Subject: other side of the moon Hi friends (and the others ) As I promised to some of you, as long as I had some idle time (had a lot of work last days) I will clarify the issue. 1) it´s funny to be accused by someone who was previously accused of collusion himself (I can remember a comment Pedro made public on a pond after rabbitoid congratulate him for a nice work peeking a probable inactive player. Pedro answered something like: ¨thanks rabbitoid, at least I´m not accused of colluding this time) 2) nauars is one of my online (she lives on another country) Bridge students, and as she started playing backgammon I recommended her to join BK; she did and she liked the site. 3) After some BG games, she asked me about ponds as she read the rules and was interested in playing the game, so I encouraged her to start playing ponds and sent her the formula I deviced, which uses last 3 bets (or 2 when the 3rd one is unavailable because of timing out) plus a ¨security number¨ given by a proportion of the gap amongst the player who felt and the one who was saved (not counting your own if you are the saved one) 4) as times went by it was unavoidable we would meet on some ponds and, except for first two rounds (when my formula can´t be applied, and that explains WHY ON SOME OF THOSE PONDS SHE HAD MORE POINTS LEFT THAN ME! interesting that nobody noted it...) it was easy for me to use my own formula and add ONE 5) Having noticed she enjoyed playing ponds (even more than backgammon!) I refrained to starting NEW ONES, (you can check that I do not sign in any more ponds since. Only those I had already signed in, mostly those named like 12.12.12 organized by R.A.D.Y. which i signed in several months in advance) so as not to have such advantage anymore, but what do you think I should have done on those games we met? should I have bet 0 to fall or just go on? I think half of you would think I should have left while the other half would agree to use the advantage as Pedro himself did on that good bet peeking if an inactive player would connect seconds before deadline. I checked the pond´s rules and saw nothing wrong in using that advantage, so I did, but refused to have it on porpouse in the future and stopped staring new ones. 6) For those still in doubt I can draw your attention on this:, where it shows I already managed to ocupy first place on all 3 kind of ponds long before my student started playing ponds herself. 7) I had seen other players making really ODD bets to benefit a friend (those were generally of the same country and had SIMILAR NICKNAMES!!) 8) I had also read out there that someone suggested nauars and me being a ¨multiple account¨... I had to laugh, as she mostly love to play the games I usually dislike: dice games! I hope to have enlighted the issue. Thanks to those who believed and defended me, even without knowing the whole story. And, I hope the rest of you who think I should have acted differently, will at least change your mind from ¨cheating¨ to ¨using unfair advantage¨ (if they think I´m still guilty) and I apologize for that (even when I still think it was NOT unfair) Delete Reply (box)Edit
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