As Dmitri King stated, we are currently playing 2 games each of Keryo Pente as player 1 against Walter Montego and Dangerous Mind at IYT.
Dmitri King and I would like to issue an even greater challenge to you. Since you have won NUMEROUS IYT Keryo Pente titles WITHOUT the opening restriction and we only have a moderate degree of experience with it, we think that this will be an excellent test of the opening advantage owned by player 1 even on the 13x13 board.
We would like to play you 4 games of Small Keryo Pente here at Brain King. If you don't have the available slots then doing it at IYT would work also.
In those 4 games, we will be player 1 in all 4 games. We will confer and analyze the positions between us. You are welcome to also have a partner assist you in analyzing the positions. If you are able to win ONE of those 4 games, we will aknowledge that player 1's advantage is not as great as we think that it is. But if you can NOT win ONE game, then I think that our point is all but proven that there should be an opening restriction because our combined experience in Keryo Pente is much less than yours. In other words, we are willing to stake all of our points in these posts on this.
We would need at least 7 days/move time controls due to upcoming vacations. If you are unable to play here at Brain King, you will need to invite me to the games at IYT (Dmitri King wants to finish up his games there). TWO games at a time would probably work best. My I.D. there is 'Pente champ' and my name is the same as here.
Sounds interesting.... I am not really keen on the purple background, but willing to give it a try, and hopefully will only have to view it when entering moves!
I am also trying to limit my involvement at IYT, but have just three slots here, so perhaps we can begin a pair of games now and a pair later. The results will be worth some consideration, although even these games combined with those against Walter and D.Mind comprise a very small sample. I appreciate that you are trying to show that a very strong player 1 (unrestricted) cannot lose; however, most players entering the field will be of differing strengths and considerably less caliber.
There is certainly a need for the restriction on the 19 boards, but I am not altogether comfortable with its application to the smaller keryo board. Anyhow, we shall embark upon these trial games and see what occurs. I shall issue a one-game challenge each to you and to Dmitri on 7-day limit, with a duplicate set pending (subject to approval from both of you).
With all my respect I believe that there is nothing to demonstrate, the player yet who throws first without the movement restriction has nonsingle overwhelming advantage if not that is impossible to win to him unless it commits an error.
My decicion to retire to me of IYT was because during long time it asks for the version of 19x19 with restricion of movement to IYT, that reason why I see I was not the only that did it since reason why Gary also did it, I do not have anything against boards of 13x13 in fact have interesting varieties in the game, but agree with Gary with opening restriction.
At the moment I take to two years organizing matches of Keyro in real board, at national level in my country becuse since before it was the only way to play Keyro in 19x19 w opening restriction.
When finally I saw that its a site like brainkingto play Keyro with movement restriction and in both boards 19x19 and 13x13, and when seeing that fencer is a person involved with the players that this is the place.
I believe that it is the moment for taking advantage of the advantages of this site, that a player like Gary B. organise a match like which this organizing and is moment for having healthy diversion.
Registering to the match Spring 2003 open Pente/Keryo Pente championship and lets have a fun.
(peida) Kui oled huvitatud selle turniiri edukusest, millel mängid, siis võid oma vastastega arutleda selle turniiri vestlusgrupis. (HelenaTanein) (näita kõiki vihjeid)