this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!
Jim Dandy: beg your pardon hun...I didn't notice that the weiner dog was also crazed,lol....I would not go into a room with ANY crazed dog,Im passionate,not stupid,lol.
I am not flashing credentails...I am simply asking what PERSONAL expieriance you have had with a specific breed.To me..saying all pits are mean and should be banned,not bred,gotten rid of whatever is passing judgement like saying all african americans can dance,all asians are good at math,etc,etc.If you want to make a judgment call do it because you KNOW the entire breed,as a whole,not because of stories you have seen or heard.Have you even bothered to read anything positve on the breed? Please...look at how many law enforcements are usng pits..please..look at how many therapy dogs are pits,please look at how many top honors pits take at shows,pulling compititions...please look at how many families love their pit and would hurt anyone that tried to hurt it.why should these dogs and these responsible people be the ones that are punished?? the thugs don't obey the laws as it is...what woudld bsl do??Punish the RESPONSIBLE OWNERS and THE GOOD DOGS!
I commend you for your efforts on finding homes for animals....did you know to house every cat in the states,EACH PERSON would have to own 21...dogs would be 7...but that stat was from a few years ago so I'm sure it is a bit higher now..
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