Rose: who died & gave you the job of censor. i understand your sentiments. i agree there are jokes inappropiate for children. but then again puratinism is more uncomely & your don'ts really DON'T GET IT in this country. i suggest if you're so concerned you make this site unaccessable to your kids ,unless you are there to scan the board 1st & delete what you will. i don't see any children er well .what i mean to say is i don't see any jokes here told by children .do what you feel you must to protect your offsprings if you feel this harmless innocuous board is a threat to their upbringing. but how dare you dictate to anyone else. i really haven't seen any vile,disgusting ,or totally inappropiate jokes since i've been reading them. no forbidden fruit here rose.i'm not writing this to insult you or demean your parental perogatives . but since noone else seems to care or have the elan to reply i have.i obey the admin rules. but an admin would never phrase a msg as you have .+ who is this we that you refer to. you yourself & say there are joke boards for fellas where adult humor is tolerated . how ,or where are they & how are they reached. i read much more than i write & would like to see a joke told as it should be told. the delivery is every bit as important as the punchline .watered down jokes are usually ineffective & don't convey the story properly. i respect your looking out for your children. just didn't care for your attempted strongarm tactics mook53lhd
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