puupia: I am not sure casinos do have such rules? You sure cannot take money off of a table as you stay and play, but you can get up and leave and come back, and when you do that, you are not even allowed to start with more than the table limit for buy ins.
Problem with most casinos for people trying to bank, is that once they stand up from a table, there is someone waiting to take their seat, so they cannoit just bank and come straight back like they can in here.
Yes, with play money there will always be some donkey who will take his 1K and try to get a lucky double up, or more, and they will play like that in tournaments as well... over the long term, you will take more of their money than they will from you, just play with patience and dont play their style until you have a monster hand.
(peida) Kahe tunniga lõppev kiirpartii? Loo uus mäng, vali Aega mänguks 0 päeva / 1 tund, Boonus 0 päeva / 0 tundi ja Limiit 0 päeva / 1 tund. (TeamBundy) (näita kõiki vihjeid)