Ask questions or just talk about different languages. Since BrainKing is an international game site supporting many languages, this board can be kind of useful.
Reza: I think you've got a very good understanding with what you say there, and theoretically you would be absolutely correct. But in reality... well unfortunately its easy to miss stresses on words like that, and misunderstandings often happen over such things, and more explanation is needed.
Some people don't hear the stress on the necessary word, and other people put the stress on the wrong word by mistake.
(nascondi) Se clicchi sopra il nome del giocatore e poi clicchi sulle partite terminate avrete una lista delle partite che sono state completate. Poi clicca sopra il nome del gioco per ottenere un sommario di tutte queste partite, cliccando ancora sopra il nome del gioco otterrete la partita da osservare ed analizzare. (Servant) (mostra tutti i suggerimenti)