lukulus: I have an issue with achievements for losing - that is if I want to try to go for more achievements (which is what I think Fencer would like), it would encourage me to lose on purpose to get them... that is purposely lose just to gain them.
Of course myself I don't think I could force myself to lose on purpose, but many others would, and I think having achievements that encourage you to lose are a bad choice. (Like the Pond BKR gain achievement... something I mentioned before, where if I ever want to fall outside of the top 10 and still gain BKR ratings - I would have to purposely lose many games to lower my BKR just to have a chance at that achievement.)
(peida) Oma profiili muutmisel kasuta Notepad´i, nägemaks, milline näeb välja Sinu profiil koos html-tagidega (ainult tasulised liikmed). (rednaz23) (näita kõiki vihjeid)