Thom27: I think this new rule would change nothing in the game strategy. If you realize your opponent is filling up your yard, you will go out very soon. Tha actual rule leaves you the chance of blocking your opponent in his yard and ending the game faster (if he accepts to resign).
dAGGER: I have overlooked one thing: one could form a blocking position to keep the opponent out of the own yard. This is prevented by the current rule.
It was just a thought, motivated by my dislike of rules with arbitrary numbers like "after 30 moves".
(peida) Kui Sa ootad oma käiku, klõpsa pealehel "Värskenda" järel "muuda", siis pane lehe värskendus 30 sekundile, et Sinu käigukord ilmuks kiiremini nähtavale. (Servant) (näita kõiki vihjeid)