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Pente & its variants.

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10. Avril 2003, 20:28:01
Dmitri King 
Sujet: Re: ellieoop
ellieoop, you are being stubborn and argumentative. Do you really think you are making a convincing point? How can anyone take you seriously when you ackowledge that you cannot even read through a thoughtful post on the matter, and you simply repeat your unconvincing statement over and over?

WHY should the option be left for you to play the game incorrectly? WHY? you are giving NOTIHNG to support your request!

I am fully awar of my option to not play the game without the restriction. You do not need to inform me of this right, amazingly enough, I was NOT under the impression that I am being forced to play that way.

I don't understand why you think simply not playing the incorrect version should placate me or any other pente player.

This is akin to teaching people how do do math incorrectly and then saying "well, no one is forcing you to do it the wrong way, so butt out and let us have the option of continuing to do it the wrong way if we so choose. "

Well, that is a rather unconvincing argument.

Initially Fencer resisted the idea of changing the rule, because he thought That GAry and I and others simply didn;t like the variant. Of course, that is little reason to eliminate it, so he didn't. But after hearing carefully thought out reasons, he has decided to make the change. Now you are attempting to have the change reversed without even bothering to try to address the relevant issues. I find this frustrating, and I also am completely baffled as to why a casual player liek yourself cares so much about this.

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