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Could someone clearify the rules to me? If a player can make a knights charge, but not a regular jump, is he forced to make the knights charge, or may he opt for a canter or plain move as well?
Pedro Martínez: I think I may have found a bug in BrainKing, then. See this position: Camelot (Ceiter vs. Ronin)
When I clicked on the knight at J6, the next three jumps were automatic; it took my straight to H10, where I was forced to capture. I could have stopped after one or two jumps and never been in position to capture, so shouldn't that have been allowed?
"Just like in checkers, jumping opponent's pieces is mandatory. It means that if a player's piece stands next to an opponent's piece and can jump it, it is forced to do it and it must continue jumping as long as it can."
It is near the bottom of the page, under "Other important rules"
rod03801: I understand that. The part that seems wrong is that it forced me to go next to an opponent's piece when I didn't need to. I was not next to an opponent's piece at the start of the turn.
I think it would have let me make a normal move with another piece, but I already moved so I can't be sure about that.
The rules Fencer first linked to when the game was released ( specifically say that "A Knight is never obliged to make a Knight's Charge."
Ceiter: I see what you are saying. After you jumped I7, your piece had 3 different routes it could have gone to continue it's forced jumping. Your 2 other choices would not have put you in danger, at the end. BK forced you into the one bad choice.
It seems like it shouldn't make an "automatic" move for players when there are different routes you can take. The rules even say that you don't need to make the "longest" route. And in this game, it seems like there are lots of times that there are different routes your pieces can make in forced situations.
modifié par Pedro Martínez (13. Décembre 2008, 23:08:22)
Ceiter: It's not a bug at all. See your Knight at C9? That's why you were not allowed to land anywhere else but at H10 with your J6 Knight. In your situation, your only choices were: 13. c9xc11 13. j6-h8-f8-h10xj12xl12 13. j6-h8-f8-h10xf12
Pedro Martínez: I guess I assumed the site automatically took his piece to where it ended up. I haven't played many games of it yet. Once he clicked on that Knight, did he physically click each of those jumps? Did BK "auto" move him just as far as where he could make a choice of which opponents piece to attack? (where he had the choice of #2 or #3 in your list of options, after H10)
I guess it really has nothing to do with his original question. I am just curious.
I'm sure I will find out on my own, when I run into the situation myself at some point.
rod03801: He had two pieces to choose from. Knight at C9 and Knight at J6. If he clicked the C9 Knight, BK would automatically move the Knight to C11 and remove the black Knight at C10. But Ceiter chose to move the J6 Knight. BK recognized that because of the position of the C9 Knight, it is mandatory for the J6 Knight to make a knight's charge and automatically moved the J6 Knight to H10. From there, Ceiter could choose the path, going either h10xj12xl12 or h10xf12.
Pedro Martínez: Good. Honestly, when the site has made an automatic move for me in this game, I haven't checked it. It bothered me to think that it might not let me choose, if there were more than one option.
Pedro Martínez: Thanks for your responses, I am glad that I didn't have to explore the positions myself. Actually, the owner of Camelot Federation website should be back from holidays soon, so I hope that he will add some clarifications as well.
(Cacher) Si vous voulez jouer une partie contre un adversaire d'un niveau équivalent au votre, vous pouvez définir un BKR compris dans un intervalle lors de la création d'une nouvelle partie. Dès lors, personne ayant un BKR en dehors de cet intervalle ne pourra y accéder. (Katechka) (Montrer toutes les astuces)