne i vic lidi, ne-li, tak to musi trvat tolik kol, kolik je bezcu... Az zacne lidem dochazet dech, tak bude mozny odevzdavat 1 bod a udrzet se v peletonu.
(sakla) Play a game in real time with an online opponent! For this to be possible, you and your opponent have to select the action "Move and stay here" as default and then reload the page with the F5 key! (TeamBundy) (Bütün ipuçlarını göster)