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An outlet for players whose creativity extends beyond the board. Post your original works here!

The posting of song lyrics is not the purpose of this board and as such please refrain from doing so. Exceptions can be made to this rule if you are the copyrighted owner of the lyrics and the lyrics are not found offensive by the majority of the population.
This board is a place to post your original works of poetry and prose and also a place for discussion of poetry and related areas.

We have received word from Fencer that other's poetry can be posted to this board. These are the two conditions:
1) When someone posts a known copyrighted poem, he must add the author's name as well
2) If the author is not known, the poem can be posted without problems

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26. August 2003, 04:31:37
aahhh hate dear:) granny

26. August 2003, 04:29:53
Subject: Re:
I know....I cant wait now to reminense in person :) what a have come to this place....awesome and wonderful it we share not only about our family and friends...but hey, look here,,,, we have many new friends and making new memories to tell others how rare of a gift (smile)thanks again, and its ok to have teary eyes.....even when we are sad, happy, more valuable than words can say that we can share and make our life brighter here you see....

26. August 2003, 04:15:39
Subject: Please don't hate me!
One day while I was walking
I saw the strangest thing
a duck waddled up to me and said
I'd like to for you sing

One day while I was sitting
on a bench inside the park
another duck approached me and
gave me such a start

He wasn't like the first one
cause for me he did not sing
instead he danced a jig for me
that was a stranger thing

One night while I was drinking
a duck I chanced to meet
he did not sing nor dance for me
though I waited for my treat

Instead he only sat there
yet I thought it was great
For he became the tender choice
as he sat upoun my plate

26. August 2003, 04:06:02
Subject: Re:
It does take me back.....I can just see my two little ones ... now all grown up ...been settin' here with all these memories, and a little teary eyed......

Your welcome emattie194 and thank you for sharing some of your memories with me. We'll have so much to talk about when we get together. :o)

26. August 2003, 03:51:40
Ahhhhh! that was lovely...and again...such words to send me back to memories of old:):) thanks!! Wanda

26. August 2003, 03:36:20
Subject: Sharing Life's Adventures
Ah, this is what life is all about!

I look back now and I remember you were the chief and I the scout.
Used to think I wanted a sister and used to dream another to play with who might be sweet.
So often the words that I heard,
'go on now your just a girl'.
Just a girl, now what is that?
I could do all the things by following you...
Remember when you would run?
Don't you recall I did too, and when you would climb up the tree...
Yep, there I was , it was me:+)
Superman! I still hear the shout as you came flying from the rail.
Wasn't long before a dyed bedsheet I too could call a cape.
'Ah, mom why her too?
Superman isn't any sily ole girl.'
Still treasure that look on your face when next you lept into the air....
Here I came not far behind arms spread wide....
Do you remember now my shout?
superman to the rescue!
Give just bout anything now to have it captured
and framed.
You didn't get it, neither did I just thought I was a guy if that's what it took.
Guess one day it finally sunk in....
Wasn't a guy, but we could be friends.
Soon I learned with some 'firm persuasion' if
I was to leap into the air the sound must be...
Supergirl to the rescue:+)
But that was fine, just change my line and then we both could jump and fly.
As I was determined whatever you did there I'd be.
Nah, didn't matter boy or girl both could play.
Funny as I recollect time passed on and great fun we had....
Untill your buds came knockin' at the door.
Then back to hearing those dreaded words...
'go on now your just a girl.'
So what?
I could do all you did and more! and somethings better than your friends.
Yep, that's what I thought:+)
Who else could be by your side at all times...
skipping rocks, flying, skating and climbing trees?

Ah, and that look on your face it's my birthday and again`a prayer was answered..
Ooooh, my very own B-B gun!
Yes , and I still have it to this day, what a joy
I remember sharing with both my son and daughter.
The handle is cracked and it's worn. You must remember tho, sure seen and fought so many wars.
It's amazing the things we learn from watching and being a shadow.
From racing boats to racing cars and a few more 'tid bits better left untold':+)
Get your own friends. Let me play with the guy's
Sheesh,sometimes so mean I thought you hated me.
But I soon learned that wasn't the case....
Not another soul out there was allowed to hurt or say anything to make me sad.
Time marched on and we both grew, pretty much stopped following you.
Day soon arrived 'yes I was a girl'.
And there you stood...
had my own friends and now I was going off to date.
Reckon you felt it was time to follow me...
So now the roles slightly reversed,
'go on now leave me alone'.
Hadn't a doubt could take care of myself...
did you forget you taught me how to fight?
In time a middle ground was found and though high school I cheered you on
as you became our basketball star.
Yep, that's my brother, I would say.
Times we thought couldn't wait to get away from each other...
then here your day came in '73.
Brother graduated and off he went going to defend country,help keep us free.
Just didn't know how much I would miss you and you me:=(
Many times I was so proud when you came home to escort me,
in your uniform for all to see.
Strang the stages we go through from...
'go on now, get away'
To planning trips so Dad and Jerry can fry up fish on the river bank
Havin' Aunt Carmie from Alaska
Eatin' some of mom's blackberry cobbler
skipping rocks and watching the water
back once again all together....
'Sharing life's adventure'.

@ Pattricia Pummill

26. August 2003, 03:31:10
OH MY!! What can I say "WOW" wonderful, excellant and so so refreshing and yes, puts a smile upon our face...Granny!

26. August 2003, 03:30:29
Subject: Sternenstaub
what is falling down like snow from high above
brightening night as if someone would laugh
faces passing - pictures moving me
years like days I do see

I don't know is it dream or fantasy
you girl there under an almond-tree
the magic woods in blooming pride
what keeps me up all night

stardust falls
into my heart
stardust falls
into my heart

words whirling up like autumn-leaves
voices call, odd but like from relatives
what does the boy do in the thorny wall
what will he give you after all

do you call me, am I meant to be called
you better cry as child, before you're old
is this your book please show it to me
winds balancing all the sea

stardust falls
into my heart
stardust falls
into my heart

I see the blue flower
embedded in green grass
is time asleep
I merely let it pass
dreaming of you so my sight gets deep.

what is it, all night telling me
that I have yearned so long for thee
perhaps I missed you when I hurried by
is one still asking why

who are you boy fallen from high above
is your objective changed for what to love
you merely lure me into firebowls
there's green rising from thorny walls ...

Stardust - transposed by Daniel VIII 2003

26. August 2003, 02:34:46
Subject: Re: Sternenstaub - Stardust
Thank you Dano - This is absolutely beautiful! And it's made my dreary day a whole lot brighter! :-)
Curiosity got the better of me so I decided to get this are the results:

what it is fells likes to see, that like snow of the sky this laughing, that come me my night of erhellt
faces, pictures, that I years I like a day

I do not know, am would lie it or holds myself dream the girl there, under the almond tree in the magic forest
with its blossom splendor what awake, the entire night

Stars dust fells fells into my heart stars dust into my heart

Words falln a like colorful sheets foliage voices I hear makes holds myself, strangely and yet vetraut what
the boy in the thorns wall what he for me in the hand

you call me, you meant have is me I much too little child wine that your book, come show equalized are it here
wind and sea

Stars dust fells fells into my heart stars dust into my heart

I they see blooms will think dream the blue flower in the green grass time immaterial I nothing at the same
time I of you and I see me what

what is it, that me today night told you would have me so long already been missing have I you in that gives
over tendon what would hurry it to verstehn

who you, boy, that of sky are fell want to change attract sprouts me what you, why you my goal you into the
fire country green out of the thorns wall

Stars dust fells fells into my heart stars dust into my heart

26. August 2003, 02:03:46
Subject: Re: Awwwww, Gubbe :-)
Radiant..i dont think Astrid should like my translation LOL
I guess you can find it in english or german on the Internet...the song is called Ida's sommarvisa (Ida's summersong/Ida's Summerlied)..and it is very cute :)

26. August 2003, 02:02:35
Subject: Sternenstaub - Stardust
was ist es, das wie Schnee vom Himmel fällt
dies Lachen, das mir meine Nacht erhellt
Gesichter kommen, Bilder, die ich mag
Jahre seh ich wie ein Tag

ich weiß nicht, ist es Lüge oder Traum
das Mädchen dort, unterm Mandelbaum
im Zauberwald mit seiner Blütenpracht
was hält mich wach, die ganze Nacht

fällt in mein Herz
fällt in mein Herz

Worte falln mir ein wie buntes Blätterlaub
Stimmen hör ich, fremd und doch vetraut
was macht der Junge in der Dornenwand
was hält er für mich in der Hand

rufst du mich, hast du mich gemeint
ich habe viel zu wenig kindgeweint
ist das dein Buch, komm zeig es her
gleichgestellt sind Wind und Meer

fällt in mein Herz
fällt in mein Herz

ich seh die blaue Blume
sie blüht im grünen Gras
Zeit wird einerlei
ich denk mir nichts dabei
ich träume von dir und ich sehe was

was ist es, das mir heute Nacht erzählt
du hättest mir so lange schon gefehlt
hab ich dich in der Eile übersehn
was gibt es zu verstehn

wer bist du, Junge, der von Himmel fiel
was willst du, warum änderst du mein Ziel
lockst du mich in das Feuerland
Grün sprießt aus der Dornenwand

fällt in mein Herz
fällt in mein Herz

* lyrics by Klaus Hoffmann

26. August 2003, 01:52:27
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Shooting star.. dust :-)
she´ll be yours
of course

twinkle twinkle little star
bright and breezy
angels´tender touch and smile..
please shine upon me for a while

26. August 2003, 01:44:36
Subject: Re: Poetry of William Blake
:o).... this has gotta be good if it's by William Blake. :o)

26. August 2003, 01:22:44
Subject: You people are getting too deep for me!!! LOL
Starlight Starbright
First star I see tonight
I wish I may
I wish I might
have this wish
I wish tonight

26. August 2003, 01:20:04
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Awwwww, Gubbe :-)
Swedish´ cute... can you send us the translation, please.. Astrid Lindgren wrote such beauties :-) Thanks and Goodnite..

26. August 2003, 01:10:38
Subject: Re: Chief :-)
ahhh so viele Leute ... 0:)

und so viele Sprachen ... multilingual - I think it's good we dare ... ;) ~*~

26. August 2003, 01:07:44
Du ska inte tro det blir sommar
ifall inte nå'n sätter fart
på sommarn å gör lite somrigt
för då kommer blommorna snart.

Astrid Lindgren

26. August 2003, 00:58:59
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Oui, Stardust, certainement! :-)))
La langue d´amour,
Caresse toi tes levres, tes mains,
ta lumičre,
ta chčre, comme un trésor pûr,
les jours sans toi ce sont trop dûrs..

pour tes počmes et les počts aussi.. :-)

~*Radiant 36:9*~

26. August 2003, 00:58:29
Subject: Re: En Francais,s'il vous plait!
So true Daedal,so true!! :-)

26. August 2003, 00:50:34
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Aawww WoW, Usurper :-)
This board is gOld - too g:):)d!!
brings you right in the correct mood..
keeps me thinking in rhymes,
wishing everyone: GoodTimes!!! :-)))

~*Radiant 36:9*~

26. August 2003, 00:50:32
Subject: En Francais,s'il vous plait!
Une myriade de laguages peut faire la danse de poésie! Mais le meilleur est de beaucoup ceci, la langue d'amour!

26. August 2003, 00:44:02
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Ja Gubbe :-)
Genau... Leute!

in den Strassen
sie laufen mit geschwinde Pass

keine Zeit, keine Zeit
laufen sie genau in die Verganklichkeit...

~*Radiant 36:9*~

26. August 2003, 00:42:52
Subject: Re: Chief :-)
Hmm Ich spreche keine deutsch aber deise volk gedenken Ich sprechen gut deutsch..sagen die varheit nicht? Vielen dank. LOL (Dano don't you dare!!!)

26. August 2003, 00:31:07
Subject: Re: Chief :-)
Morgen, morgen nur nicht Heute
sagen immer faulen Laute :)

vielleicht es ist Leute? LOL

26. August 2003, 00:27:08
Subject: Re:
Harley.......That's good! You summed it all up in a nutshell. :o) I'll be like Star i'm going back and read it all over again very slowly.

Hey Stardust ....... I like being famous, don't you? :O)

Thanks Harley!

26. August 2003, 00:00:57
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Chief :-)
Jawohl, du sprichst sehr gut Deutsch! ;o)

Probiere mal einen Gedicht auf Deutsch; eine richtige "challenge", nicht wahr? lol

25. August 2003, 23:59:01
Subject: Re: now I might get slapped ... :P
don't nail me to that yet but well enough that I've always understood ... ;)
good to encounter the appealing air from this dine of natural hospitality ... :) ~*~

25. August 2003, 23:45:23
Subject: Re: now I might get slapped ... :P
Sehr gut mein herr. Ich spreche gutten deutsch nicht wahr?

25. August 2003, 23:43:27
Subject: Re: now I might get slapped ... :P
That is deep danoschek, but very good indeed!!

25. August 2003, 23:43:14
Subject: Re: now I might get slapped ... :P
I LIKE it!!!!!

25. August 2003, 23:41:12
Subject: now I might get slapped ... :P
))) ))) Moloko (((

Where is the what if the what is in why ?

What is a god of phoney creation,
Where am I going with no destination,
What if the fish came from the sea,
What if my lover made me feel free,
What if my intake caused revelation,
What if the point was reincarnation,
What if my shoes don't match my jacket,
If it's not working why don't you smack it,
What if your mamma said you were fat,
If you are lost find where your at,
What is a number without any time,
You can't get higher with nothing to climb,
Why have a body if you ain't got a mind,
What is a searcher with nothing to find,
Why is the traffic refusing to stop,
Why climb the ladder if you can't reach the top,
Where is the what if the what is in why,
Where is the what if the what is in why
Where is the what if the what is in why,
What do you dream of when you sleep at night,
Wee how the blind man fills up with light,
What is a bird with nowhere to fly,
How can you leave and not say goodbye,
What is a hunter with nothing to find,
What is the goodness without the unkind,
When did the outfit fall out of fashion,
When did the lover run out of passion,
My reincarnation time a phoney creation rhyme,
With no destination mine my information's fine,
Why did the voice say don't step on the floor,
Why did the sign say so float through the door,
What is a god of phoney creation,
Where am I going with no destination,
What if the fish came from the sea,
What if my lover made me feel free,
What if my intake caused revelation,
What if the point was reincarnation,
What if my shoes don't match my jacket,
If it's not working why don't you smack it,
What if your mamma said you were fat,
If you are lost find where you're at,
Where is the what if the what is in why,
Where is the what if the what is in why,
Where is the what if the what is in why,
How did the loser get to be rich,
What is a salesman with nothing to pitch,
When did the fool get to be king,
Why did you leave when they asked you to sing,
Why loose belief if you got a dream,
What is a train that ran out of steam,
what is a spy with no-one to spy,
On who do you sleep with nothing to lie on,
What if the fruit don't fall from the tree,
What if these questions just won't let you be,
Why waste your time looking for proof,
What if the answer is never the truth.

25. August 2003, 23:03:52
LOL - I would imagine non to pleased :o)

25. August 2003, 23:02:51
Subject: Re: Would this be it in English Cariad??
It looks good to me! I don't know what Menna Elfyn would make of her poetry in English though!

25. August 2003, 22:56:07
Subject: Would this be it in English Cariad??

Have you noticed how time-free a person is
when approaching a new language?
Yes, you stumble over consonants,
postpone vowels,
encumbered with all the armour of your longing
for the conquest of expresssion.
And yes, your tongue is like
a baby bumping along on its bottom.

Well then, let each of the world’s peoples learn
the excommunicated language of its neighbour,
yes, creep and crouch in corners,
lose sleep in messing it up,
since this is how tenses will be deleted.
The past will not come fluently on the tongue.
The language of today will stay. It will sue for peace,
pull down all the barbed-wire verbs.
The imperfect will never be so perfect
as when it ceases to exist.

And cleft, split, and rupture will be
made whole in the open mouth.
Each new learner will have the memory
of correcting constructions,
picking up one’s bed, rectifying speech.

There will be no time for spreading hatred,
since the tribes will be overcome
by the riches of all the founding stones -

And through the babies in Babel
a yoke will be raised, a United Languages heal
in freeing oneself, freeing in sowing the seed.

25. August 2003, 22:53:36
I like yours too Cariad, although can't get much translated correctly?

25. August 2003, 22:53:28
LOL, thanks! I did that in about 10 mins, I've been working on a different one, very different, much darker, but I think I'll post that at the poetry fellowship.

25. August 2003, 22:52:56
Subject: Re:
Harley,you ROCK!!! Thank you so much...that put a well needed smile on my face!! Damn,that was good! I'm going to read it again!! :-)
And what do you make of that,Wanda? We're famous!!! LOL

25. August 2003, 22:52:56
Subject: Re:
Excellent Harley!! A clear ten for the challenge if ya ask me!! :o)

25. August 2003, 22:48:02
Back Soon 
Harley that was great! I feel honoured to be mentioned too! It sums up the site a treat & brought a smile to my face. Well done to you :o)

25. August 2003, 22:45:48
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: The dark night of the soul
The dark night of the soul

Upon a darkened night
the flame of love was burning in my breast
And by a lantern bright
I fled my house while all in quiet rest

Shrouded by the night
and by the secret star I quickly fled
The veil concealed my eyes
while all within lay quiet as the dead

Oh night thou was my guide
oh night more loving than the rising sun
Oh night that joined the lover
to the beloved one
transforming each of them into the other

Upon that misty night
in secrecy, beyond such mortal sight
Without a guide or light
than that which burned so deeply in my heart

That fire t´was led me on
and shone more bright than of the midday sun
To where he waited still
it was a place where no one else could come

Oh night thou was my guide
oh night more loving than the rising sun
Oh night that joined the lover
to the beloved one
transforming each of them into the other

Within my pounding heart
which kept itself entirely for him
He fell into his sleep
beneath the cedars all my love I gave
From o´ver the fortress walls
the wind would brush his hair against his brow
And with its smoothest hand
caressed my every sense it would allow

Oh night thou was my guide
oh night more loving than the rising sun
Oh night that joined the lover
to the beloved one
transforming each of them into the other

I lost myself to him
and laid my face upon my lovers breast
And care and grief grew dim
as in the mornings mist became the light
There they dimmed amongst the lilies fair
There they dimmed amongst the lilies fair
There they dimmed amongst the lilies fair

© Lyrics: St. John of the Cross - 15th century
Arranged and adapted by Loreena McKennitt
From her album: The mask and the mirror

25. August 2003, 22:40:46
My first attempt... go easy on me!!

Ahem... BrainKing

Usurper started the whole 'poem' thing,
But its grown like a rolling stone.
Aragon built on Usurpers base
with the fellowship, and oh, how its grown!

The foundation, of course, was set by Fencer,
good old Brain King itself.
Without it all this talent
may have stayed on the shelf!

Current River and Stardust
are also famous here,
And Granny and Dano
regularly appear.

There are legends elsewhere too..
post a quiz.. and what do we find?
Big Bad Wolf, or Aragon,
always close at hand!

Chatty and Lilac
are good for a giggle,
feeling blue? feeling sad?
They'll make you laugh 'till you jiggle!

Then theres Bumble and Panda,
parents of two sets of twins!
A wonder they have time for games,
let alone making them wins!

And last but not least
my two special mates.
Medic and Lamby,
you're both real great :o)

Theres so many top people
on this wonderful site,
I couldn't even begin
to bring them all to light.

If your name is here or not,
I thank you all the same.
For making this one big happy family
Who love playing the games!

25. August 2003, 22:27:01
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Cariad
Would that be Welsh? :-) Looks interesting!

Do you have a translation as well?

25. August 2003, 22:13:31
Subject: Bloeddier i Bobloedd y Byd

A sylwoch mor ddiamser
yw dyn wrth ddod at iaith newydd?
Bydd, fe fydd yn baglu dros gytseiniaid,
yn gohirio llafariaid,
yn gwisgo holl arfogaeth ei ddyhead
am fuddugoliaeth dros fynegiant.
A bydd, fe fydd ei dafod
fel baban bach ar ei ben ôl.

Felly, bydded i bob un o genhedloedd byd
ddysgu iaith esgymun ei gymydog.
Ie, cropian a chwrian mewn corneli,
colli cwsg wrth ei thrwsglo;
cans fel hyn y daw dileu yr amserau.
Ni ddaw'r gorffennol yn rhwydd ar dafod.
Erys iaith heddiw. Bydd yn ddeiseb hedd –
gan dynnu i lawr yr holl ferfau pigog;
ni fyd yr amherffaith mor berffaith
a phan nad yw.

A bydd agen, hollt a rhwyg
yn cael eu cyfrannu'n geg agored.
Pob newydd ddysgwr â chof
am gyweirio cystrawennau
cyfod o'i wely, unioni llef.

Ni fydd amser i ledu llid,
cans bydd llwythau wedi eu llethu
â chyfoeth yr holl gerrig arloesi.

A thrwy'r babanod yn Babel bydd iau
wedi ei chodi a'r Uniaith yn iachâu
wrth ymryddhau, rhyddhau wrth hau.

25. August 2003, 19:34:37
Subject: Re: BEAUTY
Awesome Granny :o) Sheer Poetry!!

25. August 2003, 19:26:07
thank you...just trying :):) but trying have to keep going right LOL

25. August 2003, 19:01:55
Subject: Re: BEAUTY
Very good Granny.

25. August 2003, 18:40:29
Subject: Re: BEAUTY
Very nice Granny! So uplifting! :-)

25. August 2003, 18:36:35
Subject: BEAUTY

The beauty all about us
so brilliant and alive.
To many there is an energy there that
needs to come alive.
For in their hearts, their souls,
there unique beauty has been brought out
like a blast of an explosion of
beautiful colors of the rainbow so
pure brightness that fills the sky.

Come alive around us
those of the rainbow that glows
Come alive and tell those around
the joy you can explode!

We will be the extension of your beauty
telling all around us.
Sharing the joy to those about us
so sad and in need
Sharing your beauty of the rainbow
Which is so alive with the brilliance of it all.

Come alive we will come.!
Come alive we shall come.!
Oh, See all the beauty we will find!

~~Edrena M Wilson~~

25. August 2003, 18:15:14
Another awesome one....Pattrica Pummill......wonderful wanda!!thanks for giving to us......Granny

25. August 2003, 17:41:45
Subject: Acceptance
The guilded pen,the fragrant bow
Can sometimes yield to passion's row
What once was pure is now beset
with doubt and pain and some regret

For of each half there is desire
that sometimes Love cannot mire
Although it's real and full of want
Perhaps it's not best to flaunt

The Love was real but was it blind
to touch of flesh and not the mind
Within each soul there lies a need
to be One with the lost seed

The time will come for this I'm sure
when flesh and mind and soul are pure
Until that day,we sit and wait
And hope the pain is not too great

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