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 Thoughts and Prayers

A sacred place for remembrance, prayer, support, love, affirming eachother, honor and praise.

For people from this site, but also for people in your life all around this globe; whom you would like to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
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27. December 2004, 18:02:47
thanks Radiant :-)

27. December 2004, 17:53:55
Radiant2008 :-) 
Sorry BananaD.. nothing heard from Novo3.. Hopefully the entire BK-family read this board and will inform you as soon as somebody did has heard from him.. Take heart!!

27. December 2004, 17:52:24
Radiant2008 :-) 
Yes, and Indonesia too and India.. all the countries around the Bengal Sea. And yet I heard of still more lil earthshockes to come from the epicenter.. so still not yet save situation there..

27. December 2004, 17:39:04
BTW Thailand, Maldives and parts of Malaysia have also been affected by the tsunami.

27. December 2004, 17:37:42
Anyone hear from Novo3? His wife went back to Thailand to spend Christmas with her family. Novo3 hasn't replied to my message yet, so am getting a bit concerned.

27. December 2004, 17:30:19
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re:
ADizBALD: Thank you, AD, for mentioning this!! Me and my man started praying for them last night.. how awful. Today in the news they talk about at least 23500 casualties in the entire region, that got killed..

What is the name of your Sri Lanka daughter? Bless your heart!!

27. December 2004, 06:47:35
Artful Dodger 
Let's keep the people of India and Sri Lanka in our prayers. The 9.0 earthquake in the Indian ocean has killed thousands. I have a little girl I sponsor in Sri Lanka through World Vision and I'm concerned. Very sad that so many died as there was no early warning in place.

25. December 2004, 13:32:05
Subject: Re: Prayers for....
I want to thank you all for your thoughts.
Life was no sweet to my grandma but she was very strong and sttuborn to keep a flare in her life. Thanks for your lesson of life, and I'm sure wherever you are, that place will be more reacher with your presence.

25. December 2004, 09:31:04
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Silent Night - Holy Night!!
We sang that song last night in our Christmas Eve Service, while the lights were out only the Christmas Tree and everyone's candle enlightened the Church!! How wonderful romantic that was.. Also the man of my heart told me they did that in their Church last night.. in the Holy Night.. I wish that everyone on this entire had a special moment last night, with the Lord, Jesus Christ, who came to Earth as a Savior.. Who came to earth to SAVE us and to GIVE us eternal life!! WHat a GIFT!!

Now how wonderful it will be to GIVE HIM our life, then we will never perish, but have eternal LIFE in Freedom!!


25. December 2004, 09:30:42
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Prayers for....
BananaD: Awww, we certainly keep Ferjo and his beloved ones in our prayers!

The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ
the Love of God and the
Fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be with us now and forevermore - AMEN

24. December 2004, 17:05:30
Subject: Re: Prayers for....
BananaD: Thanks for posting this and our thoughts and prayers will go out to Ferjo and his family during their sorrow!

24. December 2004, 08:49:20
Subject: Prayers for....
Ferjo's grandmother who passed away yesterday 23/12. Funeral is being held today. Our prayers and heartfelt sympathy go out to Ferjo and his family in this time of sorrow.

22. December 2004, 15:27:18
Radiant2008 :-) 
Modified by Radiant2008 :-) (22. December 2004, 15:28:43)
Click on "Silent Night
" to hear the audio
story of this favorite Christmas Hymn.

***edited because forgot to add the subject***

22. December 2004, 14:46:29
Radiant2008 :-) 
Mindy, where two or more are gathered to pray.. we can feel HIS presence!! Bless your heart.. AMEN

22. December 2004, 00:50:42
Subject: Re: To Pray and To Praise Him Openly and Freely
I just prayed that prayer with you,Radiant..Amen

21. December 2004, 23:18:48
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: To Pray and To Praise Him Openly and Freely
Thank you RamblinMan to reflect upon that Freedom we have here. To HIM be the Glory each day in every way!!

Dear Lord, in the Light of Your Light and our Freedom to worship and honor you on these boards, Lord I especcially lift up tonight ALL Christians arround the world who are persecuted simply for being a Christian and to choose to worship, honor and praise You!!

Lord, I lift up before you our brothers and sisters from North Korea, China, Peru, Iraq, Israel, Palestina, Middle East, Saoedi Arabia, Indonesia..

Christmas is approaching quickly now and also these brothers and sisters should be Free to celebrate Christmas in their 'church'... Sometimes its just a hidden room, to protect themselves from bombattacks.. I read a few days ago that Christians in Iraq cannOt go to church this Christmas, because their church has been attacked.. I pray they will be able to find a place where they indeed will be able to worship Thee - and if they are still in danger, Lord, I pray you keep them under your wings and keep them safe! Lord, You are an Awesome God.. The Alpha and Omega, Lord of the beginning and the end... with You everything is possible.. And I lift my arms to You.. to surrender, surrender this situation, Lord.. we are Yours and in You we are FREE!!

Thank You so much, Lord for what You did for us on the Cross! You died for us and You washed us clean from sin... The old has begun new - each day in worship we lift up the world to be healed and to be loved by You!

Thats what I ask in Your son's precious name - AMEN

21. December 2004, 22:09:15
Subject: Re: A Prayer for You
Amen Sister! That was a beautiful and eloquent Prayer. Again I have to Thank the Good Lord for leading me to BK where I found this board as well as the many Fellowships here that allow us to Pray and Praise Him openly and freely.

Give Glory to God

Concentrate on Me.
Give Me your full attention.
I yearn to be in you completely.
But first, you need to abide in Me.
You need to learn how to give yourself
to what I alone can give you.
There is so much waiting for you!
I ask for that abiding
so that we may both be one,
so that you can walk in My ways,
to have My mind in you,
to have My compassion,
My care for others, My love.
Then will My power flow through you,
power to do My works,
to join with other kindred spirits,
giving My body form.
Then those greater works
I've promised, you will have
to give glory to God.

20. December 2004, 21:04:11
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: A Prayer for You
AMEN, Mindy!! Hallelujah :-)

Thank you Lord for this wonderful prayer sister!! Bless her heart :-)

20. December 2004, 16:32:45
Subject: A Prayer for You
I pray for peace.
Peace that passes all understanding.
Peace that fills every corner of your home,
Ever corner of your heart,
Every corner of your life.
I pray for comfort.
Comfort that comes through the assurance
Of God’s great love for you.
No matter what, no matter when, no matter why
No matter what you have done or will do,
His love will always be there.
A love so powerful that
He gave up his heavenly rights and position of power
To become utterly vulnerable and totally dependent
So that He would be able to say without a doubt
That he understands fully what it means
To not be able to meet all his needs through his own works.
I pray for the gift of earthly hands, feet and voices that bring
Tangible evidence to you of that great Love in practical ways.
I pray for the grace for you to see your world
Through Christ’s eyes,
So you can see the gifts he pours out daily as a celebration of
His great love for you.

20. December 2004, 03:26:25
Subject: Re: Computer test
good one! 0:-)

20. December 2004, 02:44:49
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Computer test
This email was sent to me by mail... Its sooooo GO(O)D ;-)

Jesus and Satan were having an on-going argument about who was better on the computer. They had been going at it for days, and frankly God was tired of hearing all the bickering. Finally fed up, God said, "THAT'S IT! I have had enough. I am going to set up a test that will run for two hours, and from those results, I will judge who does the better job."

So Satan and Jesus sat down at the keyboards and typed away.

They moused.

They faxed.

They e-mailed.

They e-mailed with attachments.

They downloaded.

They did spreadsheets.

They wrote reports.

They created labels and cards.

They created charts and graphs.

They did some genealogy reports.

They did every job known to man.

Jesus worked with heavenly efficiency and Satan was faster than hell.

Then, ten minutes before their time was up, lightning suddenly flashed across the sky, thunder rolled, rain poured, and, of course, the power went off. Satan stared at his blank screen and screamed every curse word known in the underworld. Jesus just sighed.

Finally the electricity came back on, and each of them restarted their computers Satan started searching frantically, screaming:

"It's gone! It's all GONE!

"I lost everything when the power went out!"

Meanwhile, Jesus quietly started printing out all of his files from the past two hours of work.
Satan observed this and became irate.

"Wait!" he screamed.

"That's not fair!

He cheated!

How come he has all his work and I don't have any?"
God just shrugged and said, "Jesus saves."

16. December 2004, 23:17:42
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: God_is_Love needs prayers
this what i received today from her in the mail:

I went to the Dr this afternoon for a problem that I have been having with bleeding for about 3/4 weeks. He said there is a tissue where there
should not be and i have to go next week for some test. If God does not heal this, I probably
will have to have surgery maybe, not sure because of the situation with my heart. So, I
would appreciate your prayers. I know God can work miracles, he has for me and my family in the past and he can do it now also.

Gods Blessings and have a wonderful day.

I hope you all can pray for my dearest sister in Christ. God bless you all,


16. December 2004, 16:44:35
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Happy Holidays!!
and the most wonderful Holidays for you and your loved ones, Blue Sapphire :-) Welcome on the site!

16. December 2004, 11:16:04
Subject: Happy Holidays!!
I am pretty new to this site, and just wanted to wish everyone happy holidays..and God Bless you and yours:)

13. December 2004, 23:10:07

13. December 2004, 23:08:47
peace love and light to you all in your times of sorrow. ~ Partica

13. December 2004, 23:06:33
Radiant2008 :-) 
For what, Bwild? :-) Remember, its not about us, its all about God!

Hallelujah! Praise His Name forever and ever, AMEN

13. December 2004, 22:54:56
thank you ;-)

4. December 2004, 04:33:15
Let us all say a prayer,for the families of Hannelores friends who have moved on recently.

3. December 2004, 06:42:20
Subject: Re: Barb.. you will be in my prayers..
Barb you are in my prayers as well. God will take care of you. He will never leave nor forsake you.
Love Ya

2. December 2004, 04:14:53
Artful Dodger 
Impossible without the inner strength of the HS. That is my guess. We can only strive to be like HIM, which should be each Chritian's ultimate goal. It's a good question. I'd say the real answer is "It's impossible." But with God all things are possible. But only through HIM.

2. December 2004, 01:20:53
Subject: a thought
Modified by bwildman (4. December 2004, 16:10:54)
how hard would it be to truley be a devote christian,and walk the path that Jesus walked?
may the good Lord save us from religeous thieves and liars who use religion as a shield.

1. December 2004, 08:28:20
Subject: Re: Daniel Snyder...
Please accept mine as well and know that you are in our thoughts.

Take care, cause we care :)

1. December 2004, 07:15:43
Subject: Daniel Snyder...
our thoughts and well wishes are with you during your time of sorrow.

1. December 2004, 05:40:16
Subject: Re: Barb.. you will be in my prayers..
Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts and prayers. God has been so good to me and know with all the prayers from U all and my church things will go well. God Bless U all.

30. November 2004, 20:43:24
Subject: Barb.. you will be in my prayers..
I pray that only good will come.. :)

30. November 2004, 19:41:31
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: PLease keep me in your prayers
An Irish Prayer for Barb..

May God grant you always
A sunbeam to warm you
A moonbeam to charm you
A sheltering Angel
So nothing can harm you
Laughter to cheer you
Faithful friends near you
And whenever you pray
Heaven to hear you.

I keep you in my thoughts and prayers Barb!(((Patty)))

30. November 2004, 18:44:30
Subject: Re: PLease keep me in your prayers
By all means Barb, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. May you get a good report on Friday and God Bless You!!

30. November 2004, 18:22:06
Subject: Re: PLease keep me in your prayers
I believe and know you will be fine Barb. You have the prayers of your friends in Purple World.

30. November 2004, 13:42:19
Subject: PLease keep me in your prayers
Friday I will have another test for colon cancer. So far I have been ok and
hope I get the same results this time.
It is in Gods hands what is in store for me .. God Bless and Thank you

23. November 2004, 17:15:11
Radiant2008 :-) 
You are very welcome AD :-) Prayers are powerful; better then words ever can be! Have a good rest!!

23. November 2004, 17:00:22
Artful Dodger 
Thanks for your prayers and thoughts everyone :)

23. November 2004, 15:22:22
Subject: AD..
have a speedy recovery;-)

23. November 2004, 12:05:32
Subject: Re: I had an interesting weekend
My thoughts and prayers are with you of course AD and your family. It is good to know your loved ones are there with you ~ you shouldn't be alone at a time like this.

21. November 2004, 13:14:08
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: I had an interesting weekend
How awful, AD what happened to you!!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers! :-) Always! Be safe and have faith and Im glad you have your loved ones around you to take care of you!!

Love in HIM, ~*Josetta*~

21. November 2004, 06:38:04
Subject: Re: I had an interesting weekend
Oh AD... Hon.. I certainly will dear.. you take it easy and please keep us posted on this..

21. November 2004, 06:17:27
Subject: Re: I had an interesting weekend
So sorry to hear of your problems and I will surely be praying for you. God Bless!!!

21. November 2004, 04:19:34
Artful Dodger 
Subject: I had an interesting weekend
On Thursday I went into the doctors for chest pains that I thought were related to my cold. They put me in the hospital right away and today I had an angiogram. Apparently I have some blockage and was a candidate for a heart attack. YIPES. And to think I was going to wait another week. But as it was, I could hardly do anyting without pain. Am very sore right now but many have prayed for me and all went well with the procedure. My wife was with me all the time and my daugter was there all day. I'm home now and in a bit of pain but glad to have caught this problem ahead of time. I would covet your prayers in the coming weeks. God bless.

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