Hello, I have a suggestion about go game here and I would like to hear opinions from others.
If game ended without marking and approving dead stones on board, no score estimation should be attempted - especialy if game ended by resign. Resign is resign, no need to count.
I got this idea when my first game here ended - Go (Dragonindio vs. motylek1978) - and to my suprise game engine half attempted to count score. It counted points "e1" and "a3" as points for opponent, which looks like kind of bug.
(nascondi) Se stai aspettando il tuo turno, clicca sopra Preferenze alla pagina principale, quindi puoi regolare il periodo di aggiornamento a 30 secondi per visualizzare più velocemente l’eventuale mossa dell’avversario. (Servant) (mostra tutti i suggerimenti)