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 Thoughts and Prayers

A sacred place for remembrance, prayer, support, love, affirming eachother, honor and praise.

For people from this site, but also for people in your life all around this globe; whom you would like to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
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*God bless you! Shalom! Salaam aleikum!

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18. November 2004, 14:35:44
While we don't like to hear bad news and don't appreciate the
pronouncement of judgment on others, there is a time when it is
appropriate. Jesus was not only our sacrificial lamb, but he is
also our Chief Shepherd. When the earthly shepherds of his sheep do
not lead faithfully, he will demand harsh justice. This is a
warning to all who lead that they must do so faithfully and
tenderly. It is also a comfort to those who have been abused by
ungodly leaders -- God will wipe away your tears and he will bring
about a righteous justice to those who have abused the stewardship
of their pastoral calling.

14. November 2004, 06:44:38
Subject: Freddiemc
can we all think of Freddiemc, a lovely lady who had a bad fall and broke her upper arm.

She is having difficulty playing her games at the moment so please have patience with her...she is such a sweety.

10. November 2004, 22:41:40
Subject: Re: Thank you for your kind words and thoughts.
Modified by musiclover (12. November 2004, 02:02:44)
Radiant, it is with great sadness and regret that I tell you that my kid sister will not discuss religion with anyone or me.

10. November 2004, 00:19:40
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Thank you for your kind words and thoughts.
Musiclover, does your sister know the Lord?
Its with pleasure and compassion that I remember her in my prayers..

9. November 2004, 18:21:10
Subject: Re: Thank you for your kind words and thoughts.
Radiant, thank you for your prayers. I am back home after attending the funeral in Brooklyn, New York. Tom was not buried in Sellersville, PA near their new home of only a year and few months. He was buried next to his brother, Michael who lost his life performing his duties as a firemen in the 9-11 tragedy. His mother has just her daughter left as both her sons passed; both very young. My sister is doing well but after her best friend leaves her home after staying with her for a week and she finds herself all alone in that big house; I will have to worry about her in Pennsylvania. I will keep in touch with her by phone and sending her notes of encouragement, understanding and sympathy.

5. November 2004, 12:57:14
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Thank you for your kind words and thoughts.
Godspeed on your sad travel and blessings for you and your family, Musiclover! Keep you in my thoughts and prayers..

3. November 2004, 22:15:07
Subject: Thank you for your kind words and thoughts.
Thank you Scarlet Rose, Dolittle and Nirvana. I had a minute in between packing my suitcase and needed to do something to get my mind off the emotional three days ahead of me, my sister and Tom's family. See you here when I return.

3. November 2004, 12:15:41
Subject: Re: Very sad news.....
My sympathies and thoughts go with you, musiclover, and of course to your family.

3. November 2004, 06:53:07
Subject: Re: Very sad news.....
Thoughts and prayers go with you musiclover!

3. November 2004, 06:35:10
Subject: Ohhhhhhhh Music...
I am so sorry to hear of your sisters loss.. I will most definately say a prayer for your family.. Take care and have a safe trip..

3. November 2004, 01:45:48
Subject: Very sad news.....
My dear friends at Brainking:

My sister's husband, Tom, passed away in his sleep for no apparent reason. He was not sick and had no known illnesses. They are performing an autopsy to try and determine why he died. He was only 43 years old as I am 17 years older than my sister, Mary Ann. I am leaving for New York, where he will be taken from their home in Pennsylvania to be buried in the Brooklyn area, near his only brother, Michael, who died in the basement of one of the Twin Towers on 9-11-01, . He was one of the firemen that perished in that horrible tragedy. I feel so bad for the boys' parents as now they will bury their remaining son Friday, November 5th. I will return Nov. 8th. Please say a prayer for my sister and her beloved Tom and his family.

31. October 2004, 19:32:56

31. October 2004, 16:41:43
Artful Dodger 
I am so looking forward to my granddaughters first fart. Never too early to work on technique you know.

31. October 2004, 06:29:33
i think i'll let that AWESOME EXPERIENCE! go to the mom and dad...thank you very much! LoL

30. October 2004, 13:11:48
Subject: Re: Bluck!
It's an awesome experience! ;)

29. October 2004, 19:57:46
Subject: Bluck!
I've never changed a poopy diaper in my life...and don't plan on it either! LoL

29. October 2004, 07:21:24
Congrats AD!! When it's your grandchild, even the poop part is not bad. LOL

28. October 2004, 17:57:36
Artful Dodger 
Thanks all.... in the ultra sound pictures she was giving her mom and dad the thumbs up! That has a very significant meaning to me!! And I get to baby sit all summer cuz I'm off! I'll be her favorite! hehehehehe woooo hoooo....bonding will be fun......

cept for the poop...I hate the poop part

28. October 2004, 16:54:23
Prayers are with mom & baby,AD..Im so happy for ya! 0:-D

28. October 2004, 08:26:12
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Awww a widdle girl
Youpie AD!!! ***hugs ya**** happy for ya and prayers go along :-)

28. October 2004, 07:14:34
Subject: Awww a widdle girl
adorned with pink
and tiny curls! :)

I am so happy for you AD..

28. October 2004, 03:37:40
Artful Dodger 
not born yet....just old enough to determine the sex ;)

wooo hoooo Pray for health of mom and far everything looks perfect ;) Prais God for that!!!!!!

28. October 2004, 03:36:24
Artful Dodger 
Subject: Grampa AD an the news of the night
It's a girl...healthy and kicking :)

23. October 2004, 01:49:26
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Rommel / Ronaldo
Thank you Nirvana, for sharing this awful sad news..

My heart goes out in deep sympathy to him and his family and his friends... He will be missed!!!

22. October 2004, 23:46:54
Subject: Rommel / Ronaldo
Modified by Nirvana (25. October 2004, 02:10:11)
My thoughts are very much with his wife and family at this sad time.
Ronaldo is in intensive care and unlikely to make a full recovery, he will remain in hosptial or hospice care for the remainder of his life:
I got a pm from Fencer at the request of his wife Magaretta and a separate email from the same lady who didn't connect my email addy with 'Nirvana' on here.
I know as a person he could be difficult sometimes, but a lot of his unexpected behaviour was down to the horrendous pain he suffered plus the drugs he was on to try and help him. He has been bedridden for some time. From his chats with me he is a frightened man, in considerable pain. I got to know him quite well, both as a friend and while comparing notes etc on his beloved History ~ something which fascinates us both. He could be unpredictable some times, but meant well. He is a caring person and I did all I could to try and support him, and by helping with his research etc I was able to take his mind off his problems a bit, the only constructive way I could help. The nature of his illnesses take courage. To be in such pain for so long can't be easy. I for one will miss him.
He made History in so many ways in his Fellowship, bringing to life a subject which covers everything in our daily lives, no matter what it is, from the country we live in to the objects around us all, everything has a history of sorts, some more involved than others.
My thought and sympathy as this time are of course with his family and him.

22. October 2004, 13:41:32
For those who don't know who Ronaldo is, it's Rommel

22. October 2004, 13:39:53
It wasn't my Quote musiclover, it was Nirvana's

21. October 2004, 20:59:16
Subject: Skyking, I hope you don't mind my quoting you here.
Modified by Skyking (21. October 2004, 04:30:38)
It is with great sadness that I have to pass this sad news:

Ronaldo is in intensive care in the County Hospital and is unlikely to make a full recovery. He is not going to be well enough to return to Brainking.
Margaretta (his wife) asked Fencer to pass this awful news on to me. It is with sadness I pass this on to you.

20. October 2004, 00:24:01
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Thank you all for your posts...
Praise the Lord! Hallelujah :-)

Good to have ya, Mindy - enjoy a blessed day!

19. October 2004, 17:00:27
Artful Dodger 
Subject: Mindy
I told you .... you have many friends here. :) Glad you "sound" a bit better today.

19. October 2004, 16:44:18
Subject: Thank you all for your posts...
They've really helped...Thank you

19. October 2004, 16:55:54
Artful Dodger 
<><> Thanks Radiant. Hello to everyone. ;)

19. October 2004, 14:05:10
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Fish symbol
Does anybody as a better symbol to share with us and to use for future usage? Thank you :-)

19. October 2004, 14:03:45
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: <>
LOL - thats odd, it looks like I cannot create the fish symbol here.. I keep trying <> <> <>

19. October 2004, 14:01:06
Radiant2008 :-) 
Modified by Radiant2008 :-) (19. October 2004, 14:02:36)
<> Welcome and special thanks to my friend and co-moderator Grampa AD :-)

Thank you for offering your help on here, AD <>

19. October 2004, 07:54:44
Subject: Re: Losing Faith?...maybe...
I agree with AD. Mindy, I don't know you that well but it shows that you are a good person. Please know that you do have friends here and others that would like to be your friend. Hope you take comfort in that and continue to play here and have a good time. God Bless You!!

19. October 2004, 03:39:23
Artful Dodger 
Subject: Re: Losing Faith?...maybe...
Modified by Artful Dodger (19. October 2004, 05:45:12)
Just a few things to meditate on for you Mindy. You have many friends here so whatever it is that is troubling you, you will be surrounded by the prayers of good friends.

"Do not be anxious for anything, but in everything. by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Phil.4:6-7).

God will make a way when there seems to be no way.
He works in ways we cannot see. He will make a way for me.
He will be my guide; hold me closely to his side.
With love and strength for each new day, he will make a way. Don Moen

19. October 2004, 03:24:48
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Losing Faith?...maybe...
Dear Mindy :-)

I don't know what happened or what caused you to think you are losing Faith.. but I think the enemy did some recent attacks on you; trying to make you believe your Faith is worthless..

Deep in your heart you know that HE is alive! And that HE is the Bread and the Wine of life.. Eating and drinking from HIM won't ever make you hungry or thirsty! John 6:25-59

You say, you love people.. that is HIS first commandment: John 15:12-17

I just finished studying the Gospel of John when I returned here and found your message.. Again, I don't know of anything what caused your distress, but know, that He is the Father of Love, Light, Forgiveness, Truth, and Scripture and please read and memorize Psalm 118:8 It is better to take refuge in the LORD, than to trust in man. And recently a friend sent me this verse:

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Phil. 4:13

I wish you HIS wisdom and HIS strength,
Radiant 36:9 refers to: psalm 36:9 - For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.

19. October 2004, 01:04:08
Subject: Losing Faith?...maybe...
I've used some poor judgement in the past,,,I have made some terrible mistakes which I deeply regret now..I am human,however,I have made these mistakes more than once. I mean,,does God forgive people who make the same mistakes over again? hmmmm..I wonder...Quite frankly tho,I am one of the nicest people you could ever meet,,just with "faults"..Doesnt everyone have faults? I've made some decisions in the past without thinking twice about it & now it has come back to haunt me,,but any decision I have ever made was not to deliberately hurt someone or make them angry,,Its not in my nature to "purposely" hurt anyone. Seems some people want to hurt "me" purposely tho...Why?? Is it in their nature to do so?...maybe..Do they honestly think that I am such a terrible person,that they feel the need to hurt me?..I dont know..Well,I am sorry to say that they have succeeded in hurting me. Will I try to get even with them?..NO..I am not that way..I care about peoples feelings,,even tho I have hurt some feelings,not purposely. How can people be so spiteful & cruel? I just dont know the answer to that one..I would like to be here to just have fun & get along with everyone..But the spitefulness has tired me 0:,(
Should I even bother to ask anyone to pray for me,in hopes that things will get better? I dont know any more,,Am I losing Faith? maybe..Should I keep praying for the spiteful ones?..I might..
Am I writing this for "attention"?..NO..This comes from deep inside my heart 0:-(
Take care...

P.S. Some advice,,,Before you make any decisions about anything,,dont think twice about it,,think a hundred times first

18. October 2004, 04:33:03
Subject: :-(
kd5svqJT's mom passed away today...please keep him in your thoughts....

18. October 2004, 01:17:33
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Poem by Nelson Mandela
"...Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves:
who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small doesn't serve the world.

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

12. October 2004, 04:27:35
Subject: Re: Thoughts
Thats really awesome,Solus! or should I say,,Thats cool news! *smile* 0:-D
Really,,I think thats great 0:-)

12. October 2004, 02:17:18
Subject: Superman died yesteryear....Christopher Reeve died on Sunday...May he rest in finally peace!
A good young actor who fell into the roll of an actor of his lifetime. It took a horrible accident in his life for the rest of the world to see what a great person he really was! My prayers have been with him always and especially know that he is gone. May he rest in peace.

11. October 2004, 18:59:08
Subject: Thoughts
The last couple months have really been hectic for some of us,,isnt it wonderful to know in the midst of the storms in our life God is there,,2 Corinthians 1:3,4 says,"Blessed be the God & Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Mercies & God of "all" comfort,who comforts us in "all" our tribulations...We can count on our God to see us through even the roughest of storms...I hope that in the aftermath of hurricanes that everyone can say thank you for our Lord bringing us safely through them 0:-)
Also,,,Fall is here again,,,it makes me want to spend more time outside enjoying the fresh air & scenery..Makes me think of all the wonderful things that go with this time of year,,,like Reeses peanut butter cups,hehe!0;-D hay rides,fellowships with good friends,bon fires,which we have quite often (with roasted marshmallows,no doubt) 0:-) This time of year also makes me think of other things,,,Things that are not as pleasant like raking my yard,blek..the loss of loved ones that have gone on,the fact that there are people that use this time to renounce our God & lift up satanic beliefs & their king & so on...There are two sides to "everything".The Bible tells us to think on the positive things in "everything" (Phil.4:8)God must be so pleased with His children when we choose to see the good,,,and dont you know its a personal victory when we rise above pondering on the negative & grasp what is pure & lovely & righteous. I will leave you with this thought:

There is good in everything,,The cool news is that we get to find it 0:-D

God Bless you & yours,Mindy

8. October 2004, 16:47:00
Subject: :-(
Dolittle's sister passed away...

8. October 2004, 03:28:21
Subject: We have that in common rodeogirl....
Modified by musiclover (8. October 2004, 03:40:58)
Rodeogirl, my Mom passed away Oct 17, 2002 so I know exactly how you feel. It is so awful when you lose a parent. My father died when I was almost 5 so my Mom served as both parents until she remarried when I was twelve. She always did her best for my brother, sister and I and I think of her all the time and miss her terribly.
Edited for spelling.

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