playBunny: Back in Jan 2011 (yet not that many posts ago), I asked if anyone had spotted a Ludo "backgammon", defined as the loser having all four pieces still in their base at the end. I'm sure that there must have been a few but I've not seen one myself until this game.
Now what we need is an example of a "perfect backgammon", where the hapless loser doesn't even get out of their base even once. I think that it could be a long time before we see one of those.
(peida) Kui Sa klõpsad mängija nimel, siis Lõppenud partiid - saad mängude nimekirja, milles on lõppenud partiisid. Siis klõpsa mängul - saad partiide nimekirja selles mängus. Nüüd klõpsates uuesti mängunimel, saad seda partiid näha ja analüüsida. (Servant) (näita kõiki vihjeid)