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 Feature requests

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7. Avril 2006, 12:56:05
Sujet: Hall of fame/shame
Would be nice if there was a feature that could be used in fellowships and message boards to make a hall of fame. People can submit there entries and a moderater can aprove the entry and it is automatically added in the right place.

For example in Ludo we started a hall of fame for most consecutive passes would be nice if people could just enter number of passes, the game and hit submit.

7. Avril 2006, 12:01:54
Sujet: match score when reviewing a match
could the current match score from that time be shown above the board when reviewing a game in a match ?

for example i finished a match and now i want to know what the match score was at the end of the 3rd game, but it will just show the final match score

(i will have to go through all previous games and count up the match score from that to the point which i want to view)

6. Avril 2006, 22:15:50
Sujet: Match Score
Could we have the match score for a points/wins match above the game, the same way we do in a cube match?


6. Avril 2006, 10:27:17
Sujet: Re:
Fencer: In Iran it's O.K if a man kisses another man, but I'm not sure about there, so here it is anyway :-*

6. Avril 2006, 10:25:21
Sujet: Re:
رضا: Thanks, here is your board.

6. Avril 2006, 10:12:32
Just did it Fencer. Thanks. Here are your flowers :

6. Avril 2006, 10:08:51
Sujet: Re: Discussion Boards
رضا: Why did you disabled the smileys? They should work even if you disable the context menu feature. If not, try ctrl-f5.

6. Avril 2006, 10:06:56
Sujet: Re: Discussion Boards
Fencer: If only you knew how much I'd appreciate it ..... (wanted to give you a flower or something, but figured out I had disabled teh feature, so no smileys at the moment!)

6. Avril 2006, 07:59:05
Sujet: Re: Discussion Boards
رضا: No, I don't want to create a public Religion board. But the Languages board is a good idea.

6. Avril 2006, 05:46:57

6. Avril 2006, 05:23:46
Sujet: Re:
anastasia: no ticking rod off. If you are going to keep the conversation going atleast make a feature request per post.

I would like to see an online version that is easier to see on my palm t/x

6. Avril 2006, 04:11:29
Sujet: Re:
rod03801: we're just playing

6. Avril 2006, 04:10:03
Yes, this is getting to the point now that it doesn't belong on this board. The request has been made. Specific features of this request is fine, but further debate about how individuals define "family friendly" and the good/bad points of different religions does not belong here. Members Only and General Chat would be more appropriate for that.

6. Avril 2006, 04:04:58
Sujet: Re:
grenv: I liked the sexual conduct part...ok,stop,or I will get in trouble!!

6. Avril 2006, 04:02:15
Sujet: Re:
mctrivia: It's as silly as the whole "family values" nonsense the republicans keep driveling about. My family swears as well by the way. ;)

6. Avril 2006, 03:49:54
Sujet: "family oriented"
modifié par alanback (6. Avril 2006, 03:50:35)
That's a term that usually means anything the speaker approves of.

6. Avril 2006, 03:47:39
Sujet: Re:
mctrivia: well,phooe!!

6. Avril 2006, 03:44:01
Sujet: Re:
grenv: My interpritation would be no swearing or sexual conduct.

6. Avril 2006, 03:13:21
Sujet: Re:
ScarletRose: My family argues, so i'm not sure what "family oriented" is supposed to mean ;)

6. Avril 2006, 01:03:28
even now... just too touchy a subject for a family orientated site.. I believe there are fellowships which have those topics to them.. and Yes.. I realize then that those without membies are left out..

I know how hot of a topic those boards are.. but, I sure would hate to see the same results on them that I see on most other boards that offer those topics..

6. Avril 2006, 00:13:51
Sujet: Re: Discussion Boards
grenv: Actually every religion I know any details about including islam beleive in peace. The problem is there are always people that missinterpret things and people willing to break there own religious beleives to show that there religion is correct.

5. Avril 2006, 23:51:21
Sujet: Re: Discussion Boards
alanback: hmmm sounds interesting!

5. Avril 2006, 23:49:54
Sujet: Re: Discussion Boards
grenv: Might disagree with you as to certain forms of Buddhism. However, you're right that religion in general is not worth debating. I would like to see a discussion of spirituality, however

5. Avril 2006, 23:26:10
Sujet: Re: Discussion Boards
ScarletRose: Yes, wouldn't it be nice if there was a religion that practiced tolerance, or better yet respect, for other points of view. Sadly such a religion doesn't exist.

Therefore we should certainly have a religion board! What fun to see the arguments/fights/slurs etc by all the silly zealots. My vote is Aye!

5. Avril 2006, 23:05:26
Sujet: Re: Discussion Boards
رضا: I think the Language board is a wonderful idea!

5. Avril 2006, 23:03:03
Sujet: Re: Discussion Boards
ScarletRose: So let's get back to the Languages board .....

5. Avril 2006, 22:59:27
Sujet: Re: Discussion Boards
رضا: I beg to differ.. I am not a very religious person.. and yet at one time I glanced in years ago.. still check in occassionally.. and wow.. if every sector of religion thinks they are the best.. and they have those posting for their behalf trying to prove how their beliefs are the best.. they argue and fight with each other.. to the point where I would rather not have a faith to control me.. at least then I can talk with whomever reguardless of where their faith goes..

5. Avril 2006, 21:15:33
Sujet: Re: Discussion Boards
ScarletRose: The only troublesome part of religion boards may be when people bring in what Islam says about killing people. Avoid that and there will be no trouble.

But how about the language board?

Fencer, will it be offered or not?

5. Avril 2006, 17:35:07
Sujet: Re: Discussion Boards
Miss Tessa: this is a family Site.. and every Religion board or Political board I have ever seen has been far from civil.. besides.. Gold token is also moderated.. I wonder how busy those mods are there..

5. Avril 2006, 15:26:54
Sujet: Re: Discussion Boards
Miss Tessa: There have been many requests for such a board....

5. Avril 2006, 12:13:57
Sujet: Re: Discussion Boards
Miss Tessa: There is actually one board named Politics and Religion on Debate Club fellowship, but since access to it is not possible for everyone, I too think a public board for that purpose will be most appreciated. I second that.

5. Avril 2006, 11:48:47
Miss Tessa 
Sujet: Discussion Boards
And I'd love to see one entitled:

"Politics & Religion"

On Goldtoken they have a Religion board, etc., and discussions are carried on quite civilly, even amidst vast differences of opinion.

5. Avril 2006, 11:20:39
I would like to ask for a discussion board named 'languages' on which people will be able to ask questions or just talk about different languages. For language curiouses such as myself, it'll be a very nice and profitable board. Now that we have BK in many languages, people might want to learn a bit of one, or just solve their problems with understanding something.

Thank you

5. Avril 2006, 09:48:34
it would be great if one could see at the fellowship page which members of this fellowship are online.

5. Avril 2006, 01:43:24
That's enough. Back on topic please. This is a board for requesting features, NOT for discussing moderation, nor moderators. Thank you.

5. Avril 2006, 01:32:22
Not sure what any of this has to do with feature requests?

5. Avril 2006, 01:03:07
Sujet: Re:
modifié par Czuch (5. Avril 2006, 01:12:07)
Czuch Chuckers Has anyone seen the board moderator red dragon? She hasnt been here in several weeks!!!! I wonder why? Does anyone know? Has anyone heard from here at all?

5. Avril 2006, 00:48:52
Sujet: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: Canwe keep on track please. I cant message you as you have me on block. I have to hide you and others if you continue on with swearing on the boards. Only warning. Sorry.

5. Avril 2006, 00:40:12
Why is the "last action" time not cloaked????? It would make a huge difference in pond runs if it were!

4. Avril 2006, 22:59:16
Sujet: Info on main page
The following information is displayed on main page: "Total number of your started games: 22 (10 running tournaments)".

It would be nice if additionally it would also have a link to my 'open' tournaments, like "... (10 running and 1 open tournaments)". Actually I usually more interesting about upcoming tournaments (to avoid having to play too much games if I sign to too much tournaments).

3. Avril 2006, 14:11:26
Sujet: Re: Membership Statistics
modifié par snowhugs (3. Avril 2006, 14:12:33)
mctrivia: I agree that a button where you have the option to play all games at once that have only 0 or 1 possible move would be good.

reason for editing all in bold

3. Avril 2006, 14:01:12
Sujet: Re: Autovacation
gambler104: i was thinking about that, re some players with over 1000 games, is there anyway that if games get very high for one player than they are limited to the amount of extra ones they can take on depending on how many moves they make

3. Avril 2006, 09:52:45
Sujet: Re: Autovacation
grenv: And, on the other hand, you can choose your weekend days as your two busiest working days - those that you'll have little time to play.

3. Avril 2006, 07:28:40
Sujet: Re: Autovacation
grenv: I think the reason is that people do things on the weekend. During the summer people that have cotages will often go to them on the weekend and presumably they would not have internet there. During the week I am on my computer atleast once every day but come the weekend if I am not supper busy I may spend an entire day out.

3. Avril 2006, 07:04:51
Sujet: Re: Autovacation
mctrivia: I never quite understood the need for weekends at all. If you are working surely there's less time to spend making moves.

3. Avril 2006, 05:29:24
Sujet: Re: Autovacation
modifié par mctrivia (3. Avril 2006, 05:31:15)
emmett: But the weekend is 2 days for most people. I know I work a 6 day 56 hour week but this is not the norm. At least not in North America I am not sure about the rest of the world.

If you have a problem with people taking weekends off and using up vacation days create tournaments and games without vacation days or weekends only.

3. Avril 2006, 05:23:23
Sujet: Re: Autovacation
andreas: Autovacation is alright, but I think to cut down the abuse of vac. days and autovac. days we should cut down the weekend days to one day instead of two.

3. Avril 2006, 02:59:30
Sujet: Re: Membership Statistics
modifié par mctrivia (3. Avril 2006, 03:00:57)
francescolr: Yes an option to play all games at once that have only 0 or 1 possible move would be good. Preferable if just a single button but a seperate category with them grouped together is almost just as good. This feature would be especially usefull for crazy people like you that play several thousand moves a day. Might help you move up from 32 place in the most finished games catagory.

3. Avril 2006, 02:49:47
Good Luck :)FLR 
Sujet: Re: Membership Statistics
mctrivia: true u saying :) and my request was playing an offline opponent and another i made is a very useful (play next game where most moves have been made) and i think is good idea the games where we cannot move (happens to me that i have over 2200 games on that at least 100 i cannot move) must tell Fencer as i did :)

3. Avril 2006, 02:32:24
Sujet: Stairs
One thing I've noticed... People come and go around here... And sometimes they go while still belonging to Stairs. Folks gone for months at a time, maybe never coming back... Challenge them to a stairs match, and you are guarenteed a win. They can't deny the game, it starts automatically... Just wait till it times out, and you got a win. Shouldn't there be some automatic time out to boot you off stairs for that reason? ...just a thought.

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