Thanks, I understood the meaning as "sh*t" (oh my God, please don't ban me for bad language! ;-)) or something like that. -- I'm not really sure whether an "automatic player" will affect the game so much, I'd say the most of us will for several future moves still bid less than 10 - and probably in the round, in which OldDear will fall into the pond, there will be even more 10s :-), bud I'd prefer to have such corpses removed immediately.
(peida) Kahe tunniga lõppev kiirpartii? Loo uus mäng, vali Aega mänguks 0 päeva / 1 tund, Boonus 0 päeva / 0 tundi ja Limiit 0 päeva / 1 tund. (TeamBundy) (näita kõiki vihjeid)