Hey... Where are all the anti-reversi players???? I've signed up for quite a few anti reversi tourneys, and there is rarely enough to start the tourney. So, I decided to create my own, and do a little advertising to get people to join! So come on! Join the Hot-Rod anti reversi tourney by April 5! LOL.. what a goofy name, but oh well! There are 4 signed up now, so this tourney will definitely be happening.. Let's get some more!
That is how Fencer made it - even if you have no moves you have to go into it and submit it. There was two reasons he told me. First, if several passes are required in a row by one player, the board could come back to the completely different when it is their turn. Second, you still should be able to send a message with the move, even if it is a pass.
In game #32430 a 6x6 game. Twice there have been times where my opponent had no moves but I did and still I had to wait before making another move....why is that?
Yesterday, this site was down for quite awhile. Today when I logged on, I found out that I timedout of a game that I was certainly going to win. I really don't think that's fair.
I would say not that I have noticed! In 6x6 reversi, white achieves a narrow victory, so there is a suggestion (but no more than that) that white could have a very slight advantage at the larger games.
Please note, I am talking from a point of view where BLACK PLAYS FIRST as in reality!
For me the strategy is generally not dissimilar from that of standard reversi. CONTROL is essential in the game, but instead of playing for the corners yourself you should try and force your opponent into them. I say grab a C-square (that's a square vertically or horizontally adjacent to a corner) at any opportunity (and don't let your opponent take these squares!)
Then there's the interest in that the "occupiable board" is a bit smaller and differently shaped from that in 8x8 standard reversi, and there are 8 C-squares on the board this time.
And of course one more point. If you occupy both C-squares and the X-square (diagonally next to a corner) all around the same corner, then your opponent will have to take the corner itself sooner or later!
true, that was back in July 1993
details at
Just thought (in case it is not known) that you might like to know that the 6x6 version of reversi has been solved (assuming optimal play from the opponent.
This is the work Dr Joel Feinstein from University of Nottingham, and former British champion of othello. White wins 20-16 with the diagonal setup, and 19-17 with the horizontal/vertical setup. This is of course when both play optimally!
Played in OTB tournaments for 15 years and therefore prefer the classical Othello start position i.e. with the black pieces on the NE/SW diagonal. Blaickner - thought about representing Austria in the Worlds?
if you are ever to play in a real tournament (ie over the board) you will be glad to have practiced with the official rules :)
4 pieces layed out diagonal, black starts
Personally I like the option of how to start. Its only a couple of extra moves at the beginning and its nice to be able to choose the initail layout of the four centre stones. Especially with three different size boards. On the smaller 6x6 I like to start with the pieces diagonal, and on the 10x10 I like to start with them side by side. I have no preference on the 8x8.
I say leave it as it is, and the player can then decide for themselves.
On the internet there are several sites under Othello rules. It seems the 1880 rules for Reversi start with a empty board and a set number of 32 men. The first four men are still laid diagonaly. Modern games of Othello are pre set up and use a pool of men so you wont run out.
I would take a vote maybe..If you have it already set up with the 4 in the center then you have only one option to begin the game. The way you have it set up now you can begin play one of two ways and I am sure it had a huge difference in the outcome of a game.. I could be wrong but would like to hear from the experts as I am certainly not that.
I have always been told the two differences are.. Othello you start with 4 pieces in the middle of the board placed for you.. Reversi you must place them yourself which u get to choose one of two ways to start the game
that othello rules.. NOT reversi.. in reversi you have to start with none on the board.. Hope I am not over stepping my bounds by answering for him here
New here and I absolutely love this game! It's one of my favorites! Anyone want to play just invite me and I'd be more than happy to try and beat you or lose gracefully! LOL
hi, I'm new to this site, although this board doesn't look well used I'd like to leave a message ......... if you'd like to play a game of 8x8 reversi feel free to invite, look forward to playing you :))
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