O čem je toďten plk: Men who work at a Construction Site
There are three men who are working at a Construction Site an American, an Italan, and an Mexican.
It's there lunchbreak and they open there lunchboxes, the Mexican opens his agh a pizza if I get a pizza one more time I'll kill myself, the Italan opens his agh a salad if I get a salad one more time I'll kill myself, and then the American opens his agh a sandwhich if I get a sandwhich one more time I'll kill myself.
the next day at lunch: the Mexican opens his lunch agh a pizza: and he jumps off the building then his wife says: oh if only he told me not to make pizza the Italan opens his agh a salad: and he jumps off the building then his wife says: oh if only he told me not to make salad then the American opens his lunch agh a sandwhich: and he jumps off the building then his wife says: don't look at me he makes his own lunch
(do skréše) Chce se tě zrovna valet rechlé špil, keré zaročeně skonči v pruběho dvó hodin? Vetvoř nabidko ke špilo a zadé tam Čas na špil: 0 dni 1 hodina, Extrovnica: 0 dni 0 hodin, Limit: 0 dni 1 hodina. (TeamBundy) (okázat šecke vechetávke)