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BrainKing.com fellowships - questions, answers, discussion.

Join or start a Fellowship that fits your gaming style, friendships, and interests....

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Also - Fellowship vs. Fellowship Challenges. Check out the Team BKR Ratings

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23. 一月 2005, 02:23:23
Can someone tell me what is a fellowship? Thank you.

21. 一月 2005, 13:12:45
题目: Re: Re:
bumble: Yes, that's the one.
Hrqls: Thanks, I'll ask for it.

21. 一月 2005, 08:35:51
题目: Re:
Ikkon: *nod* i had the same problem as well when i started my fellowship, bumble and nirvana played with it as a big boss as well .. it didnt work .. then all of a sudden it was fixed .. i expect divine intervention .. or maybe it was fencer .. if thats different ;)

21. 一月 2005, 01:09:35
题目: Re:
Ikkon: No it isn't working properly. It's happened before. Fencer will fix it if you send him a message or if he reads this in the morning.
That's the Art of War fellowship, right?

21. 一月 2005, 00:49:13
题目: Re: Censorship Alert
EIHN: If you are talking about fellowships, then the Fellowship BIG BOSSES are allowed to censor anything they want within their own fellowships.

20. 一月 2005, 22:37:05
I set the days to 14. It doesn't stay 1 minute! I realize it may look different to a big boss, but, as I said, it goes to the discussion board not the main page, and does not store itself in the Archived news after I hit send. This cannot be working right. ???

20. 一月 2005, 22:23:51
its stays on your main page for however many days its set to stay there , then it goes to archived news ... it looks differnt to you also because you are the big boss of the fellowship .

20. 一月 2005, 22:13:30
题目: Re:
Jason: That's the problem. Every time I try to create Archived News, the message goes to the discussion board and does not remain stored in Archived News! ???

20. 一月 2005, 22:10:12
on your main page i see this" 8x10 Chess Variants : Loop Chess, Anti-Chess, Dark Chess, and Atomic Chess... (Minimum 1800 BKR) " but not in a green box , also it doesnt say you have any "Archived News"

20. 一月 2005, 22:05:38
题目: ???
Ikkon修改(20. 一月 2005, 22:06:50)
Can anyone explain why the "Archived News" messages I create in my fellowship (Art of War), go to the "discussion board" instead of on the main page where they are supposed appear in a green box?

19. 一月 2005, 20:14:03
题目: Re: Re:
Zorro: Please accept the Purple Lifetime Achievement Award. (just as soon as you win ONE little tournament game) LOL

19. 一月 2005, 17:24:25
题目: Re: Re:
Purple:I am a Dominant memember of your F/S.................I realize you have sooooo many members that you hadn't noticed! In fact I belong to both of yours! I have won every tournament there I entered! Well I will when I enter. Plan on doing so the very next one!

Also I awarded "ASK DR. PURPLE" the prestegious SITE of the month award for which I oversee and formed on my very own with some help from what few friends I have been able to develope! hehehehehe

Sense of Humor....An ability to laugh at ones self as frequently if not more than another!

19. 一月 2005, 15:30:03
题目: Re: Re:
BerniceC: hahaha...Clay couldnt handle the boiler room on a REAL GOOD day ROFLMBO.

I was raised that way Bernice, full of hate and uncontrollable anger. It has done nothing for me but make my life miserable. I am tired of being miserable. I want to enjoy life, have fun, cut up with people of like mind. I'm sure the boiler room is suitable to some people and thats fine. It takes all kinds to make thwe world go around! Something for everyone!

19. 一月 2005, 15:24:48
题目: Re:
Eriisa: It must have gone unnoticed sorry about that! Send it again? I'll mean time look it up! Thanks!

17. 一月 2005, 02:53:44
题目: my first fellowship, for anyone wo wants to join

12. 一月 2005, 12:20:29
题目: Jan 05 tournaments
Jason修改(12. 一月 2005, 12:21:30)

11. 一月 2005, 04:07:36
Artful Dodger 
题目: Re:
Stevie: I was tossed out of 4 fs over the weekend and in three I hadn't even posted yet. :)

9. 一月 2005, 02:49:37
BBW - what do you mean "fake" prize pond?

9. 一月 2005, 02:28:40
what AD record?

9. 一月 2005, 02:28:06
题目: Re:
Stevie: Congrats to both of you but AD's record is still safe.

9. 一月 2005, 02:27:01
thats you leaving though and your choice...mine was CF decided LOL

9. 一月 2005, 02:24:09
Thanks...it makez me proud LOL

9. 一月 2005, 02:22:23
LMFAO thrown out of three fellowshiph within 7 hours of being invited into them......beat that peoples LOL

8. 一月 2005, 20:11:00
I think there was one for a t-shirt already - and one "fake" prize pond too. :-)

8. 一月 2005, 20:06:04
Thanks, BBW... that's a good enough work around, for me!

I wonder when the first prize pond will happen.....

8. 一月 2005, 20:02:43
题目: Re: Rod....
rod03801: I just looked, and yes you can kick players out of your pond.

So as a "work around" would be make a pond, make a big note about it being only for members of a certain fellowship - then kick out users who are not a member of that fellowship.

More work, but a way around it for now.

8. 一月 2005, 17:28:26
题目: Re: Rod....
Czuch Chuckers: Yeah, I thought of that..

I haven't created a pond yet, do you have the ability to eject people from a pond you create? (Like tournaments) Because then you could just kick out people who aren't in the fellowship..

8. 一月 2005, 16:32:26
题目: Re: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: you might make a note in your notepad.

8. 一月 2005, 15:48:07
题目: Re:
Stevie: Thanks. I knew that part. But if they just left for the second time, and I dont want them back in, and they try to come back 6 months from now, but I dont remember by then that they have already been in and out twice.... (kinda confusing, i know)

I guess there is no waty to just go to their profile or whatever to ban them, just have to wait until they ask back in, and hope I remember then to ban them?

8. 一月 2005, 15:38:20
chuck, on the fellowship page...once they ask to join, on the drop down where you click accept or reject....there is a third option to "ban" use that

8. 一月 2005, 15:33:17
题目: Rod....
Why cant you start a pond game for only people in your fellowship?

Not quite the same, but it works :)

8. 一月 2005, 15:30:41
Is there a way to block someone from getting into your fellowship before they make an invite?

There are some people who have come and left and come and left again, and I just want to block them from asking back in. I KNow I can do this after they have made the request, but I dont know if I will remember who I want to block, lets say they ask to get back in several months down the road. Thanx!

8. 一月 2005, 12:26:25
I just put it down to being of the female marque LOL

8. 一月 2005, 12:23:43
You'll have to excuse her, Stevie. Pressure of work!

8. 一月 2005, 12:08:04
题目: Re: Retracting Invite
red dragon: fellowship invite Red LOL

8. 一月 2005, 10:33:01
red dragon 
题目: Re: Retracting Invite
or2ak: At the bottom of your game page you'll see the invites you have sent. You can retract any or all of them.

8. 一月 2005, 05:28:28
Baked Alaskan 
题目: Re: Retracting Invite

Sure does TY

8. 一月 2005, 05:16:42
题目: Re: Retracting Invite
or2ak: I dont think you can retract the invite:( they prolly looked at your fellowship and decided it weren't for them and just deleted the invite, or they could be holding onto it for a later date, at which time you will get a confirmation in your message box and if you dont want them you can delete them then...does that make sense HEHEHE

8. 一月 2005, 04:21:20
Baked Alaskan 
题目: Retracting Invite
I sent an invite out for someone to join a fellowship, they havnt accepted the invite yet but now I want to retract it. Is this possible?

8. 一月 2005, 02:10:45
题目: Re:
hahaha...Clay couldnt handle the boiler room on a REAL GOOD day ROFLMBO.

CLAY:why dont you just invite yourself to a few of the fellowships...If they want you they will let you in....if they dont, well start your own LOLOL

7. 一月 2005, 18:37:45

7. 一月 2005, 16:04:35
Backoff修改(7. 一月 2005, 16:05:18)
Hey, in the Boiler Room, we only hate everyone

7. 一月 2005, 00:23:35
题目: Re:
Eriisa: Also Our Place Clay

6. 一月 2005, 23:54:21
You still have an open invite to QuizMasters Assylum that you never accepted, Clay.

6. 一月 2005, 23:33:00
题目: Fellow Ships Wanted!
If your fellowship is fun loving, friendly, kind and is made up of people that are not mad at the world, have a chip on their shoulder or constantly LOOKING to "be offended" by someone, then please contact me ASAP!

"CAUTION" I assume if you invite me, you accept me! I will be an instant friend and loyal to your fellowship! I will also abide by your rules!

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